Remember Elian Gonzalez that Bill Clinton sent him back to commie cuba ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Miami - A Miami-Dade circuit judge denied a series of motions in the custody case of a 4-year-old girl Monday, setting the stage for testimony to begin on whether the child should stay with her foster family or return to Cuba with her biological father.

Circuit Judge Jeri B. Cohen determined the girl's mother, who would like her to return to Cuba, lost custody when the mother did not follow through with a court-ordered plan. At the same time, Cohen ruled against a request by the father for immediate custody.

The biological father has promised his little girl an idyllic country life on a farm with playful animals and other children. The farm's location in Cuba and the father's desire to raise the girl there, however, have put a political twist on a complex custody case unfolding in Miami family court.

The father is fighting allegations by the Department of Children & Families that he is an unfit parent. The girl and her relatives are not being named to protect their privacy.

The situation is the latest international custody battle to draw comparisons to the Elián González case.

On Thanksgiving Day 1999, 5-year-old Elián was found clinging to an inner tube in the ocean off Fort Lauderdale. He had survived a shipwreck that killed his mother and several other Cuban refugees.

A seven-month custody battle between Elián's relatives and his Cuban father -- punctuated with daily demonstrations at the Miami relatives' home -- peaked with a dramatic federal raid there and the boy's reunion with his father. Father and son returned to Cuba in June 2000.

There are many differences between Elián and the latest case. The girl's mother is alive, although she relinquished custody of the girl and her 12-year-old half-brother, who was adopted by the family the siblings live with. Also, the case is being settled in the court system, not by government officials, and has not become a "political football" like Elián, said Cuban-American activist and attorney Pedro Freyre.

"It is being decided as Elián should have been ... instead of being decided in the streets of Miami," he said. "The fact pattern in this one is different and it just got handled differently from the beginning.",0,1171926.story?track=rss

Its Happening all over again!! But only this time its a 4 year old cuban girl in miami.But Now Bush is the president.Now if Bush does the right thing and keep the girl in america REPUBLICANS WILL WIN IN 2008.Its all about the Latino vote. When Bill Clinton sent Elian Gonalez back to castros commie cuba AL GORE LOST THE ELECTION And 89% Florida Latino votes went to George W Bush. And Gore Lost in Florida. Gore needed florida in order to win the presidency.Now bush better learn from Bill Clintons mistake or if he sends that little girl back to cuba it could backfire and i gurantee you Hillary Rodham Clinton will become the first woman in the white house.
No. Once the child is in america he or she should be able to grow up in freedom. Let me ask you this,,Why didnt other presidents sent russians back to the soviet union when they defected? Why didnt west germany send the folks back to east germany when they escaped? Thats like allowing convicts who escaped from prison roam free.
The former were useful, the latter were refugees from a nation with whom we were at war.

Steve, your argument would legalize the millions upon millions of illegal immigrants presently living in this country (either that or put their children on the dole) and as such is not worth considering.

Saying we ought not to deport Cuban immigrants so as to appease a fast-growing voting bloc is contrary to what logic suggests. They wouldn't be a fast-growing voting bloc if we deported Cuban immigrants. QED.
Theres a Differance between letting immigrants into the US from socialist nations or even a dictatorship nations than from a free or a neutral nation like mexico or even puerto rico. Cuba is a communist nation so cubans are welcome here but Mexicans are not.Cause Mexico is a democratric free nation.Mexicans are not escaping from communist rule or a dictatorship rule.Theyre escaping from poverty big differance.
Most Cubans who come here are escaping poverty. And who cares if Cuba is communist? The Cold War's over, dude. We're not obligated to take in refugees from a nation we're not at war with.
Most Cubans who come here are escaping poverty. And who cares if Cuba is communist? The Cold War's over, dude. We're not obligated to take in refugees from a nation we're not at war with.

I disagree sorry. We help people escape for freedom. I dont see the mexican president acting like Fidel Castro or Hugo Chavez. If mexicans want wealth they should do in their country not ours.Theres nothing to stop them from becoming wealthy in Mexico. My advice to mexicans save yer pesos and buy real estate in mexico.
Not when they arrive with their mother. Once in America he stays.But When Bill Clinton send Elian Gonalez back to commie cuba it cost Al Gore the Presidency.If George Bush truly cares about his party he would allow that little girl stays in america so Mitt Romney can become president of the united states instead of hillary. You gotta think about the Latino vote now.Theyre the ones cost Al Gore the Presidency.
Not when they arrive with their mother. Once in America he stays.But When Bill Clinton send Elian Gonalez back to commie cuba it cost Al Gore the Presidency.If George Bush truly cares about his party he would allow that little girl stays in america so Mitt Romney can become president of the united states instead of hillary. You gotta think about the Latino vote now.Theyre the ones cost Al Gore the Presidency.

Sometimes doing the right thing costs.

No parent has the right to be deprived of his or her child with out due cause and the only due cause I can think of us abuse. Clearly the child isn't being sent back to torture and abuse. Just because we don't like the government isn't sufficient cause.
Remember the old saying in Politics? Dont get mad " Get Even" Why you think Al Gore isnt helping hillary? Cause her husband cost him the trip to the oval office.
Parents - not governments - have first rights to their children. To deny this would lead to horrendous abuses.

... that should go without saying... I think steve misses a lot of the intricacies of life always painting with such a broad red brush. What do ya think? ;)