What a bizzaar precept!
Question - Do people have to have served in the Military in order to have an oppinion on political legislation regarding military matters - which in effect is what this is about. As you know the US Military is responsible to the People, ultimately they fund the Military out of their taxes thus the only qualification that Masher or indeed anyone needs to make a comment is to be a tax payer!
I'm not sure which side of the issue you are on, but you are helping me to make my point, the way I see it. Obama has an opinion on legislation regarding military matters, yet he is criticized by McCain for not knowing anything, because he hasn't served. In Obama's case, he's apparently done his homework, at least, unlike "Libbasher", or whatever his "name" is..
As for being a taxpayer, well, I'm one myself, and I didn't authorize my tax money to go to a war that I've been against from the beginning, so taxes are a moot point here, imho..I've read that the new GI Bill would cost an additional two billion, which is what it costs for ONE WEEK of combat operations in Iraq. So, evidently, we can spend two billion bucks a week on an idiotic, unneccessary war, yet we can't spend that much, once, to fund the new GI Bill?!

If I recall, you are not a US citizen, so I don't believe you understand the economics going on here. Two billion is the proverbial drop in the bucket, compared to the astronomical debt Bushco is running up for our kids and grandkids, in order to line the pockets of the war profiteers and oil companies.
I'm merely saying to the poster I responded to that he doesn't have a clue as to what military people are having to endure these days, or he wouldnt be against legislation to help them out. I'm assuming that since he is a right-wing "chicken-hawk"(if he weren't, why would he be offended by the term?)he claims to "support our troops." I don't believe that he does, because if he did, he would be supporting legislation to give them the educational and other benefits that they were promised.McCain obviously has forgotten about the very vets he claims to care about, or he would be supporting them now, just as seventy-five out of one hundred of our other Senators have, including many of his own party.Instead, he didn't even show up for the vote.That's not what I call leadership.
I'm sure John McCain took full advantage of the GI educational benefits that were available to him. So did many of the rest of us who were in 'nam. Now he wants to make sure that the military doesn't offer our troops TOO much, because we need to keep them in uniform. More "cannon fodder," that's all he cares about.