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The IRS prepares to enforce Obamacare’s contraception mandate
On August 1, the one-year “safe harbor” for religious charities objecting to provisions of Obamacare will end. Starting then, these nonprofit employers will be forced to violate their religious beliefs or pay large fines. In charge of collecting the fines will be our recently newsworthy friends at the Internal Revenue Service.
Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith

Once again, the Obama regime proves it has no problem with violating the US Constitution and essentially dares anyone to try to stop them.
As all rational thinking Americans should know the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the:
“free exercise” of religion
We have all seen this "free exercise" denied to students across the Country, enforced by these atheist hate groups.
Now we have an open attack on Christians and the free exercise of religion in an clear and blatant violation of the US Constitution being ordered and directed from the highest office in this Country.
On August 1, the one-year “safe harbor” for religious charities objecting to provisions of Obamacare will end. Starting then, these nonprofit employers will be forced to violate their religious beliefs or pay large fines. In charge of collecting the fines will be our recently newsworthy friends at the Internal Revenue Service.
Obama Administration: We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith

Once again, the Obama regime proves it has no problem with violating the US Constitution and essentially dares anyone to try to stop them.
As all rational thinking Americans should know the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution expressly denies the government the authority to prohibit the:
“free exercise” of religion
We have all seen this "free exercise" denied to students across the Country, enforced by these atheist hate groups.
Now we have an open attack on Christians and the free exercise of religion in an clear and blatant violation of the US Constitution being ordered and directed from the highest office in this Country.