Hey, its blank.... No wonder you think Obama is qualified!
Hey, its blank.... No wonder you think Obama is qualified!
It's not blank on my end.. like McCain, you're probably computer illiterate. Go get your wife to help you, that's what he does.
Is it mean that I found it funny?
Of course not, it's supposed to be funny. McCain is a walking joke...can't speak, can't think, continual flip flopper, looks like a mummy and has enough health issues to keep Dr. House busy 24/7.
I would rather be old and a mummy than be great friends with the "God Damn America" preacher.
While Obama has quit his church, McCain can 't turn back the clock on his age and health issues.. He's nothing but a sickly old man.
He would not have quit if he was not called out for it. I personally find it sad that he would be a member of something like that for 20 years.
Rev. Wright's comments were taken out of context and blown out of proportion. The vast majority, almost exclusively right wingers, complaining about Obama's relationship with Trinity church were never going to vote for him anyway...I don't think that can be denied.
The GOP echo and smear machine will keep Wright on the front burner as much as possible but minds, in this case, have already been made up, rendering the good reverend into a virtual non issue.