Republicans are against Motherhood.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
They are most likely against apple pie and the American way as well.

On Wednesday, the House took up the seemingly uncontroversial H. Res. 1113, “Celebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day.” The resolution initially passed 412 to 0, until Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) rose in protest:

Mr. Speaker, I ask for a recorded vote because I’m sure every member wants their mother to know that they have supported the goals of Mother’s Day.

Tiahrt’s mother, however, may be disappointed to know that her son did not support Mother’s Day. He and 177 other Republicans decided to cast their vote against mothers.

Democrats, in contrast, stand foursquare in favor of motherhood, apple pie, and the American way.
Democrats, who support partial birth abortion, dare to make a resolution on MOTHER'S DAY???? Sick humor doesn't get any sicker.
Democrats, who support partial birth abortion, dare to make a resolution on MOTHER'S DAY???? Sick humor doesn't get any sicker.

It doesn't say that it was the Democrats who made the resolution necessarily, but it was the party of family values that voted it down.

Don't you just love partisan politics? It's better than SNL at times.
See this is why when Liberal/Socialists, start reciting something they read somewhere, I assume it's wrong. Why is it I can look it up and determine for my self the truth, yet no one else can? I know I am not brighter than all of you. So it must be that some partisan people are just too lazy to find out the truth, when it is something you already believe.

Go down to the "All Roll Call Votes" section. Here you'll note the first vote at 2:19 PM was the 'final vote' in which it passed 412-0. However this is just a Aye - Nay call, where no one is on record for their vote.

From your link, this is where Rep. Todd Tiahrt said:
"Mr. Speaker, I ask for a recorded vote because I’m sure every member wants their mother to know that they have supported the goals of Mother’s Day."

This is called a "Motion to Reconsider", where the bill is brought back up, for the purpose, as Tiahrt said, to have a recorded vote for the bill.

Here is where Think Progress and the Washington Post, and obviously every liberal/socialist who can not think for themselves, is totally and completely wrong...

The second vote under "All Roll Call Votes" section is not a vote for or against the bill, it's a vote to "Table the Motion to Reconsider", in other words, to kill motion for a recorded vote. That's why the 'final vote' is still the first one at 2:19 PM.

Here's what really happened. Democrats didn't want to have to actually record their support of Mothers day, and tabled the motion to have a recorded vote. There never was a second vote on the Mothers day resolution. The Democrats never allowed it.

And you wonder why some consider the Democrat party a bunch of mindless robots repeating what they heard? You wonder why some claim the media is completely one sided and bias? It required less than 5 minutes of my time to determine the given story was completely crap.
See this is why when Liberal/Socialists, start reciting something they read somewhere, I assume it's wrong. Why is it I can look it up and determine for my self the truth, yet no one else can? I know I am not brighter than all of you. So it must be that some partisan people are just too lazy to find out the truth, when it is something you already believe.

Go down to the "All Roll Call Votes" section. Here you'll note the first vote at 2:19 PM was the 'final vote' in which it passed 412-0. However this is just a Aye - Nay call, where no one is on record for their vote.

From your link, this is where Rep. Todd Tiahrt said:
"Mr. Speaker, I ask for a recorded vote because I’m sure every member wants their mother to know that they have supported the goals of Mother’s Day."

This is called a "Motion to Reconsider", where the bill is brought back up, for the purpose, as Tiahrt said, to have a recorded vote for the bill.

Here is where Think Progress and the Washington Post, and obviously every liberal/socialist who can not think for themselves, is totally and completely wrong...

The second vote under "All Roll Call Votes" section is not a vote for or against the bill, it's a vote to "Table the Motion to Reconsider", in other words, to kill motion for a recorded vote. That's why the 'final vote' is still the first one at 2:19 PM.

Here's what really happened. Democrats didn't want to have to actually record their support of Mothers day, and tabled the motion to have a recorded vote. There never was a second vote on the Mothers day resolution. The Democrats never allowed it.

And you wonder why some consider the Democrat party a bunch of mindless robots repeating what they heard? You wonder why some claim the media is completely one sided and bias? It required less than 5 minutes of my time to determine the given story was completely crap.

I looked at the link given but I did not find what I was looking for. A reason for anyone to vote no or yes.

Why would the republicans want the votes recorded and why would the democrats care if it was recorded.

If the vote meant more government spending or a holiday or something stupid I would hope they vote no and if it was officially honoring mothers I still would hope they vote no.


Keep bridges and roads working
Keep a strong military
keep our borders secure
and dont let anyone attack us

other than that I dont care if the government honors moms.

Libsmasher, you are right about Libs honoring Motherhood.
Democrats, who support partial birth abortion, dare to make a resolution on MOTHER'S DAY???? Sick humor doesn't get any sicker.

It's Mother's Day, not "Unborn Babies Day."

Anyway, the real question is, why the hell are our politicians wasting time with things like this? If it was only once and a while, sure, okay, have fun, pass a resolution honoring mothers on Mother's Day, but when they're doing things like this ALL THE TIME it gets to be a bit much.
It's Mother's Day, not "Unborn Babies Day."

Anyway, the real question is, why the hell are our politicians wasting time with things like this? If it was only once and a while, sure, okay, have fun, pass a resolution honoring mothers on Mother's Day, but when they're doing things like this ALL THE TIME it gets to be a bit much.

Bingo! That's the real story. The national debt is still $9 teradollars and growing, millions of illegals are in the country with more coming every day, we're still in Iraq, the infrastructure of the country still needs repair, neocons still haven't been outed as the one world government liberals that they are, and the Congress is passing resolutions honoring mothers. What's wrong with this picture?

On the other hand, as long as they are fighting over motherhood and apple pie, they aren't doing further damage to the country, and they are giving us great material to make fun of partisan politics. It isn't all bad.
I agree with No Obamanation (for your annoyance I will shorten your name to Obamanation :) ) - this is not the governments job and a waste of time, money and valuable common sense.
Anyway, the real question is, why the hell are our politicians wasting time with things like this? If it was only once and a while, sure, okay, have fun, pass a resolution honoring mothers on Mother's Day, but when they're doing things like this ALL THE TIME it gets to be a bit much.

Um... the answer is in this thread. This whole issue was a false attempt by some in the government to gain political points. And duh... it worked!

An (individual) here was completely and totally fooled into thinking something false, and went on to posted it on this forum and started slamming repugs. And you ask why politicians do this? IT WORKED!!!! DUH!

As long as people are so lazy and ignorant that they will blindly follow some dumb rant in slamming political opponents, of course they are going to waste time doing it! I wager most of the public isn't going to do the 5 full minutes of research to determine what's really going on up on capital hill, thus this political scam would never be exposed, and Democraps would gail political points over it.