capitalist_junkie said:My problem is, I've noticed that every time the government puts their hands in something, it gets screwed up. I seriously doubt that the government could deliver quality healthcare to the public. Also, when it comes to my personal health care, I like having choices. I like being able to choose what doctors to visit, and have many treatment opportunities available. I fear that such options would be taken away if healthcare was universalized.
While I wish everyone could have affordable and easy access to healthcare, I don't think we can look to the government to give that to us. I think the best solution is to either overhaul or completely throw out the insurance system, because that's what screws people over.
capitalist_junkie said:My problem is, I've noticed that every time the government puts their hands in something, it gets screwed up. I seriously doubt that the government could deliver quality healthcare to the public. Also, when it comes to my personal health care, I like having choices. I like being able to choose what doctors to visit, and have many treatment opportunities available. I fear that such options would be taken away if healthcare was universalized.
capitalist_junkie said:. If you don't have health insurance in the state of Ohio, and you go to the emergency room, your bills are going to be twice as high as someone with insurance. So you can't afford it anyway. How is THAT fair? I feel that the insurance aspect is really where people are getting screwed over and being left out.
Paula62 said:I take exception to the view that government can't run anything. We have power available in every part of the country on a continuous basis. We have clean, safe water available in every part of the country. We have proper sewage treatment in most areas, and strong regulations in septic areas. Soem other industries that are not fully government run but are highly regulated, to our benefit, are the postal system, the phone system, radio wave communication.
I know that you can come up with complaints or examples of abuse in these areas, but so can you come up with hellaciously outrageous examples of the same problems in private industry.
Now, on health care, I would like to see a two tier system. I'd universal for primary care, so that everyone can go to the doctor to monitor their health and get acute care treatment, because both of those things would prevent many, many severe medical conditions from ever occurring. Then I'd like to see some hybrid Universal/insurance system for treatment of medical issues beyond the primary care system.