I personally think it is wrong to try and legitimize this (not necessarilly saying that Doug is trying to do that) but I do think we should try and understand what causes people to become molesters and to try and prevent it (instead of just punishing them afterward.)
That's getting towards what I'm getting at, really. I'm not here to legitimise harm or malicious conduct (Palefrost raises the obviously correct point in this regard), but as I already said, I'm here to see if it is possible to come to some kind of understanding of motivations and the way actions are mediated, and also the way perceptions are both effected and affected. I believe that if this were to happen then we would be more effective in understanding how to prevent cases of abuse or at least alleviate severity, keeping in mind the previous discussion about the pathological and non-rehabilitatable nature of certain cases.
I agree and would add to that, we need to figure out how we as a society contribute to child moestation. Do movies like Lolita and The new Bratz baby dolls movie make pedophiles more apt to molest children? I think does.
I sure dig that first sentence. I'm not entirely sure about the latter question (my answer would be 'possibly and probably yes in some cases, but not necessarily'). It's not an invalid thought, though, as I think under current guidelines, the cultural manifestations would be related to environmental concerns that may mediate
behavior influenced by a predisposition. That's basically a general paraphrase of what you said.
As a parent of a boy, I would not be any less lenient with a woman.
I think here's a convenient place to see what the medical literature has to say of it:
A preference for repetitive sexual activity with prepubertal children.
...When the victim is postpubertal, the disorder is frequently labeled child molestation or ephebophilia (attraction to youths) rather than pedophilia.
Pedophiles prefer opposite-sex to same-sex children 2:1. Heterosexually oriented males tend to prefer girls aged 8 to 10 yr; in most cases, the adult is known to the child. Looking or touching seems more prevalent than genital contact. Homosexually oriented males prefer boys aged 10 to 13 yr, and their acquaintanceship with the child is more casual than that of heterosexually oriented males. Bisexual adult pedophiles usually choose children < 8 yr. Exclusive pedophiles are attracted only to children; nonexclusive types may also be attracted to adults.
Pedophiles may limit their sexual activities to their own children or close relatives (incest) or may also victimize other children. Predatory pedophiles may use force and threaten to physically harm the children or their pets if they disclose the sexual abuse.
The course of pedophilia is chronic and may be complicated by substance abuse or dependence, depression, marital conflict, or antisocial personality disorder...
Source: The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 17th Ed.
I wonder if I could get my hands on a copy of the DSM-IV...
Pedophilia as a psychosexual disorder is defined such since:
"These arousal patterns are considered deviant because they are often obligatory for sexual functioning, may involve inappropriate partners, and cause significant distress or impoairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."
The point of all that was to hint at the variety and complexity of presentations. Because we are exposed to various sensationalistic cases where the pedophilia has manifested in a case of predatory conduct and abuse of varying scales, I get the feeling that alot of the time we are inclined to think of "are" where there should be a "may".