Public School vs. Home School


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
Great State of TEXAS
I came across this story on The Blaze. These stories were never heard of 20 years ago but, are covered frequently today by the conservative news sites and at this point come as no surprise to any of us. Another wacko liberal school teacher using their position to indoctrinate and lie to our children.


In the past most parents who chose to home school their children have done so primarily for religious reasons. Considering all the stories of school place violence from bullying to school shootings and the unlimited stories of "inappropriate relationships" between educators and students, I would say safety would be one of the top reasons parents may choose to home school today.

There is also the ever growing concern among parents that our public education system has become nothing more than an institution of government indoctrination for our children filled with liberal wackos with an anti-American agenda like in the story above.

Many in the home school communities fear the federal government is going to enact legislation to take away their rights to educate their children. This is already happening on the state level in California. We all know what a fine example of socialist failure California is.

Do you believe parents have a "right" to educate their own children? I have posted threads on this topic before and the opinions usually run down political lines. Liberals believe in more government regulations and limited personal freedoms on this topics and conservatives believe parents should have the right educate their children. What do you think and why.
home school should certainly be ok.

what is obviously needed as well is parental involvement at their local school board. vigilance is the cost of freedom.
home school should certainly be ok.

what is obviously needed as well is parental involvement at their local school board. vigilance is the cost of freedom.
I agree, however .... that level a parent involvement will not be a reality. Not now nor in the future. The children of uneducated and uninvolved parents are doomed to the public education system and whatever agenda our government chooses to indoctrinate them into.
I agree, however .... that level a parent involvement will not be a reality. Not now nor in the future. The children of uneducated and uninvolved parents are doomed to the public education system and whatever agenda our government chooses to indoctrinate them into.

well I can't argue that the likelihood is not great for all to involve themselves, the more that do the better the pressure to pay attention to those paying for all this.
Considering all the stories of molestation, bullying and violence, not to mention government indoctrination and false history in todays public schools, I can't imagine why anyone who was capable of private school or home schooling would even consider sending their children to public schools.
Considering all the stories of molestation, bullying and violence, not to mention government indoctrination and false history in todays public schools, I can't imagine why anyone who was capable of private school or home schooling would even consider sending their children to public schools.

well you make sure you put yourself in schools less subject to the violence and then you stay abrest of whats being taught tp counter with fact. private schools have worse drug problems and are expensive. home schooling is easier said than done for some of us. You do what you can.

Its always fun to see the expression on kid's faces when you present them with the facts surrounding Lincoln and the myth of him freeing the slaves and the reality of his textbook racism. After that they begin to take a more critical view of whats being taught. Helps to make sure they know what will be considered the "right answer" so they don't hurt their test scores.
well you make sure you put yourself in schools less subject to the violence and then you stay abrest of whats being taught tp counter with fact. private schools have worse drug problems and are expensive. home schooling is easier said than done for some of us. You do what you can.

Its always fun to see the expression on kid's faces when you present them with the facts surrounding Lincoln and the myth of him freeing the slaves and the reality of his textbook racism. After that they begin to take a more critical view of whats being taught. Helps to make sure they know what will be considered the "right answer" so they don't hurt their test scores.
Excellent point. I think the very best thing you can teach your children is that society has a "right" answer and then there's the truth! Know the difference. Do not confuse the two!
Of course home schooling should be legal. As should 'alternative' schools, and options other than public schools. For public schools have mostly been sliding downwards for decades.

Thank your local teachers union for part of that problem.
Excellent point. I think the very best thing you can teach your children is that society has a "right" answer and then there's the truth! Know the difference. Do not confuse the two!


always pays to know your audience in all aspects of one's life. as you know, being able to understand multiple realities puts you way ahead of those that cannot. any surprise my kid is distinguished honor roll ?
Of course home schooling should be legal. As should 'alternative' schools, and options other than public schools. For public schools have mostly been sliding downwards for decades.

Thank your local teachers union for part of that problem.


spending has grown dramatically and student teacher ratios reduced dramatically as well and the result of all this is a failing system. these gains benefit unions and do nothing for education (see recent study documented here in thread 'size doesn't matter'.

time to take a different tack here. and if I had a say it would be first ditch the unions as they propagate counterproductive measures based simply on profit motive. lets face it, government is not a home for profit motive.
I came across this story on The Blaze. These stories were never heard of 20 years ago but, are covered frequently today by the conservative news sites and at this point come as no surprise to any of us. Another wacko liberal school teacher using their position to indoctrinate and lie to our children.

"THE BLAZE??!!!!!"

