Your right guys, ignorance is bliss. But if you care about posterity(YOUR KIDS) than you know that whats happening now is changing their future also. So you can do one of two things, 1. you can be blissful(ignorant) or 2. a "truther" that looks for and spreads the truth.
A "truther" obviously has a bigger burden on their shoulders because of the vast amounts of 'blissful' people in todays world that are so distracted by self indulgence and whatnot.
You may be content with your life ATM, but what if things get a lot worse? (hypothetically)What if gas prices get to be 10 dollars a gallon and milk 9 dollars a gallon? What if your company can't afford to pay you more money. What if your a business owner that is going to fall under because people can't afford to buy your product because they are more interested in providing the essentials for their families. I'm sure you can see the domino effect.
What if I told you that the 'Federal' reserve is private company with private agendas. As you know the Fed reserve is the company that prints OUR MONEY! Just think about that for a moment. ~LOL~
What if I told you that income tax is unconstitutional and you should be able to keep the ~1/3 of the money that they involuntarily take from you?
What if I told you that Global Warming is a scam co2 has little to no effect on the earths temps. The earth might be globally warming but co2 is NOT the catalyst!
What if I told you that fluoride is poisonous and its clinically proven that drinking fluoride does NOT improve your teeth. Fluoride in small quantities lower IQ, and have many other slowly subtle bad side effects.
Hey, don't take my word for it, do your own research.
RON PAUL REVOLUTION!!!! Educate your self and educate others.