Michelle Obama's words of hate and prejudice

You have serious mental issues of extreme prejudice when it comes to being objective about our new President. That's a shame but I understand how getting stomped in an election is painful and sometimes hard to accept right away.

And as for me I have no delusion President Obama is anything other than a man. I think he'll be a good man and do a good job. That's why I voted for him.

We will see if he's not light years better than Bush... he's already making America look a whole lot better!;)

It has nothing to do with the election. The man has issues with his values and the way he sees the world and people who are not of his color. I could care less, I'm latino,but when his character is not questioned by the media then that really scares me that this man is in power....
It has nothing to do with the election. The man has issues with his values and the way he sees the world and people who are not of his color. I could care less, I'm latino,but when his character is not questioned by the media then that really scares me that this man is in power....

I think through the whole damn election that's ALL some of the media did was question (actually) attack his values.

I could list all the Republican/McCain/FIXED NEWS talking points but we all remember them all too well.

The thing was at the end of the day President Obama proved he was a good guy that cared about AMERICANS! That's why so many white people like me & my wife and Hispanic people as well so heavily supported him.