Proof for God's existence is non-existent!
Proof for God's non-exisence is non-existent!
Man comes from one door and exists from another. He is obloged to come into this world and to exit. He has a certain form and specific shape and colour. He has a specific size with a specific weight and hieght. Has a life time to live during which he is obliged to develop in a certain way. He has myriads of apparatuses that constitute his physical, mental, psychological and spiritual being. In all these Man has not word to say. In all these he has no choice but to be what he is. All conditions of survival are provided for him, his means of survival, his nouriture his means of lodgings. he only has to work for it and it is all there. He did not have anything to do with all this. All is preplanned and all is preprogrammed. But man is an ungrateful bastard to his own creator.
Yet, with his intentional arrogance and self-boasting he blinds himself to the reality of his existence.
However, it is just this fact that there is definitely not one proof, evidence or refrence nor a solid argument for God[s existence. A donkey on two legs, crippled in the body, mind and soul like Stephen Hawking decides out of his utter blindness, as a biased physicist, that 'God is not necessary for the creation of the universe'. It is precisely this that tells you how arrogant a human beikng although crippled in every way deny the existence of the creator=cause.
Nothing, on the other hand proves that God does not exist.
Humans are here, by obligation, in order to look into the universe and decide for own selves whether or not their convictions tell them which way to go< belief or disbelief in a creator-cause namely God. Thus, humanity is divided into huge classifications< those who believe in God and those who do not. Two categories of human beings and there cannot be a third one. Those who are sceptic belong to the category of disbelievers until they believe.
Therefore, it can be argued that man exists in oder to encounter with the universe, an obligatory thing for every human being and then he must, by obligation make up his mind whether to believe in God, or not. He has a span of life. The proof for this perspective is that every human being confronts the universe and makes up his convictions of disbelief or belief in a God. Therefore, and for lack of any evidence for or against the existence of a God, man recoils upon his own convictions and must, by obligation make the premeditative choice between belief and disbelief in God. No has escaped it and no one dies excpet having made his or her choice. We enter without a choice and we exit having made the choice!
Dr. Mardini
Proof for God's non-exisence is non-existent!
Man comes from one door and exists from another. He is obloged to come into this world and to exit. He has a certain form and specific shape and colour. He has a specific size with a specific weight and hieght. Has a life time to live during which he is obliged to develop in a certain way. He has myriads of apparatuses that constitute his physical, mental, psychological and spiritual being. In all these Man has not word to say. In all these he has no choice but to be what he is. All conditions of survival are provided for him, his means of survival, his nouriture his means of lodgings. he only has to work for it and it is all there. He did not have anything to do with all this. All is preplanned and all is preprogrammed. But man is an ungrateful bastard to his own creator.
Yet, with his intentional arrogance and self-boasting he blinds himself to the reality of his existence.
However, it is just this fact that there is definitely not one proof, evidence or refrence nor a solid argument for God[s existence. A donkey on two legs, crippled in the body, mind and soul like Stephen Hawking decides out of his utter blindness, as a biased physicist, that 'God is not necessary for the creation of the universe'. It is precisely this that tells you how arrogant a human beikng although crippled in every way deny the existence of the creator=cause.
Nothing, on the other hand proves that God does not exist.
Humans are here, by obligation, in order to look into the universe and decide for own selves whether or not their convictions tell them which way to go< belief or disbelief in a creator-cause namely God. Thus, humanity is divided into huge classifications< those who believe in God and those who do not. Two categories of human beings and there cannot be a third one. Those who are sceptic belong to the category of disbelievers until they believe.
Therefore, it can be argued that man exists in oder to encounter with the universe, an obligatory thing for every human being and then he must, by obligation make up his mind whether to believe in God, or not. He has a span of life. The proof for this perspective is that every human being confronts the universe and makes up his convictions of disbelief or belief in a God. Therefore, and for lack of any evidence for or against the existence of a God, man recoils upon his own convictions and must, by obligation make the premeditative choice between belief and disbelief in God. No has escaped it and no one dies excpet having made his or her choice. We enter without a choice and we exit having made the choice!
Dr. Mardini