In 2007, as part of its Fourth Assessment Report, the IPCC concluded that human actions are "very likely" the cause of global warming, meaning a 90% or greater probability. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is made up of 2500+ scientists/experts on climate, 800 contributing authors, 450 main authors, all from 130+ countries.
The "science" you cite gives only mean temperatures on greater than centennial scales; heck there only accurate on millennial scales due to mixing of gasses in the ice to begin with. Funny how your scientists ignore all of this to make their "findings" after those same scientists are the ones who admit the data is unreliable for the same reason I have just stated. The MO seems to be one study says this is the "best guess" we can come up with given the reliability of the data and then future studies site it as if it was gospel. More studies are built on the same faulty premise on top of faulty premise on top of inconsistent and unreliable data and then the scientist claim the findings are incontrovertible because of the number of studies in agreement. Completely ignoring the fact that the data they are citing to begin with is unreliable at best.
The AGW crowd says that man's emissions have to be reduced 20-25% or we are doomed.
There are about 800,000 cars in the world. Each car puts out as much CO2 as a cow does (CO2 equiv. Methane). There are 1.6 Billion cows on the earth right now.
The human population is a bit over 6 billion and if the growth rate slows to 1/2 the current rate then in 2050 there will be 9 billion. If the rate stays close to the same there will be 12 billion. The population of cattle parallels the population of humans.
To have a reduction of 25% the reduction per person has to be about 40% to compensate for the increased human population (@ 50% growth).
If you removed all of the cars from the world the increase in cattle (parallel to human population) would be 800,000 in 2050. So the CO2 from cars is replaced by emissions from cattle. Cars are gone.... emissions just as high.
Now methane is more powerful as a greenhouse gas. Over a 100 year period it is 23 times more powerful. Over a 20 year period it is 62 times more powerful. Living plants produce 10 to 1000 times more methane than decaying plants or compose. To feed the growing population you are going to have to increase crop production... more plants.
Getting back to the cattle..... livestock farming, estimated methane emissions rose from 25.6 million metric tons in 1860 to 113.1 million metric tons in 1994. Add population growth and you have about 170 million metric tons in 2050. That is 4 gigatons increase... CO2 equivalent. About 16% of our current CO2 emissions.
The numbers for rice farming are about the same... so add another 16% of current to the figures.
The other "crops" are going to add at least another 16%. While increasing at a steady rate when we get to 2050 the CO2 equivalent from feeding the increased population will be 48% more. If the population growth stays at the current rate then that is doubled.... 96% more. Just to feed the world.
Their calls to reduce emissions by 20-25% is hollow and bogus. If they were successful in reducing emissions from fossil fuels by that much we would still have double the emissions in 2050. Actually more than that.
Instead of all this hollering and waste of money on the phony cures and plans they should look at and talk about the realities. They keep on the doomsday path and some nut might come to a conclusion that the best thing to do is reduce the population back down to the level it was at in about 1800.