US State Dept says no russian troops in east ukraine


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Someone should point out to Barack "Hope" Obama and the equally useless mass media, in the US and Europe that they are talking bollocks

On Tuesday the US State Department spokeswoman told reporters that the US does not have “anything new to confirm” that Russian military moved into Ukraine.

The only information the US has on the movement of Russian troops across the Ukrainian border was “confirmed” last week, Jen Psaki said, referring to NATO’s satellite images released as a “proof” of Russia’s military involvement in Ukraine.

Remember Iraq? Former US intel officers warn Merkel against NATO images of Ukraine

The images were ridiculed by Russia’s Defense Ministry, while an alliance of seven former US intelligence officers - the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) – said the evidence produced by NATO from the Ukrainian-Russian border was on a par with the “same dubious, politically ‘fixed’ kind used 12 years ago to ‘justify’ the US-led attack on Iraq.”


It is a sad fact of modern life that one has to look at Russia media to find the truth..

For example

How many people, on this forum, know that the Ukrainian army has shelled accommodation built for Chernobyl survivors ?

Comrade Stalin
You don't know that.

What are the BRICS partners saying ?

Be careful..the rest of the world does not live in a corporate police state media bubble where we have always been at war with Eurasia.

Comrade Stalin
Someone should point out to Barack "Hope" Obama and the equally useless mass media, in the US and Europe that they are talking bollocks

"....On Tuesday the US State Department spokeswoman told reporters that the US does not have “anything new to confirm” that Russian military moved into Ukraine.

The only information the US has on the movement of Russian troops across the Ukrainian border was “confirmed” last week, Jen Psaki said, referring to NATO’s satellite images released as a “proof” of Russia’s military involvement in Ukraine.

Remember Iraq? Former US intel officers warn Merkel against NATO images of Ukraine

The images were ridiculed by Russia’s Defense Ministry, while an alliance of seven former US intelligence officers - the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) – said the evidence produced by NATO from the Ukrainian-Russian border was on a par with the “same dubious, politically ‘fixed’ kind used 12 years ago to ‘justify’ the US-led attack on Iraq.”

Comrade Stalin


US State Dept says no russian troops in east ukraine​

Someone should point out to Barack "Hope" Obama and the equally useless mass media, in the US and Europe that they are talking bollocks

On Tuesday the US State Department spokeswoman told reporters that the US does not have “anything new to confirm” that Russian military moved into Ukraine.

The only information the US has on the movement of Russian troops across the Ukrainian border was “confirmed” last week, Jen Psaki said, referring to NATO’s satellite images released as a “proof” of Russia’s military involvement in Ukraine.

It is a sad fact of modern life that one has to look at Russia media to find the truth..

Comrade Stalin
"A Moscow district court sentenced 63-year-old Mikhail Simonov to seven years in prison after finding him guilty of spreading “fakes” about the Russian army motivated by political hatred.

According to the legal aid group Net Freedoms Project, the basis of the case against Simonov are two posts he made on Russian social network VKontakte about the bombing of Kyiv and the Mariupol Drama Theater. Mediazona reports that the comments read:
Women and children murdered, and were singing songs on Channel One. Russia, we have become shameless. God forgive us,” and Russian pilots are bombing children.”