She male story time

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
They are far to young to be exposed to things like this at such a young age.
Children love stories and really don't give a crap who tells them or really what they're wearing...judging by the book the age group would suggest they are more interested in colour and sounds than anything else....children love stories....

Is being a "pervert" a requirement for Democratic Party membership or is it optional? Indeed, are "perverts" allowed into the Republican Party or is there a strict anti-pervert policy?
Children love stories and really don't give a crap who tells them or really what they're wearing...judging by the book the age group would suggest they are more interested in colour and sounds than anything else....children love stories....

Is being a "pervert" a requirement for Democratic Party membership or is it optional? Indeed, are "perverts" allowed into the Republican Party or is there a strict anti-pervert policy?
Well sir any parent can tell you how easy little kids are to influence. There [s a reason little boys want to grow up to be President or a fireman or a cop etc and little girl want to grow up to be princess and models etc. Its from story's they hear at home and school and tv.

Its a twisted perverse life style and not considered normal by most on the planet.
Its not about politics Scotsman , little kids are very easy to influence any parent can tell you that
Its a twisted perverse life style and not considered normal by most on the planet.

okay well I've got 3 kids albeit grown up and at Uni now.... sad to see them go but at least we've got more room in the house...I'm a bit of a nerd...I build scale model aircraft so now I've room to spread out again!

The sad thing is though it is about politics....I agree it shouldn't be...but for many it is. I mean I don't know what makes this "scary" do you? The costume perhaps; I mean I can see that some kids may find it scary. The tattoos...I mean shit I find them pretty scary... or the story? All the article alludes to is a scary looking drag that it? What are people actually scared of, indeed, what are you scared of? It seems to me that imaginations are running wild about something which is actually a nothing. I mean all I see is a guy (I assume its a guy) in a scary costume telling kids a story...which may or may not be about other people...Its difficult to get any sense out of the article as its gone totally hyperbolic but says little.

So, I fail to see what is twisted or perverse about preparing children to enter into a wider society wherein people come in an infinite variety of packages. Why deny children the knowledge or experience of that wider society? Learning from an early age allows them to be able to make valid judgements later in life based expansive knowledge base.
If you cant see whats twisted and perverted about she males dressing up in that kind of drag to gets kids interest and telling storys about she males to 4 and 5 year olds. , I dont know what to say. Clearly we have different views about what is normal and what is not. Also our desire to protect kids are greatly different and our morals and ethics are far apart.
Lets not forget the great Muhammad had a 9 year old wife and that was considered ok .
If you cant see whats twisted and perverted
I mean what is twisted and perverted about a bloke in a dress....seriously.....I mean sure they probably don't have the figure for them like a lass has......can you imagine some guy with a beard, beergut and hairy arms, he probably couldn't get away with a chic little black Chanel dress and heels!

Seriously though if a woman in jeans sat down with a bunch of kids and read Thomas the Tank Engine would you get all bent out of shape about a tranny lass in jeans...shouldn't women be wearing halterneck sweetheart dresses and petticoats!!

Its just clothes.....

How did you find out that there were blokes who wore dresses and did it come as a a big shock to you?
How did you find out that blokes shoved their dicks up other blokes arses and did that come as a big shock?

I'm not far off your age and it did to me wasn't spoken about when we were was all a bit of a secret! It was all a bit of a taboo subject kept from us by people who wanted to protect us from ourselves because it wasn't the done thing! Blokes just didn't go round lifting shirts and poking around up other blokes arses!! These do-gooders perpetuated ignorance and intolerance within the wider society because they thought they knew better than everyone else....and guess what.....they didn't! They were just petty little people with feeble minds that couldn't look reality in the face.

So....maybe....just maybe if we'd have been told about the wider variety of packages in the world, the fact that one size doesn't fit all. Maybe if our parents and families and friends and neighbours and teachers....and librarians had been a bit more forthcoming about the world then maybe there wouldn't be all this prejudice and distrust and ignorance and stupidity in the world. People are what they are so why not inform kids of that? Let them make up their own minds and let them process the information in their own way so that the world around them makes just a little bit more sense. I think that's called education?

Morals and ethics have sod all to do with anything because they are inventions of people; created in an arbitrary manner to be wielded by people in defence of their own personal agendas or prejudices.
okay well I've got 3 kids albeit grown up and at Uni now.... sad to see them go but at least we've got more room in the house...I'm a bit of a nerd...I build scale model aircraft so now I've room to spread out again!

The sad thing is though it is about politics....I agree it shouldn't be...but for many it is. I mean I don't know what makes this "scary" do you? The costume perhaps; I mean I can see that some kids may find it scary. The tattoos...I mean shit I find them pretty scary... or the story? All the article alludes to is a scary looking drag that it? What are people actually scared of, indeed, what are you scared of? It seems to me that imaginations are running wild about something which is actually a nothing. I mean all I see is a guy (I assume its a guy) in a scary costume telling kids a story...which may or may not be about other people...Its difficult to get any sense out of the article as its gone totally hyperbolic but says little.

So, I fail to see what is twisted or perverse about preparing children to enter into a wider society wherein people come in an infinite variety of packages. Why deny children the knowledge or experience of that wider society? Learning from an early age allows them to be able to make valid judgements later in life based expansive knowledge base.
It comes down to ethics and morality and upbringing.
As I said marrying family is accepted 8n some clutures arranged martiages
You mean you cant see what twisted and perverse about a man wearing a dress and telling storys about shemales to children
Seriously ? You must not know much about thier lifestyle.

No. Explain it to me.
Sir please do take this the wrong way but if you cant see whats wrong with it then it would be impossible for me to explain it to you. Clearly on this subject our upbringing and values ethics and morals are so far apart that we will never come to a reasonable meeting of the minds.
Sir please do take this the wrong way but if you cant see whats wrong with it then it would be impossible for me to explain it to you. Clearly on this subject our upbringing and values ethics and morals are so far apart that we will never come to a reasonable meeting of the minds.
Hi Mate, you see that's the issue.....people can't explain their prejudices because its learnt from such a young age! The alternative is to tell people and let them figure it out for themselves. I'm sure you're a decent person and have no reason at all the think you are not a loving and kind parent/grandparent or both, so reading that article - what are you scared of....what grabs you by the balls and and makes you shit scared? What do you think is happening?

Surely its not that difficult to explain?
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Hi Mate, you see that's the issue.....people can't explain their prejudices because its learnt from such a young age! The alternative is to tell people and let them figure it out for themselves. I'm sure you're a decent person and have no reason at all the think you are not a loving and kind parent/grandparent or both, so reading that article - what are you scared of....what grabs you by the balls and and makes you shit scared? What do you think is happening?

Surely its not that difficult to explain?
First I didn't learn anything about she males at a young age. I learned about them in California as a adult.
So your wrong about that
First I didn't learn anything about she males at a young age. I learned about them in California as a adult.
So your wrong about that
yeah thats what I learned it as an adult........did you actually read my post..........that's my fucking point!!!

You had such a blinkered upbringing that you couldn't process the fact that some people don't fit into your predetermined and pre-programmed view of those other humans around you. Society/Parents/Friends have sold you a biggoted and blinkered and venomous view of other people, indeed, anything that doesn't fit into their programmed view (that is unfortunately now your world view) and from which you can't process programming from reality......its the matrix mate!

You are living someone else's life. Anything outside the parameters they have given you is anathama; its "perverted" It's a conditioned response you've been programmed to give. Look up the term "useful idiot" and you'll get an idea of what you have been subject to.............

Anyway fuck that......have a great weekend

Are you doing anything fun over the weekend? I guess the weather in Floida is a truck load better than the South of England so you'll be out and about! Its friggin cold here so its in the wee room for me - I'm building an 1/35 scale MH-60R (HSM-35) ....told you I was a nerd!!


Take care
yeah thats what I learned it as an adult........did you actually read my post..........that's my fucking point!!!

You had such a blinkered upbringing that you couldn't process the fact that some people don't fit into your predetermined and pre-programmed view of those other humans around you. Society/Parents/Friends have sold you a biggoted and blinkered and venomous view of other people, indeed, anything that doesn't fit into their programmed view (that is unfortunately now your world view) and from which you can't process programming from reality......its the matrix mate!

You are living someone else's life. Anything outside the parameters they have given you is anathama; its "perverted" It's a conditioned response you've been programmed to give. Look up the term "useful idiot" and you'll get an idea of what you have been subject to.............

Anyway fuck that......have a great weekend

Are you doing anything fun over the weekend? I guess the weather in Floida is a truck load better than the South of England so you'll be out and about! Its friggin cold here so its in the wee room for me - I'm building an 1/35 scale MH-60R (HSM-35) ....told you I was a nerd!!

View attachment 1094

Take care
Yes I went to a gun show and got a 12 pump shot gun and my buddy picked up a 37 mm grenade launcher and my other buddy picked up a switch blade
I mean what is twisted and perverted about a bloke in a dress....seriously.....I mean sure they probably don't have the figure for them like a lass has......can you imagine some guy with a beard, beergut and hairy arms, he probably couldn't get away with a chic little black Chanel dress and heels!

Seriously though if a woman in jeans sat down with a bunch of kids and read Thomas the Tank Engine would you get all bent out of shape about a tranny lass in jeans...shouldn't women be wearing halterneck sweetheart dresses and petticoats!!

Its just clothes.....

How did you find out that there were blokes who wore dresses and did it come as a a big shock to you?
How did you find out that blokes shoved their dicks up other blokes arses and did that come as a big shock?

I'm not far off your age and it did to me wasn't spoken about when we were was all a bit of a secret! It was all a bit of a taboo subject kept from us by people who wanted to protect us from ourselves because it wasn't the done thing! Blokes just didn't go round lifting shirts and poking around up other blokes arses!! These do-gooders perpetuated ignorance and intolerance within the wider society because they thought they knew better than everyone else....and guess what.....they didn't! They were just petty little people with feeble minds that couldn't look reality in the face.

So....maybe....just maybe if we'd have been told about the wider variety of packages in the world, the fact that one size doesn't fit all. Maybe if our parents and families and friends and neighbours and teachers....and librarians had been a bit more forthcoming about the world then maybe there wouldn't be all this prejudice and distrust and ignorance and stupidity in the world. People are what they are so why not inform kids of that? Let them make up their own minds and let them process the information in their own way so that the world around them makes just a little bit more sense. I think that's called education?

Morals and ethics have sod all to do with anything because they are inventions of people; created in an arbitrary manner to be wielded by people in defence of their own personal agendas or prejudices.
No its not just cloths. You dont see the life style