"I'm one of those "idiots" who does go to bars, concerts and restaraunts. Who says I'm not wanted or never will be wanted in a bar? I have no problem with the right to smoke but I do have a problem with breathing your smoke. See, once it leaves your personal space it is physically invading mine. It physically gets onto my clothes. How would you react if I came up and sprayed some foul smelling substance on your clothes? I imagine you would be quite upset."
--Sorry, not personally calling you an idiot Schultz. But seriously, people who go to bars and don't smoke are a minority (I think it's fair to say). Can't smoke in a bar...what's next?...can't drink beer at a baseball game??? It's totally ridiculous. By the way, if we were at a bar, I would buy you a drink since you make good conversation (even if we don't agree on everything).
"As for smoking sections they are a joke since the smoke doesn't pay any attention to a made up invisible line inside an enclosed space. On that though I do believe that private business should have the option to declare their establishments as smoking or non-smoking. It needs to be right up front so when you go to patronize the place you can turn around or go right in at that point. In my local area many businesses are removing smoking areas on their own since they aren't being utilized, especially restaraunts. It doesn't make sense to have empty seats in one area while the others are overflowing. Plus the associated cleaning costs and replacement of furniture due to smoke is getting prohibitive."
--In Houston, where I live, the previous requirement was that the smoking section had to be seperated from the non-smoking section by means of a physical barrier such as a wall. Also, I believe there had to be a ventilation system for the smoking sections.