I hadn’t seen this post before, so I thought I would weigh in with my two cents. I am going to take a leap of faith and say that my views are different from what most of the posters in here have said.
When discussing stem cell research, you must make the distinction between Adult Stem Cell research and Embryonic Stem Cell research. The Adult Stem Cell research has already provided numerous cures and treatments, and holds the potential for much more. Embryonic Stem Cell research has provided zero cures and zero treatment. Bush blocked funding to it, but only federal funding. If any private group our individual wants to sink their money into embryonic stem cell research, they are legally able to. So if the embryonic form of this has as much potential as many claim it does, why have there been no cures or treatments discovered from it? If it is the miracle way forward, why aren’t companies and investors jumping at the chance to be involved with it? If embryonic stem cell research could cure cancer, or any other terminal illness, wouldn’t an assortment of companies want their name attached to it?
I vehemently oppose Embryonic Stem Cell research. In my humble opinion, the process kills a life with out any justification. If we begin to pursue it, where do we stop? Do we start looking at patients in a nursing home or prison as a source of new genetic material? And this is without even discussing the cloning aspects.
I have seen a few articles that say some of the same embryonic material can be taken from the amniotic fluid without any harm being done to the embryo or the mother. I need to look into it more, but I could support that.