Putin outfoxes US/NATO


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
"By infusing tens of billions of dollars’ worth of military aid into Ukraine, NATO produced a “game-changing” dynamic designed to throw Russia off balance. By undertaking the referendums in Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, and Lugansk, Russia changed the game altogether...


By transforming the Ukrainian army into a NATO army which was manned by Ukrainians, the US-led bloc had, in fact, changed the nature of the game from a straightforward Russia-versus-Ukraine “special military operation” into a “Russia-versus-the collective West” struggle where the military resources originally allocated by Moscow to the fight were now insufficient to the task.

Advantage, Ukraine/NATO.

Russia, however, was not taking the game-changing actions of NATO standing still. Responding to the new reality on the ground in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin opted not to simply up the ante in this new NATO-driven game of increasing military power but change the game altogether. Not only did he order the partial mobilization of some 300,000 Russian reservists to reinforce the troops currently committed to the SMO, Putin also approved referendums in the four territories where Russian forces are presently fighting – Kherson and Zaporozhye (formerly occupied Ukrainian regions), and Donetsk and Lugansk (former regions of Ukraine, de-facto independent since 2014). These referendums asked the citizens of these four territories one simple question: do you wish to become part of Russia?

After five days of voting, the results from all four territories were clear – by an overwhelming majority, the participants in the referendums approved the proposition. Shortly thereafter, they were incorporated into the Russian Federation. What was once Ukraine has now become Mother Russia.

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Comrade Stalin
"By infusing tens of billions of dollars’ worth of military aid into Ukraine, NATO produced a “game-changing” dynamic designed to throw Russia off balance. By undertaking the referendums in Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, and Lugansk, Russia changed the game altogether...


By transforming the Ukrainian army into a NATO army which was manned by Ukrainians, the US-led bloc had, in fact, changed the nature of the game from a straightforward Russia-versus-Ukraine “special military operation” into a “Russia-versus-the collective West” struggle where the military resources originally allocated by Moscow to the fight were now insufficient to the task.

Advantage, Ukraine/NATO.

Russia, however, was not taking the game-changing actions of NATO standing still. Responding to the new reality on the ground in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin opted not to simply up the ante in this new NATO-driven game of increasing military power but change the game altogether. Not only did he order the partial mobilization of some 300,000 Russian reservists to reinforce the troops currently committed to the SMO, Putin also approved referendums in the four territories where Russian forces are presently fighting – Kherson and Zaporozhye (formerly occupied Ukrainian regions), and Donetsk and Lugansk (former regions of Ukraine, de-facto independent since 2014). These referendums asked the citizens of these four territories one simple question: do you wish to become part of Russia?

After five days of voting, the results from all four territories were clear – by an overwhelming majority, the participants in the referendums approved the proposition. Shortly thereafter, they were incorporated into the Russian Federation. What was once Ukraine has now become Mother Russia.

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Comrade Stalin
You keep believing that.
Biden hasn't finished and Vladimir hasn't felt pressure yet.
When he retreats like a kicked dog let me know how tough he is.
Its not what I believe.

It is what is happening on the ground.

Now that the provinces have returned to the motherland, NATO stands impotent.

Remember the Cuban missile crisis when the US would not permit nukes 5 minutes away from major cities.

Same deal.

Everyone seems to have forgotten this little fracas.

The Khrushchev/Brezhnev clique had to back down on that one.

Putin won't back down. Far from it. The Russian people know what is at stake.

The US is too gutless to openly commit ground troops. But you can be sure that Ukraine is infested with them.

Comrade Stalin
Its not what I believe.

It is what is happening on the ground.

Now that the provinces have returned to the motherland, NATO stands impotent.

Remember the Cuban missile crisis when the US would not permit nukes 5 minutes away from major cities.

Same deal.

Everyone seems to have forgotten this little fracas.

The Khrushchev/Brezhnev clique had to back down on that one.

Putin won't back down. Far from it. The Russian people know what is at stake.

The US is too gutless to openly commit ground troops. But you can be sure that Ukraine is infested with them.

Comrade Stalin
Its not what I believe.

It is what is happening on the ground.

Exactly and what you believe is NOT what is happening on the ground.
Now that the provinces have returned to the motherland, NATO stands impotent.
They have no returned to thr motherland than my foot is up your arse. His silly election rubbish is a desperation move. It was all a sham and has no validity. You'll believe anything.
Remember the Cuban missile crisis when the US would not permit nukes 5 minutes away from major cities.
The Cuban missile crisis was solved by Kennedy promising to reduce nukes in Europe if the Russians back down. They did.
Same deal.

Everyone seems to have forgotten this little fracas.

The Khrushchev/Brezhnev clique had to back down on that one.

Putin won't back down. Far from it. The Russian people know what is at stake.
Putin is mentally ill and a narcissist. Their demise always comes from within. So it will with him.
The majority of the Russian people dont even know what hes doing. Your propaganda doesn't reach them either. Grow up.
The US is too gutless to openly commit ground troops. But you can be sure that Ukraine is infested with them.
The USA is abiding by the Nato agreement so stop distorting the facts. Of course they have infiltrated the place as any good army would.

once Ukraine becomes under NATO(
which is currently being hurried through) watch USA march through the russians then. There won't be any nukes.

Remember the Iraq attack. They destroyed the place and never set foot in the place before. As if those dim witted inbred Russians could defeat that.
Comrade Stalin
Its not what I believe.

It is what is happening on the ground.

Now that the provinces have returned to the motherland, NATO stands impotent.

Remember the Cuban missile crisis when the US would not permit nukes 5 minutes away from major cities.

Same deal.

Everyone seems to have forgotten this little fracas.

The Khrushchev/Brezhnev clique had to back down on that one.

Putin won't back down. Far from it. The Russian people know what is at stake.

The US is too gutless to openly commit ground troops. But you can be sure that Ukraine is infested with them.

Comrade Stalin
This is what's happening on the ground. Enjoy.

This is what's happening on the ground. Enjoy.

And a little more.

And a little more.

Just a little more to put icing on the cake

for once, try, just try, to put yourself in russia's positon

just imagine if the russians

made panama part of the warsaw pact, or a modern equivalent

then costa rica

then nicaragua

then honduras

then guatemala

then belize

then started to make arrangements with mexico to base missiles and russian troops there

what do you think the americans would do..

I tell you what they would do

Invade Mexico to provide a cordon sanitaire.

which is what russia is doing in Ukraine

Comrade Stalin
In for the long haul
for once, try, just try, to put yourself in russia's positon

just imagine if the russians

made panama part of the warsaw pact, or a modern equivalent

then costa rica

then nicaragua

then honduras

then guatemala

then belize

then started to make arrangements with mexico to base missiles and russian troops there

what do you think the americans would do..

I tell you what they would do

Invade Mexico to provide a cordon sanitaire.

which is what russia is doing in Ukraine

Comrade Stalin
In for the long haul
For just once, imagine what will happen when Ukraine becomes a member of nato. Russia will be reduced to the dustbin of history in a month.
for once, try, just try, to put yourself in russia's positon

just imagine if the russians

made panama part of the warsaw pact, or a modern equivalent

then costa rica

then nicaragua

then honduras

then guatemala

then belize

then started to make arrangements with mexico to base missiles and russian troops there

what do you think the americans would do..

I tell you what they would do

Invade Mexico to provide a cordon sanitaire.

which is what russia is doing in Ukraine

Comrade Stalin
In for the long haul
Gee did Nato have missiles in the Ukraine ? I think not
odd how russia is now running out od men to fight 270.000 lost running out of armor and just when they will have to face leopard and Abrams main battle tanks , I hear ammo stocks are getting thin also