There goes the god theory.

I would never debate if God is real or not. There is nothing to debate.

Do rainbow unicorns make ice cream in the 7th dimension?

Maybe! There is no evidence that stands against it. What is there to debate?
How was life created? I know nothing got tired of being nothing and created life. That is not science
In what the rest of us call reality, the Sun is 4.57 billion years old, and the Earth is 4.54 billion years old. And scientists are very confident of both numbers.
That's not what was asked. Please pay attention.

What sort of evidence would be compelling, in your estimation, that the Sun is 5 billion years old?

Be as specific as you can.
There is evidence that the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old in rock formations, it is also likely that since the early Earth was too hot to form solid stone so the Earth is likely older.

I pulled this nonsense off the internet

The age of the Sun is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years, as determined by radioactive dating. Meteorites, meteors or comets that survive impact with Earth's surface, along with Moon rocks and other space debris, can be dated using such a method and give us some idea of the age of the Sun and Solar System.

The Sun is a ball of gas that does not form meteorites, so the article is nonsense. So for all we know the Sun could be 10 billion years old with no logical way to date. The Sun's age of 5 billion years is extrapolated from Earths age but is not conclusive. But assholes like you know that every theory is fact
There is evidence that the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old in rock formations, it is also likely that since the early Earth was too hot to form solid stone so the Earth is likely older.

I pulled this nonsense off the internet

The age of the Sun is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years, as determined by radioactive dating. Meteorites, meteors or comets that survive impact with Earth's surface, along with Moon rocks and other space debris, can be dated using such a method and give us some idea of the age of the Sun and Solar System.

The Sun is a ball of gas that does not form meteorites, so the article is nonsense. So for all we know the Sun could be 10 billion years old with no logical way to date. The Sun's age of 5 billion years is extrapolated from Earths age but is not conclusive. But assholes like you know that every theory is fact
"The Sun is a ball of gas that does not form meteorites, so the article is nonsense."

Nobody claims it does or has. You misunderstand and are arguing with nobody.

But the question still stands for the other guy. It's a question for those who dent the sun's age.
"The Sun is a ball of gas that does not form meteorites, so the article is nonsense."

Nobody claims it does or has. You misunderstand and are arguing with nobody.

But the question still stands for the other guy. It's a question for those who dent the sun's age.
I deny that anyone can date the Sun, and you cannot prove what I said wrong, because that would take a direct dating technique which does not exist.
*DISCOVERED the neutrino

And the person who proposed it from the math was a deist.

Can you go 5 minutes without making up something that is so wrong, it kills brain cells?
I did not make up the report I quoted.

The Road to the Neutrino | Physics Today | AIP Publishing

The Road to the Neutrino

It took experimenters three decades to convince themselves that the β‐decay spectrum really is continuous. Then, to save conservation of energy, Pauli had to invent the neutrino.

Allan Franklin
Weing again.

Let's do an exercise:

What sort of evidence would convince you the Sun is 5 billion years old?

Be specific.
Nobody can prove the sun is that old. However, one could try to calculate how young it must be not to have burned out long ago if it really was that old.
Nobody can prove the sun is that old. However, one could try to calculate
Oh could one. Why don't you put forward all you scientific knowledge of the universe to prove anything about the sun.
You're so fucked in the head every tiny thing is incorrect unless it says it in the Bible.

how young it must be not to have burned out long ago if it really was that old.
Milky Way
Solar System
The age of the Sun is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years, as determined by radioactive dating. Meteorites, meteors or comets that survive impact with Earth's surface, along with Moon rocks and other space debris, can be dated using such a method and give us some idea of the age of the Sun and Solar System.
Oh could one. Why don't you put forward all you scientific knowledge of the universe to prove anything about the sun.
You're so fucked in the head every tiny thing is incorrect unless it says it in the Bible.

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View attachment 11144
Milky Way
View attachment 11145
Solar System
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View attachment 11147
The age of the Sun is estimated to be around 4.6 billion years, as determined by radioactive dating. Meteorites, meteors or comets that survive impact with Earth's surface, along with Moon rocks and other space debris, can be dated using such a method and give us some idea of the age of the Sun and Solar System.
Radioactive dating is not irrefutable and certain assumptions involved in the dating process are still assumptions, not proven facts.