I am an Islamophobe. If you are not, you might not be a moral person.

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
I am an Islamophobe. If you are not, you might not be a moral person.

Some Muslims follow an ideology, as written in their religious writing, which allows slavery of Muslim women. This sect of Islam allows the sale of child brides to others within their cult. These people want a Caliphate that promotes and uses slavery.

The Muslim men in this slave holding cult have submitted to Allah and are eager slaves to him thanks to the pleasant heavenly gifts he promises. They believe themselves to be favored by God and hate all those who are not.

History of religion, especially Christianity, shows that when a belief is strong, even if miss-guided, ends all compromise within the believer. Thus is born Inquisitions, Jihads, Honor killing and murder of non-believers and apostates.

The assumptions that these people make of God, without any proof and based on the supernatural and the writings of imperfect men, become so arrogant, that they act as slave traders based on their beliefs without regard for moral and ethical standards. They in fact break their own reciprocity rules.

These Muslims allow this theological certainty to create a tyrannical cult of slaved men who then make second class slaves out of their female children. Naming these Muslim women and girl’s chattel would be an understatement. They are truly slaves, as Allah demands.

These Muslims imitate their slave holding master, Allah, and like all tyrants, hate all others not of their ilk. They allow their hate to push them to violence against the free people in the free world.

Islamophobia is a fear of Islam. Those who do not fear and hate this slave holding cult of Islam, along with the other inhuman and immoral policies that Islam and Sharia allow, are not moral people. Moral people will fight against slavery.

I fear that free people will not be Islamophobic enough, because of their fear of being labelled racist or Islamophobe, to rise up and give secours to the unwilling female slave of Islam.

I am proudly an Islamophobe. If you are not you might not be a moral person.

Are you a moral person?

I am an Islamophobe.
Phobias can easily be cured with the right psychological care I suggest seeking help from a professional. Does your medical care provider cover psychological illness? If not try self help the following may assist;

A self-help programme could include:
  • lifestyle changes
  • a course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • attending a self-help group
  • using exposure therapy (see below) to overcome your fear
  • a combination of these
Lifestyle changes
Making some simple adjustments to your lifestyle may reduce the symptoms of a phobia, such as panic attacks. This could include:
Exposure therapy (desensitisation)
Exposure therapy (desensitisation) involves gradually increasing the length of time you're exposed to your phobia.

For example, if you have agoraphobia (a fear of open spaces and public places), you might start by going outside your house for a very short period of time, before gradually increasing the length of time you spend outside and the distance you travel from your house.

Exposure therapy can be a very effective way of enabling you to cope with your anxiety.

Other self-help techniques
Other self-help techniques include:
  • relaxation techniques a series of physical exercises that may help you relax and control your breathing
  • visualisation – combines relaxation and breathing techniques with mentally visualising how you will successfully deal with a situation that could cause anxiety
  • self-help groups – a useful way of meeting others with similar experiences and sharing ways of coping
Good luck and I hope you get better soon
I do not think Islam is compatible with democratic western civilization.There aren't any democratic muslim nations,those that claim to be have appalling human rights issues.It's the gullible people that encourage so called multiculturalism and uncontrolled immigration that need to wake up and smell the blood.
I do not think Islam is compatible with democratic western civilization.
What is this? Just another fucking Muslim bashng thread!!
.....Oh dear the world is just full of them pesky nasty muslim people... I can't possibly breath the same air as them for they are dirty and smelly and look different!!

Get a fucking life.......Piss off back under the fucking rock you came out from!
What a lot of people don't realise is that Islam is not a tolerant religion.It is ruthless and its aim is conquest and conversion.It wants the whole world to be Muslim and establish sharia law everywhere.
Phobias can easily be cured with the right psychological care I suggest seeking help from a professional. Does your medical care provider cover psychological illness? If not try self help the following may assist;

A self-help programme could include:
  • lifestyle changes
  • a course of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • attending a self-help group
  • using exposure therapy (see below) to overcome your fear
  • a combination of these
Lifestyle changes
Making some simple adjustments to your lifestyle may reduce the symptoms of a phobia, such as panic attacks. This could include:
Exposure therapy (desensitisation)
Exposure therapy (desensitisation) involves gradually increasing the length of time you're exposed to your phobia.

For example, if you have agoraphobia (a fear of open spaces and public places), you might start by going outside your house for a very short period of time, before gradually increasing the length of time you spend outside and the distance you travel from your house.

Exposure therapy can be a very effective way of enabling you to cope with your anxiety.

Other self-help techniques
Other self-help techniques include:
  • relaxation techniques a series of physical exercises that may help you relax and control your breathing
  • visualisation – combines relaxation and breathing techniques with mentally visualising how you will successfully deal with a situation that could cause anxiety
  • self-help groups – a useful way of meeting others with similar experiences and sharing ways of coping
Good luck and I hope you get better soon

I am already as good as I want to be.

If you do not fear Islam bringing slavery to the West, you are the one who need help.

I do not think Islam is compatible with democratic western civilization.There aren't any democratic muslim nations,those that claim to be have appalling human rights issues.It's the gullible people that encourage so called multiculturalism and uncontrolled immigration that need to wake up and smell the blood.

Nice to see you have your eyes open.

What is this? Just another fucking Muslim bashng thread!!
.....Oh dear the world is just full of them pesky nasty muslim people... I can't possibly breath the same air as them for they are dirty and smelly and look different!!

Get a fucking life.......Piss off back under the fucking rock you came out from!
Regressive Progressives

Enough out of your silly, self-righteous, and dangerous Kumbaya cult. You sick masochistic weaklings and traitors must be shamed and shunned into silence.
Islam was founded on conquest. To recruit his warriors Mohammed promised them they could loot and rape all they wanted. He also told these suckers they would get 72 virgins if they died in combat.
Islam was founded on lies and war.
I am also an Islamaphobe and proud of being so.
Islam was founded on conquest. To recruit his warriors Mohammed promised them they could loot and rape all they wanted. He also told these suckers they would get 72 virgins if they died in combat.
Islam was founded on lies and war.
I am also an Islamaphobe and proud of being so.

To not fear a slave holding ideology entering our freedom loving countries is to not value freedom.
