New Poll: Israelis prefer Obama


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
A new poll by Israel Radio shows Israelis preferring Obama to McCain. When asked "who would you rather see elected as the next president of the United States," Obama led McCain by a 37%-28% margin 35% percent of Israelis chose "no preference" or some other answer

Also interesting, Obama led among members of the Labor Party 44%-6% and tied among Likud voters 28%-28%.

All this flies in the face of some right wing arguments claiming the Israelis are afraid of Obama.
A new poll by Israel Radio shows Israelis preferring Obama to McCain. When asked "who would you rather see elected as the next president of the United States," Obama led McCain by a 37%-28% margin 35% percent of Israelis chose "no preference" or some other answer

Also interesting, Obama led among members of the Labor Party 44%-6% and tied among Likud voters 28%-28%.

All this flies in the face of some right wing arguments claiming the Israelis are afraid of Obama.

I did not know that 600 people represented the entire jewish people...:rolleyes:
A new poll by Israel Radio shows Israelis preferring Obama to McCain. When asked "who would you rather see elected as the next president of the United States," Obama led McCain by a 37%-28% margin 35% percent of Israelis chose "no preference" or some other answer

Also interesting, Obama led among members of the Labor Party 44%-6% and tied among Likud voters 28%-28%.

All this flies in the face of some right wing arguments claiming the Israelis are afraid of Obama.

Right out of the gate, this claim is suspicious because of where it comes from. Then, in the article, a slight credibility is added because it provides details, although there are no links. If is true, and Obama is elected, all I would say to the israelis is what I'd to the americans - you'll get exactly what you deserve.
A new poll by Israel Radio shows Israelis preferring Obama to McCain. When asked "who would you rather see elected as the next president of the United States," Obama led McCain by a 37%-28% margin 35% percent of Israelis chose "no preference" or some other answer

Also interesting, Obama led among members of the Labor Party 44%-6% and tied among Likud voters 28%-28%.

All this flies in the face of some right wing arguments claiming the Israelis are afraid of Obama.

I think it is pretty darn undisputable... Senator Obama is vastly popular anywhere he goes around the world. I've never had any doubt that the Jewish vote would go to Obama in a big, BIG way. The Israeli polls will continue to bear that out... and that does travel over here.

But the best... even better that the 200,000 American flag waving Germans going to see and hear Senator Obama is the way even the "recognized as conservative" French President Sarkozy basically endorsed Senator Obama saying he looked forward to working with him!

The difference in affection for Senator Obama over John McBush is simply undeniable!

Just look...
I think it is pretty darn undisputable... Senator Obama is vastly popular anywhere he goes around the world. I've never had any doubt that the Jewish vote would go to Obama in a big, BIG way. The Israeli polls will continue to bear that out... and that does travel over here.

The polls do travel over here, but Obama is not getting the expected bounce that he thought he would get from them.

But the best... even better that the 200,000 American flag waving Germans going to see and hear Senator Obama is the way even the "recognized as conservative" French President Sarkozy basically endorsed Senator Obama saying he looked forward to working with him!

That is not an endorsement. I think that even if McCain came over he would have been polite and said something similar. But all that does not really matter until whoever wins wins.

That said, I think this trip is going to be a wash unless Obama gets a bounce in the polls, which he has not seen.
BigRob;52310]The polls do travel over here, but Obama is not getting the expected bounce that he thought he would get from them.

Obama is doing well and picking up more support daily. Had the primary not dragged on as long as it did the numbers would be even higher already. I think what should be done is turn the question around.

John McCain... Veteran & POW war hero... 25 years in public office... already ran for President before>>>>>>>>>>> not leading in any, none, ZERO, national polls for the Presidency against Senator Obama.

That is not an endorsement. I think that even if McCain came over he would have been polite and said something similar. But all that does not really matter until whoever wins wins.

You must not of watched the videos. McCain was there. The difference in enthusiasm, warmth and even just good old body language could not have been more different. Sarkozy could barely hold his excitement that Senator Obama was in town. They were like old friends. When McSame came, polite yes... it was... How are you... thanks for coming.

That said, I think this trip is going to be a wash unless Obama gets a bounce in the polls, which he has not seen.

It definitely won't be a wash. Senator Obama set himself on that world stage with other world leaders and not only fit in but was well liked and actually stood out as a very, VERY good man to lead America!

Now the immediate bounce might only be a few points and not 10 but in the long run Senator Obama established very necessary & important credibility with this trip. McSame will be a lot weaker in the debates because of it.
A new poll by Israel Radio shows Israelis preferring Obama to McCain. When asked "who would you rather see elected as the next president of the United States," Obama led McCain by a 37%-28% margin 35% percent of Israelis chose "no preference" or some other answer

Also interesting, Obama led among members of the Labor Party 44%-6% and tied among Likud voters 28%-28%.

All this flies in the face of some right wing arguments claiming the Israelis are afraid of Obama.

This does surprise me, I know many Jewish people and I can honestly say I only know one who intends to vote for Obama.

I wonder though the political leanings of the program on Israel Radio, its listeners usually share those leanings.

Like most people who listen to Air America are lefties
and most who listen to Rush are right wing.

If you polled rush listeners they would pick McCain or neither but not Obama,
if you polled Air America listeners Obama could be God or at least Messiah in training :)

The more religous Jews wouldnt be listening to even Jewish Radio, the secular ones would though and they tend to be more liberal...... so its hard to really trust the pole..

It would be interesting to have a Zogby poll on the topic though...
its called a sample, go take a stats class and come back and we can discuse it when you understand what that is.

Again, 600 people do not represent the Israeli community. I also have many jewish friends, they know that I'm a democrat and they tell me that they don't like Barack Hussein Obama. They think he's muslim....