Revolution Article I wrote a while ago


Apr 10, 2008
I am 24 years old now and I noticed my generation knows nothing in understanding war or politics. We live as sheep walking invisible paths that our fathers and grandfathers created to lead us into blindness. Our fathers sent us to war in Iraq based on intangibles that they felt we did not deserve to understand. Our fathers and the father’s of our fathers are brainwashed by an undying patriotic fog created by years of wartime motivational necessity. They no longer see personal differences of what our government considers our enemy. Our fathers focus only on lifestyle differences and a misguided belief in our government’s honesty in order to rationalize any war. We have no one to seek the truth from, because we do not even know a truth exists. However, there is a truth and it is more disturbing then any that our country has faced in the past. It is a truth that shall spawn my generation’s first true war. However, we do not need to send our brothers and friends across an ocean to die, because the battleground has made its way right to our doorstep and even into the confused minds of a changing country’s citizens.

Fascism, something once despised by all countries of decent morality, has found its way to the United States. This is no longer just a term, symbolizing evil, which we read about in books. It is now a deadly reality that we have refused to notice and even welcomed with open arms. The youth of this country (the collegians, soldiers, athletes, and blossoming graduates) is weak and gullible. We are blind-wanderers walking in a landmine field where we have made ourselves dependent on people feeding us unreliable direction. We are so hypnotized by the daily routine of our lives that we allow our government to filter our news. We let them use fear to conform us into easily manageable zombies. We let them manipulate their way into costly wars without demanding the truth. Overtime we have watched a small economic elite gain power in every level of government and progressively misuse power. The polarization between political parties has made them forget their essential need for one another. Both sides start relying on negative stereotypes and media attacks to belittle each other’s views all while forgetting they are both representing a nearly equal half of the American public. They use an issue such as terrorism and twist it to slowly slip more and more power away from the people. We have allowed these things to slowly become cultural norms while forgetting that we once had a name for this newly evolving government; Fascism. It’s hard to imagine we have walked so listlessly into a world where the people are treated like cattle. However, just as easily as we got to this point we can still make thing right.

It has become that time when the youth of this country needs to make it evident that when united it is we who hold the true power. Unified we can demand our government to recognize that their existence is to make the people happy. We are young, strong, fast, and brave and then when collectively motivated by youthful ambition, we can become a force with the ability to take away power from the small economic elite. It is us who fight their wars and us who die protecting their security. A motivated, unified youthful generation is a dishonest government’s worst fear. Government relies on separating us so we are easier to use as their pawns. It is the young men and women of this country whose civic duty is to destroy the growing movement of fascist acceptance. It is us who will be suffering in the fascist police state wondering what happened to all our rights. However, if we take action to unify as a group we can be a powerful instrument of fear. All we need is the proper motivation to tell us that we have tremendous power if utilized correctly. Regardless of political view points we should unify based on a generation alliance. We can shift the power away from the small power elite and give ourselves better options for our future. A majority of support would be given to us by the middle to lower classes. It is they who will continue to suffer the most by the negative evolution that our government has recently foretoken. All that is needed is the motivation to help them realize that if they can unite, then it is their majority power that can control the government. Separating ourselves based on life experiences rather than political point of views offers an opportunity to gain a level of power that presently is unattainable.

To fight fascism someone must take a first step toward the beginning of civil disobedience, which will bring change. So I will publicly state that if the Patriot Act (or anything thing similar) is ever passed in this country, then there will be no boundaries which will stop me to actively disobey and fight this wicked evasion of privacy. This “Act” is a condensed example of everything that has begun to threaten the individual rights that we should cherish forever. This Act is the first step to take the social norms that have recently evolved into our country and begin to make them law. No form of punishment shall ever make me concede to accept this law. Perhaps this attempt by me to spark some revolutionary flame may be even be considered treason and I could be considered a homegrown terrorist for what I say. That still will never change my beliefs and will never stop me from fighting fascism. It is time we show our political strength and stomp out fascism before its too late.

By: Jay Mick
I am 24 years old now and I noticed my generation knows nothing in understanding war or politics. We live as sheep walking invisible paths that our fathers and grandfathers created to lead us into blindness. Our fathers sent us to war in Iraq based on intangibles that they felt we did not deserve to understand. Our fathers and the father’s of our fathers are brainwashed by an undying patriotic fog created by years of wartime motivational necessity. They no longer see personal differences of what our government considers our enemy. Our fathers focus only on lifestyle differences and a misguided belief in our government’s honesty in order to rationalize any war. We have no one to seek the truth from, because we do not even know a truth exists. However, there is a truth and it is more disturbing then any that our country has faced in the past. It is a truth that shall spawn my generation’s first true war. However, we do not need to send our brothers and friends across an ocean to die, because the battleground has made its way right to our doorstep and even into the confused minds of a changing country’s citizens.

Youth is a time of idealism and dreaming. This is as it should be. These dreams will inspire the youthful to great accomplishments. Youth is also a time to question the beliefs of your fathers - very normal. What is also normal is to discover ones own way and then years later to discover that it is remarkable like your fathers way. You can re-invent the wheel but it will still be round.

Fascism, something once despised by all countries of decent morality, has found its way to the United States. This is no longer just a term, symbolizing evil, which we read about in books. It is now a deadly reality that we have refused to notice and even welcomed with open arms. The youth of this country (the collegians, soldiers, athletes, and blossoming graduates) is weak and gullible. We are blind-wanderers walking in a landmine field where we have made ourselves dependent on people feeding us unreliable direction. We are so hypnotized by the daily routine of our lives that we allow our government to filter our news. We let them use fear to conform us into easily manageable zombies. We let them manipulate their way into costly wars without demanding the truth. Overtime we have watched a small economic elite gain power in every level of government and progressively misuse power. The polarization between political parties has made them forget their essential need for one another. Both sides start relying on negative stereotypes and media attacks to belittle each other’s views all while forgetting they are both representing a nearly equal half of the American public. They use an issue such as terrorism and twist it to slowly slip more and more power away from the people. We have allowed these things to slowly become cultural norms while forgetting that we once had a name for this newly evolving government; Fascism. It’s hard to imagine we have walked so listlessly into a world where the people are treated like cattle. However, just as easily as we got to this point we can still make thing right.

There is nothing new under the sun. Fascism was disconvered to be a horrible evil by your fathers when they were young too. The rock band "The Who" wrote about fascism and revolution and sounded a lot like you do now - but in 1971.

"We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone
And the men who spurred us on
Sit in judgement of all wrong
They decide and the shotgun sings the song

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again

The change, it had to come
We knew it all along
We were liberated from the foe, that' all
And the world looks just the same
And history ain't changed
'Cause the banners, they all flown in the last war

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
No, no!

I'll move myself and my family aside
If we happen to be left half alive
I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
For I know that the hypnotized never lie

Do ya?


There's nothing in the street
Looks any different to me
And the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
And the parting on the left
Is now the parting on the right
And the beards have all grown longer overnight

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again
No, no!


Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss"

It has become that time when the youth of this country needs to make it evident that when united it is we who hold the true power. Unified we can demand our government to recognize that their existence is to make the people happy. We are young, strong, fast, and brave and then when collectively motivated by youthful ambition, we can become a force with the ability to take away power from the small economic elite. It is us who fight their wars and us who die protecting their security. A motivated, unified youthful generation is a dishonest government’s worst fear. Government relies on separating us so we are easier to use as their pawns. It is the young men and women of this country whose civic duty is to destroy the growing movement of fascist acceptance. It is us who will be suffering in the fascist police state wondering what happened to all our rights. However, if we take action to unify as a group we can be a powerful instrument of fear. All we need is the proper motivation to tell us that we have tremendous power if utilized correctly. Regardless of political view points we should unify based on a generation alliance. We can shift the power away from the small power elite and give ourselves better options for our future. A majority of support would be given to us by the middle to lower classes. It is they who will continue to suffer the most by the negative evolution that our government has recently foretoken. All that is needed is the motivation to help them realize that if they can unite, then it is their majority power that can control the government. Separating ourselves based on life experiences rather than political point of views offers an opportunity to gain a level of power that presently is unattainable.

If the youth could unite they might be a force. Then again a third of the country is youth and most of them can't vote. Of the ones who can most don't. Of those who do most waste it. Perhaps maturity is in order first. Then you can make a difference.
To fight fascism someone must take a first step toward the beginning of civil disobedience, which will bring change. So I will publicly state that if the Patriot Act (or anything thing similar) is ever passed in this country, then there will be no boundaries which will stop me to actively disobey and fight this wicked evasion of privacy. This “Act” is a condensed example of everything that has begun to threaten the individual rights that we should cherish forever. This Act is the first step to take the social norms that have recently evolved into our country and begin to make them law. No form of punishment shall ever make me concede to accept this law. Perhaps this attempt by me to spark some revolutionary flame may be even be considered treason and I could be considered a homegrown terrorist for what I say. That still will never change my beliefs and will never stop me from fighting fascism. It is time we show our political strength and stomp out fascism before its too late.
I like your passion. Keep that but above all devote yourself to making sure that you always channel your passion toward good and not the evil your future self could be if left without his youthful idealism. As you mature keep your passion and idealism. Combined with maturity and pragmatism it is more powerful than you now imagine.
I am convinced. That was a great paper. I've been convinced revolution is the only way, but the internet seems to be a futile means to unite anyone (with all due respect)... They are hear to talk about old news, as they are behind in the information world just like us... Unfortunately, they don't seem to care to form a serious political alliance that plans a real revolution. I've tried. I'd say, take it to the streets... That is what I'm trying to do; God willing, I will survive.
Its going to be crunch point in a few decades across many western countries - will people be spurred into civil disobedience against increasing infringment and survelliance of their activities or sit back and let the government make 1984 a reality. I have a feeling it will be the latter but I will take it to the streets.
This is exactly the level of stupidity I had to deal with in college. Lame uninformed answers to issues based on conventional wisdom which is consistently wrong. It details exactly why there will be a revolution, but not one on the level of our founding fathers, but on the level of Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, and other evil regimes.

Foolish people refusing to accept reality, refusing to learn about why we are doing what we are doing, and quick to say it must change. You don't know why we're in Iraq? How? Where were you educated at? What ignorant source are you using for your information? Have you been deaf the last 18 years? Do you not know what was going on over in Iraq?

Fascism despised by all countries? Where have you been? Fascism was never despised by all countries and nor was it despised by many in our country. FDR called Stalin, 'uncle joe'. Good ol uncle joe was murdering millions in his Gulag.

A deadly reality? We are getting ready to vote in a new president. The most deadly thing here is ignorance. The people the most likely to abuse our rights, are the people talking about fascist America.

What power have I lost? I can go and find a job, work the job, save money, buy products I choose, start my own business, buy land and property. I hear some people talk about how my rights will be taken away by this and that, yet it passes and I don't see any rights removed. So where are all these 'the sky is falling' rights I'm losing?

The only thing I'm losing is my right to earn a living without being taxed to death, and most of the people on the left are the very ones trying to take my money. The ones on the right are letting me keep it.

Uh... the patriot act was passed, and similar bills along with it. So step out and go to jail like you say. What a pointless thing. And no, you are not going to be considered a terrorist for this uninformed rant, perhaps a bit ignorant, but not a terrorist.
Confusing and Ugly Times

Jordan, I didn't read the entire essay. It looks good, however, and I will read it in its entirety later. Yes, your generation is paying for the socio-economic and political vicissitudes of your predecessors. You have been sent to fight and die for the preservation of America's oil-based civilization, and its self-sacrificing commitment to Israel. We went to war for specific reasons other than these concerns, but now that we're fully engaged in combat on two fronts in the Middle East, we can't withdraw for the reasons I've cited. It's complicated, but our military invasion of the most important part of the world to our way of life, including our religious psyche (e.g., our commitment to the Jews as a Christian people), is understandable, and in fact, long overdue. This is the world we made for ourselves, long ago. Your generation has before it an ugly and confusing task, one that has nothing to do with the realization of your idealism. You have been robbed of that idealism, and forced to sacrifice yourselves for the interests of 'Greater America'. I can understand anyone's resentment of having to undertake such a perilous and uninspiring mission. Nonetheless, it's vital. :(
We don't need to sacrifice ourselves to this government. Revolution would be a better route. I would not hesitation if it wasn't for my difficulty getting people on the same page. Forgive us for not commensing this Revolution sooner.

On another note, with such expansive and more immediate communication means, the government should communicate more effectively with the people, bridging the gap, and properly informing citizens of the status of the country, thus avoiding a restless search for updates on the war that the masses seems to elude with distractions or misinterpret with assumptions.

If the government wants to unite with us, than they need to reform. Value must be restored, communication efforts must be enhanced, spirituality must be diffused, and law must be limited