I'm not a Mccheese follower, but what's your point with those videos and the title of this thread?
I don't care if Obama can shoot hoops, it looks like the video was edited....it ain't like he played for 20 minutes straight...
(did not watch the videos, but...)
there have been lots of reports of obama shooting hoops on the campaign trail, and based on what i've seen, he's not bad. plus we know that a few weeks ago he filled at least 15 sandbags in illinois to help shore up a levee-- that amounts to 3 or 4 hours of pretty hard work. we know he's in good shape.
btw, at least one of the pictures you posted of obama smoking has been edited, the real picture doesn't have a cigarette in it.
on the other hand, there's mccain, who has had skin cancer 3 or 4 times, who had (benign, for now) granulomas in his lungs, who takes several prescriptions, ambien being among them (ambien is a hell of a drug).
also, something like 75% of 80-year olds have moderate to advanced alzheimer's-- mccain would be 80 by the end of his second term.
i would be the last person to advence mccain's health as THE reason he shouldn't be elected, but if we're going to talk about it, it's a very strong advantage for obama.