Must liberals be pro choice?

Does a liberal have to be pro choice?

  • I'm a liberal, and I say no.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • I'm a liberal, and I say yes.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • I'm not a liberal, and I say no.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • I'm not a liberal, and I say yes.

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Pandora brought up a good point in the forum about conservatives and evolution. Do liberals necessarily have to be pro choice? It seems like they most generally are, but it is counter intuitive that liberal philosophy would go along with abortion rights. If liberal does indeed mean a strong government philosophy, as opposed to individual rights and responsibilities, then it would follow that a liberal would want the government to make the choice, not the individual.

Few people have argued for no abortion under any circumstances. It follows then, that a choice must be made. Who makes it? If it is the government, then it seems logical that a liberal would be in favor of the government deciding who may or may not have an abortion.

What do you say? Does liberal have to mean pro choice, or can a liberal be pro life?

This one seems to me to be a good counterpoint to the poll about conservatives and evolution.
I know many democrats who are pro life and many who are pro abortion but I have never met a liberal in my life who is pro life.

I know many democrats who are pro choice up to 3d or 4th month but I know many democrats who are against partial birth abortion, I have only met a couple liberals who are against partial birth abortions and both of them I had to explain what it was and how it was done before they finally agreed its wrong.

I think to be a liberal, yes you must accept abortion as a fundamental right, though i do not think the same for the main stream democrat
I know many democrats who are pro life and many who are pro abortion but I have never met a liberal in my life who is pro life.

I know many democrats who are pro choice up to 3d or 4th month but I know many democrats who are against partial birth abortion, I have only met a couple liberals who are against partial birth abortions and both of them I had to explain what it was and how it was done before they finally agreed its wrong.

I think to be a liberal, yes you must accept abortion as a fundamental right, though i do not think the same for the main stream democrat

Of course, not all liberals are Democrats, and not all Democrats are liberals.

What does it mean to be "pro abortion" as opposed to "pro choice"? Is that the same thing?
Of course, not all liberals are Democrats, and not all Democrats are liberals.

What does it mean to be "pro abortion" as opposed to "pro choice"? Is that the same thing?

Yes they are the same, i try though not to say pro choice. I hate that term but I noticed I said pro choice in one line up there. I should have said pro abortion

And yes you are right there are liberal republicans too. I have never met a liberal republican who was pro life either but I do know a small handful of liberal republicans who are not for partial birth abortion, and it was not me who had to talk them into that decision.
Yes they are the same, i try though not to say pro choice. I hate that term but I noticed I said pro choice in one line up there. I should have said pro abortion

And yes you are right there are liberal republicans too. I have never met a liberal republican who was pro life either but I do know a small handful of liberal republicans who are not for partial birth abortion, and it was not me who had to talk them into that decision.

I am pro choice....its not my choice to make...

I am anti Abortion....I would not personaly ever make that choice...
I am pro choice....its not my choice to make...

I am anti Abortion....I would not personaly ever make that choice...

I do not think its possible to be both

pro choice ... to have an abortion

and anti abortion

but you be what ever you want to be :)

but you have to remember the term pro choice is just a fuzzy nice way of saying pro abortion. If the person had the balls to finish the sentence

you are not pro choice for me to preach my religion at you right?
you are not pro choice for me to shoot my 3 year old because I am not liking parenthood, right?
you are not pro choice for me to take my gun everyplace I go right?

you are pro choice for me to abort my child... so if you finish the sentence its about abortion, not finishing the sentence makes it sound so nice, sweet and even reasonable :)

Using just the fuzzy nice term Pro choice without defining it makes me pro choice too

I am pro choice in carrying a gun every place you go even though liberals say no
I am pro choice in not wearing a seat belt even though liberals have made that illegal
I am pro choice not to wear a helmet even though liberals have made that illegal
I am pro choice to deer hunt when I want not when the government tells me I can deer hunt
I am pro choice in sending my child to the school of my choice even though liberals say no
I am pro choice on lots of issues, killing my children is not one of them though and that seems to be the only pro choice liberals are into.... sad but true
I do not think its possible to be both

pro choice ... to have an abortion

and anti abortion

but you be what ever you want to be :)

but you have to remember the term pro choice is just a fuzzy nice way of saying pro abortion. If the person had the balls to finish the sentence

you are not pro choice for me to preach my religion at you right?
you are not pro choice for me to shoot my 3 year old because I am not liking parenthood, right?
you are not pro choice for me to take my gun everyplace I go right?

you are pro choice for me to abort my child... so if you finish the sentence its about abortion, not finishing the sentence makes it sound so nice, sweet and even reasonable :)

Using just the fuzzy nice term Pro choice without defining it makes me pro choice too

I am pro choice in carrying a gun every place you go even though liberals say no
I am pro choice in not wearing a seat belt even though liberals have made that illegal
I am pro choice not to wear a helmet even though liberals have made that illegal
I am pro choice to deer hunt when I want not when the government tells me I can deer hunt
I am pro choice in sending my child to the school of my choice even though liberals say no
I am pro choice on lots of issues, killing my children is not one of them though and that seems to be the only pro choice liberals are into.... sad but true

Very well said Pandy.

Many so called pro-choice people are really cowards. Either you are for murdering babies or you are not. There is no middle ground...that area libs love to hide in.

Abortion is murder. Are you for murder or against it?
Pandora brought up a good point in the forum about conservatives and evolution. Do liberals necessarily have to be pro choice? It seems like they most generally are, but it is counter intuitive that liberal philosophy would go along with abortion rights. If liberal does indeed mean a strong government philosophy, as opposed to individual rights and responsibilities, then it would follow that a liberal would want the government to make the choice, not the individual.

Few people have argued for no abortion under any circumstances. It follows then, that a choice must be made. Who makes it? If it is the government, then it seems logical that a liberal would be in favor of the government deciding who may or may not have an abortion.

What do you say? Does liberal have to mean pro choice, or can a liberal be pro life?

This one seems to me to be a good counterpoint to the poll about conservatives and evolution.

I have an idea for your polls

How about a poll on a man's rights where abortion is concerned?

Should a man have a right to make a woman abort her baby if he does not want children?

Or at least does a man have a right to wash his hands of the baby if he wants to "verbally" abort his responsibility to the child?

Or is a man stuck for 18-24 years supporting a child he had no say in having because it's a woman's choice not abort? Or the man is stuck knowing his baby has been killed because a woman chose to abort?
Very well said Pandy.

Many so called pro-choice people are really cowards. Either you are for murdering babies or you are not. There is no middle ground...that area libs love to hide in.

Abortion is murder. Are you for murder or against it?

Well many of them are for the murder of innocent babies but not for the murder of serial killers and baby rapers in prison

so it can get sticky :)
Well many of them are for the murder of innocent babies but not for the murder of serial killers and baby rapers in prison

so it can get sticky :) gets sticky because their are nuts.

Some of them actually believe they are tolerant and reasonable by believing murdering babies is okay, but they are also against the death penalty for heinous murderers. They are truly mentally deranged.
OK, so far the polls are showing that liberals think that it's OK to be liberal, but pro life, but non liberals say it's not.

Could there be a basic disagreement about what constitutes a liberal philosophy?
OK, so far the polls are showing that liberals think that it's OK to be liberal, but pro life, but non liberals say it's not.

Could there be a basic disagreement about what constitutes a liberal philosophy?

or maybe its liberals must fit there straw man?

Or maybe LIberal Gipper....just all people he does not like or agree with...
I have an idea for your polls

How about a poll on a man's rights where abortion is concerned?

Should a man have a right to make a woman abort her baby if he does not want children?

Or at least does a man have a right to wash his hands of the baby if he wants to "verbally" abort his responsibility to the child?

Or is a man stuck for 18-24 years supporting a child he had no say in having because it's a woman's choice not abort? Or the man is stuck knowing his baby has been killed because a woman chose to abort?

Again well said.

I can't imagine the heart ache a man must feel when the woman chooses to murder their baby. I thank God for never having had to endure such pain.
May God help those who have.