Taxation Is Robbery

they may be civil but many of them are naieve and Un-Educated

You spelt naive wrong, and uneducated doesn't need a hyphon. You admitted you spent most of your time in the military whilst everyone else was learning, and thus didn't get a real education. You seem to believe in every conspiracy on the face of the earth, and you call us naive? Before you attack the whole board, maybe you should check yourself over and get rid of that chip on your shoulder. Just because you got barred for being anything but civil a while ago.
I assure you, I know no such person.

Now you do!

The state of nature dictates that one is entitled to everything that he can procure with his own powers. This is the state of perfect liberty. But, as anyone can see, the state of perfect liberty is an unsecure existence, hence intolerable.

The state of nature also dictates that one may only keep that which he is capable of keeping. That is the state of "dog eat dog" and it's how "nature" works.

Let's say I catch a rabbit. Nature doesn't say I'm entitled to that rabbit, especially if a bear comes along and takes it. In other words I kind of agree with what you're saying, but I don't think that "perfect liberty" is a natural state, only a naturally desired one.

When one exists in close proximity with others, as is the fundamental condition to our social nature, the perfect liberty of one would necessarily collide with the perfect liberty of another leading to the annihilation of all. In much the same way as cars travelling on a road would crash in themselves without the benefit of traffic rules.

In Sociology we have a term for something like this, only on a personal scale. It's called anomie and it usually ends in suicide.

Private property is an invention that was brought about by the discorvery of agriculture and the shift from a nomadic to sedentary existence. It is not absolute.

Individuals have certain distinctions that set themselves apart from others of their species. If one is recognized to "own" one's self, then private property - the gain associated with usage of one's owned self - is an absolute - whether it involves building Xanadu or humming a little tune composed in one's head.
You spelt naive wrong, and uneducated doesn't need a hyphon. You admitted you spent most of your time in the military whilst everyone else was learning, and thus didn't get a real education. You seem to believe in every conspiracy on the face of the earth, and you call us naive? Before you attack the whole board, maybe you should check yourself over and get rid of that chip on your shoulder. Just because you got barred for being anything but civil a while ago.

hah ha ha ha ha

the Grammar police

the best they have is grammatical errors

You really are a ***** aren't you. I dont care about your grammer, as long as I can understand your point. The reason I said it was because you called everybody naive and uneducated.

If you are going to call everyone uneducated, at least admit the massive hypocrisy of it.
hah ha ha ha ha

the Grammar police

the best they have is grammatical errors


No, he was pointing out the irony of you calling everyone else "uneducated" when you have the most horrendous grammar on the entire forum. Then he pointed out the irony of you calling us "naive" when you never found a conspiracy theory that you didn't eat up.
You spelt naive wrong, and uneducated doesn't need a hyphon. You admitted you spent most of your time in the military whilst everyone else was learning, and thus didn't get a real education. You seem to believe in every conspiracy on the face of the earth, and you call us naive? Before you attack the whole board, maybe you should check yourself over and get rid of that chip on your shoulder. Just because you got barred for being anything but civil a while ago.
well well well mr Grammar policeman....first of all id like to start by saying this......NO WHERE IN THIS POST DID I SAY YOU ALL were naive.........NOR DID I SAY WHO was naive? i said "MANY" so being your the grammar policeman you should see the GLARING error in you percieved notion of what i said........

because its NOT what i said BU then that is COMMONPLACE at HOP isnt it? to stuff things in peoples mouths, to twist things into something they were never intended to be? it happens here DAILY

theres a few of you who do it almost EVERY post or reply?
YEs that is right skippy while you all were eating oatmeal in mommas kitchen at the tender age of 16 I was In Boot 17 i was in Aircrewman training and by 18 was an accomplished Jet engine mechanic in a search and rescue squadron

As ive stated YOUR Grammatical ramblings have NO PLACE in MY world and in short the REAL world only people who have NOTHING else to say are the ones who POWER TRIP on garammar..........Un-Educated may or may not need a hyphen ......who really F^cking cares but aszz like you?

you couldnt muster a real response so instead you came up with personal anomocity and decided to bait me into a game of attack the poster.......too bad im not gonna snap like you had thought.......I have NO regrets in my life pal...
and an insukt from a brit? ......................well Brit.....Nuff said?!

I seem to believe every conspiracy on the planet earth? thats interesting would you care to provide us the facts that brought you to this generalizing conclusion? You cannot .....because i dont believe in all conspiracy the only two i have ever discussed at any length here are 9-11 and chemtrails???? and i havent really went into chemtrails? so your full of Crap as usual

the only other conspiracy i am taken with is the New world order and one world government....only a fool with his head stuffed in the ground dosent see how true this is...

whatever man your generalizations and personal opinions amount to basically NOTHING

your attempt at policing my grammar is sophmoric

and in short your a Brit

you may try and point to marijuana and its Prohibition as a theory But you know your dead wrong on that one.....
and if you can PROVE so differently go collect the Money?
or stfu
No, he was pointing out the irony of you calling everyone else "uneducated" when you have the most horrendous grammar on the entire forum. Then he pointed out the irony of you calling us "naive" when you never found a conspiracy theory that you didn't eat up.

would you care to show us all where it was that it was said you ALL were un-educated???


didnt finish english class either Huh?

lookin for a web fight today must be bored

produce where it said YOU ALL were Un-educated or STFU
I seem to believe every conspiracy on the planet earth? thats interesting would you care to provide us the facts that brought you to this generalizing conclusion? You cannot .....because i dont believe in all conspiracy the only two i have ever discussed at any length here are 9-11 and chemtrails???? and i havent really went into chemtrails? so your full of Crap as usual

the only other conspiracy i am taken with is the New world order and one world government....only a fool with his head stuffed in the ground dosent see how true this is...

That's not true. In addition to your 9/11, chemtrail, and NWO conspiracies, I've seen you express conspiracy theories regarding the NAU, JFK, and probably aliens as well.
You really are a ***** aren't you. I dont care about your grammer, as long as I can understand your point. The reason I said it was because you called everybody naive and uneducated.

If you are going to call everyone uneducated, at least admit the massive hypocrisy of it.

Another INSULT

thats the best you have?

ill be reporting this as well you dont even follow your own rules

I did NOT CALL EVERYONE naive and educated apparently you didnt finish english EITHER i will be reprting this as well as sending a copy of the post i made to admin

you all apparently dont UNDERSTAND the english language
would you care to show us all where it was that i said you ALL were un-educated???


didnt finish english class either Huh?

lookin for a web fight today must be bored

produce where i said YOU ALL were Un-educated or STFU

Okay, you're right, you said "many" not "everyone" was naive and uneducated. Who cares? The spirit of your post (and the inherent irony) is still there.