Martin Bashir Resigns From MSNBC After Sarah Palin Slam


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
MSNBC host Martin Bashir resigned from the network Wednesday, two weeks after making the graphic suggestion that someone defecate in former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s mouth.

“After making an on-air apology, I asked for permission to take some additional time out around the Thanksgiving holiday,” Bashir said in a statement.

“Upon further reflection, and after meeting with the president of MSNBC, I have tendered my resignation.”

MSNBC president Phil Griffin said in a statement that Bashir resigned Wednesday, effective immediately.

Democrats can learn from Martin Bashir. You see when Democrats make sexist or racial slurs the fight resignation unlike republicans who accept responsibility and resign. Democrats fight it Republicans accept responsibility. Like Bill Clinton fought it,, Gary Condit fought it and Anthony Weiner fought it but Mark Foley and Larry Craig accepted what they did and resign.

Why is Bill Maher still around?..Why is David Letterman still around? and Why is Jimmy Kimmel still around?
How many does that make now for MSNBC?

Theyse a lot of hosts because of their "potty" mouths.
I guess he was just saying that she talks through her ass so her mouth is the most likely repository for shit

A lot comes out if it
That's why Fox news is #1 theyre fair and balanced
This man never lied

And Nether this man

And this man tells it like it is
I find it interesting that Bashir resigned from MSNBC. Whatever his differences is with MSNBC may be, you can bet in reality, it was not over the Palin comment.

In fact MSNBC supports this type of vile and vitriolic language. All leftist are full of hate and use this type of language all the time. It doesn't matter if it's a media types like Martin Bashir or Bill Maher, or wacko academic types like the professor who just compared the TEA Party to the KKK.

How about everyday people? How many right-wing troll do we have on this site using this type of hatred and vitriolic language?

How many leftist troll do we have on this site using this type of hatred and vitriolic language?

I think the answer is clear!

Here's a couple of other examples of the disease known a liberalism:

Who stiffed who? Wounded Warriors has no record of donation from lesbian waitress accused of tip hoax

You’ll Never Guess Who Is the Police’s Prime Suspect in Racist ‘Hate Crime’ Against Half-Black Eighth-Grade Football Player

I believe it is more than obvious where the hatred and vitriolic language comes from and the lunacy that goes with it. This is widely accepted by leftist.

So, again ... Whatever Bashir's differences is with MSNBC may be, you can bet in reality, it was not over the Palin comment.
MSLSD used to love this sort of garbage. But as their numbers are anemic and dropping like a paralysed falcon, and they want to keep their phoney bolognie jobs, they're reevaluating their actions. Wont change them internally but the face they show the world will shift.
no its not workin and ratings are so bad in a shitty economy that real nbc is in danger of going ojt of business from the drag lf this arm.
if they got that close to bankruptcy, there would be buyers lined up as its a good brand. and its quite easy to cut the silly stuff and get people wanting to watch.