Well-Known Member
That's very true to a large extent, but the difference is that the ones I'm talking about consistantly hold themselves up as some form of "progressive" grand poobah who has all the answers, but the fact is that they're simply repeating the same old garbage that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and every other despot in the history of the world has preached, and they're too stupid to comprehend the simple fact that it really doesn't matter who is in charge, it still won't work! What I find totally hilarious is when they call conservatives "Nazi", but when you corner them up with a copy of the Nazi Party Platform, it looks a whole lot like the Demoncrap Party Platform.
Here's a fun one. The next time one of those morons calls a conservative a "Nazi", just ask them "with the exception of the war and the holocost, exactly what is it about the Nazi's that you DON'T like" and see what they say. 99 times out of 100, everything they say they don't like about the Nazis are parts of the Demoncrap Party Platform, and when you point it out, they'll equivocate for everything they're worth!
Trust me, it's ugly out here! Over the years I've run across things that would make you so sick, you wouldn't be able to eat for a week. Oh, and it's not just men either.
Did you read liberal fascism? Something you said above reminded me of it. If you have not done it yet, go to Gen’s blog, he has a number of video’s with the write of that book speaking at C-PAC It was very good !
Ok-ok don’t tell me about the animal stuff I already know more than I will ever want to know. I am still very angry at the ACLU for helping that guy in Washington State.