Leftist Democrat anti-American bias and insanity

Yes and I think it's a very apt label.

God is not attached to either party. You only think it is a appendage of the GOP. Your opinion is irrelevant to religion. You hate democrats. Associating yourself with god doesn't give you morals etc. Read the old testament and tell me the slaughtering etc was moral.

Bullshyt. That's a complete ignorant overreaction because you hate democrats and you know it. You waffle lies all day.
Baby killers are not friends of God.
Kamala voices the hateful disrespect Democrats have for God-fearing, law-abiding, peaceful American supporters of unborn babies by labeling them as "extremists." These are the same type of Christian Americans Hillary called "deplorables," and Biden calls "seditionists." The Democrat party has abandoned God and good people in America to seek out and promote its own ungodly and devastating agenda of radical godless socialist fascist Marxism.

Kamala Harris: Pro-Life Americans are “Extremists” for Protecting Babies From Abortions - LifeNews.com 1-29-24

Kamala Harris: Pro-Life Americans are “Extremists” for Protecting Babies From Abortions

Baby killers are not friends of God.
How can you possibly know that? Where does it say that in the Bible?
In the old testament god killed thousands of children and small babies. Yet you pious pricks say you are pro life. You hypocrit.
you are a creepy *****
Baby killers are not friends of God.
On several occasions the Biblical character called "God" actually tells the Israelites to exterminate entire tribes, babies included.
No doubt there were babies and infants in Sodom and Gomorrah, no doubt when the Biblical character called "God" decided to flood the entire effing planet, huge numbers of babies and infants were drowned.

The Biblical character called "God" did some pretty stupid things. For example, he tells Lot's wife not to look back at Sodom and Gomorrah as he destroys them she will be turned into a pillar of salt. Why salt? Why bother to kill this innocent woman at all? Salt melts in the rain. Turning her into a pillar of marble or perhaps Tungsten would have made more sense.

I have heard that there actually is a sort of pillar thing right there which guides tell tourists used to be Lot's wife.

What nonsense!
you are a creepy *****
you are a creepy *****, demonstrating a total waste of an education.

Since I know all that you are capable of mumbling, you are now ignored.

I will unignore you when I want to laugh at a retard.
you are a creepy *****, demonstrating a total waste of an education.

Since I know all that you are capable of mumbling, you are now ignored.

I will unignore you when I want to laugh at a retard.
coward. lol.
i win