Marijuana U.S.A.

The Palestinians did not buy the land nor did they seize the land in war......


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You cannavirgins are a freakin' riot!!!
We're not talking about marijuana, this has evolved to high octane THC; closer to 150 proof white lightning. Ultimately people like you will suffer the consequences. When your children come of age you will have a hard time explaining why the children should wait for the delights of THC. I hope you get all you deserve. Karma's a bitch.
We're not talking about marijuana, this has evolved to high octane THC; closer to 150 proof white lightning. Ultimately people like you will suffer the consequences.


I turned 18 in 1968, Skippy.
I started "experimenting" with pot, during February of '69....long before the "drug war" was launched....and, I've found no good reason to stop.

In 1982, after ReRon Reagan started causing us grief (at the Border)....with "dry" periods coming, sooner, and lasting longer....we started wondering why we couldn't
grow our own????

I was one of 6 individuals (that I knew of), in Boulder County, who first started growing. We'd all gotten the required text....
and, High Times provided the lighting. Back, then, we were getting rigs with remote-ballasts and 400w /1000w metal-halide systems, thru HT.
There are no consequences, Skippy....despite what D.A.R.E. might have told you. When "professionals" kept talking about how MORE RESEARCH WAS NEEDED....I never could figure-out why no one was making an effort to talk to us.
"State regulators have signed off on rules governing the operation of cannabis consumption lounges. Regulators are expected to review business applications in the coming months.
Under the plan, dispensary owners would be eligible to open no more than one café. Patrons must be 21 to enter and sales of food or alcohol are prohibited."
"Consumption lounges would be required to have ventilation that is “robust enough to ensure proper ventilation and prevent smoke or vapors from affecting neighbors.” On-site sale of food, alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine products are not allowed, but customers can bring in their own food or non-alcoholic beverages. In addition to this, medical cannabis patients would be allowed to bring their own medical cannabis or cannabis items, “so long as the on-premises consumption of that cannabis is authorized.”


I turned 18 in 1968, Skippy.
I started "experimenting" with pot, during February of '69....long before the "drug war" was launched....and, I've found no good reason to stop.

In 1982, after ReRon Reagan started causing us grief (at the Border)....with "dry" periods coming, sooner, and lasting longer....we started wondering why we couldn't
grow our own????

I was one of 6 individuals (that I knew of), in Boulder County, who first started growing. We'd all gotten the required text....
and, High Times providedthe lighting. Back, then, we were getting rigs with remote-ballasts and 400w /1000w metal-halide systems, thru HT.
There are no consequences, Skippy....despite what D.A.R.E. might have told you. When "professionals" kept talking about how MORE RESEARCH WAS NEEDED....I never could figure-out why no one was making an effort to talk to us.
You're right, I misspoke. I should have said ultimately people like you are exhibiting the consequences. Your thinking processes are screwed up.
Your thinking processes are screwed up.

Seems like it's pretty-consistently "conservatives" who are always insisting they know what's best....for everyone else....when every one o' you is scared, shitless, of your own shadows, let-alone actual freedom.
"Marijuana use by teens fell significantly in King County, Washington (population: 2.3 million) following the state’s adoption of adult-use legalization, according to data provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Investigators reported that cannabis use fell 60 percent among males and 42 percent among females from 2012 to 2021. (Voters approved a ballot initiative legalizing the adult use market in 2012; retail cannabis sales began in 2014.)

The study’s authors suggested that legalization likely made it more difficult for
teens to access cannabis."

....Just like we'd always predicted!!!!
"Members of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee voted 5-2 to defer any further action on legislation (SB 82) that sought to restrict many patients’ medical cannabis access.

The measure sought to restrict patients from obtaining medical cannabis recommendations from
anyone, other than their primary care physician, and/or certain healthcare providers recommended by their primary practitioner. Doctors who issued recommendations but who did not meet the bill’s narrow requirements would have been subject to criminal penalties."
"Members of the House Committee on Regulated Substances and Gaming have advanced legislation, HB 2194, allowing adults to home cultivate personal use quantities of cannabis.

As amended and passed by the Committee, it permits an adult to grow
up to four marijuana plants in their residence or up to ten plants per household. Those who grow additional plants would be subject to civil penalties. Committee members passed the bill by a 7 to 4 vote."
