In God We Trust?


Feb 20, 2007
Why are the words "In God We Trust" engraved over the backdrop of the Senate? Could this Constitutional violation be more blatant? And to think our Senator see this every session and do nothing?! Where are the ethics?
How is this a violation of the Constitution? Maybe, just maybe, the Senators know something you don't.

Once you reread the 1st Amendment you may want to check out the following thread...

As well as this one:

Newt Gingrich (a history major, then professor) is coming out with a book on America and religion. Testing, f you honestly care about this issue then you might want to check it out.
Why are the words "In God We Trust" engraved over the backdrop of the Senate? Could this Constitutional violation be more blatant? And to think our Senator see this every session and do nothing?! Where are the ethics?

If you mind that so much I hope you are doing all your business in barter and not soiling your hands with any money.
I say let them have their saying, it's really not that big of a deal. It's not doing anything to integrate religion into policy, so what's the problem?
You can read why maintaining God's name in the public square is so important here

Basically, it's important because our government was uniquely established such that the individual, not the government is the sovereign who is "endowed by the CREATOR" (not the government) with "certain inalienable rights". And in remaining aligned with Lockean philosophy, the individual citizen loans the power to the government.

When we drive this relationship between the individual citizen and the Creator out of the public square -- we are in essence transferring that power to the government, which is dangerous. As seen in the USSR, Italy, Germany, and many other European countries, when the government holds the power (instead of the citizen like in the U.S.) it can detain you, torture you, kill you, because it owns that power, not the citizen (or Creator).

This movement to drive God out of the public square is further alarming when coinciding with an effort to expand the size and power of the federal government.
Good post USMC (post 6)

Thank you. I think that this is an important discussion to have. Most people believe that the Founding Fathers just threw in "the Creator" to be fancy or seem sophisticated. They poured over every word in both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and they had a clear intent.

This emphasis on the individual being the sovereign and then loaning the rights to the government is reiterated in the Constitution's Preamble which begins "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union..."

This is an critical distinction. It's not "We the government" or "we the judges" or "we the States" -- it's "We the people" who are loaning our powers as a sovereign to the government in order to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity".