Voting machines can and do flip votes

I already know Democrats got caught lying about their fraud even before they finished counting all the fake Biden ballots days after the election. Nobody should trust corrupted investigators who claimed the lying and looting crooks did not commit fraud.

good thing these were certified investigators chosen by republicans
Not true. Evidence of voting fraud and affidavits alleging eyewitness accounts of fraud emerged from around the nation just hours after polls closed. Leftists mouths began claiming just days after the election that the evidence had been examined thoroughly and irrefutably disproven, which was not even possible in that short of a time period. Democrats continue to lie to cover up their election fraud and have never disproven the majority of voting fraud evidence.
Sorry. It wasn't democrats. It was independent audits. Try again.
Democrats don't have a right to prove anything. The electoral authorities do.
You lost. We won. Suck eggs.
You don't explain why courts took voting fraud cases before bipartisan investigations into the emerging evidence of fraud were authorized and carried out by election officials. Were courts expected to rule on the evidence before the evidence had been thoroughly examined?
You don't know who these bipartisan investigators were. You only assume it was a Democrat stacked courts.

The courts knew about the audits and made the decision. You're telling lies again.
of course these were certified investigaters chosen by republicans.
you got any proof they are biased or sloppy? no?
as always you are full of bs. lol
Republicans sat on looting and lying committees condemning American patriots for resisting voter fraud, so don't expect me to believe you when you claim some unidentified investigators of unidentified bias conducted some unspecified investigation of unknown origin and extent and reported their findings through some source you do not identify.
Sorry. It wasn't democrats. It was independent audits. Try again.
Democrats don't have a right to prove anything. The electoral authorities do.
You lost. We won. Suck eggs.
Lying looting leftists stole the election and then reported 3 days later that every investigation done proved no fraud occurred. Don't be fooled by that crap.
Who reported that
Name them
But you won't as always
Just weeks after the election judges were resisting efforts to examine suspect voting machines. That made it impossible to prove the machines had not been corrupted like Democrats claimed but never proved.

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access ( 12-5-20

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access


Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, who had filed lawsuits in the state of Georgia alleging fraud in the 2020 presidential election, had an appeal to analyze Dominion voting machines in the state denied by a federal judge on Friday.

President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence, among other things, that voting machines from the Dominion Voting Systems company were programmed to flip votes that were cast for him over to President-elect Joe Biden. Dominion has denied Trump's allegations. Powell and Wood have publicly stated their agreement with Trump's allegations and have filed lawsuits in attempts to prove the claims.

On Wednesday, Powell submitted a filing that asked the court to allow some Dominion voting machines to be examined by Republican electors. Members of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals were not sure if they had the authority to examine the appeal. On Friday, Powell entered a briefing alleging mitigating circumstances would allow the court to rule on the appeal. Judge Andrew Brasher of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Georgia denied the appeal later that day. Brasher was nominated to the court by Trump in 2019 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in February.


"This appeal arises from last-minute litigation that alleges widespread election related misconduct and seeks sweeping relief," Brasher wrote. However, Brasher ruled that his court did not have the jurisdiction to hear the appeal.

"Because we lack jurisdiction, the appeal is DISMISSED and the motion for
permissive appeal is DENIED," the ruling concluded. "Because we must dismiss this appeal, the defendants' conditional cross appeal is also DISMISSED. Any other pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT."
Just weeks after the election judges were resisting efforts to examine suspect voting machines. That made it impossible to prove the machines had not been corrupted like Democrats claimed but never proved.

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access ( 12-5-20

Trump-Appointed Judge Denies Appeal to Give Sidney Powell, Lin Wood Voting Machine Access


Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, who had filed lawsuits in the state of Georgia alleging fraud in the 2020 presidential election, had an appeal to analyze Dominion voting machines in the state denied by a federal judge on Friday.

President Donald Trump has claimed without evidence, among other things, that voting machines from the Dominion Voting Systems company were programmed to flip votes that were cast for him over to President-elect Joe Biden. Dominion has denied Trump's allegations. Powell and Wood have publicly stated their agreement with Trump's allegations and have filed lawsuits in attempts to prove the claims.

On Wednesday, Powell submitted a filing that asked the court to allow some Dominion voting machines to be examined by Republican electors. Members of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals were not sure if they had the authority to examine the appeal. On Friday, Powell entered a briefing alleging mitigating circumstances would allow the court to rule on the appeal. Judge Andrew Brasher of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Georgia denied the appeal later that day. Brasher was nominated to the court by Trump in 2019 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in February.


"This appeal arises from last-minute litigation that alleges widespread election related misconduct and seeks sweeping relief," Brasher wrote. However, Brasher ruled that his court did not have the jurisdiction to hear the appeal.

"Because we lack jurisdiction, the appeal is DISMISSED and the motion for
permissive appeal is DENIED," the ruling concluded. "Because we must dismiss this appeal, the defendants' conditional cross appeal is also DISMISSED. Any other pending motions are DENIED AS MOOT."
Totally irrelevant to my post lol
Totally irrelevant to my post lol
Perhaps you missed a couple of key points.
1. Democrats did not allow investigations into suspect voting machines and judges also denied permission to investigate the machines, leaving the suspicion of voting machine fraud unresolved until today.

2. The reason the judge denied hearing the fraud case had nothing to do with evidence or lack of evidence and everything to do with jurisdictional disputes.
Perhaps you missed a couple of key points.
1. Democrats did not allow investigations into suspect voting machines and judges also denied permission to investigate the machines, leaving the suspicion of voting machine fraud unresolved until today.

2. The reason the judge denied hearing the fraud case had nothing to do with evidence or lack of evidence and everything to do with jurisdictional disputes.
Dems can't stop legal investigations
You are a legal *****
Dems can't stop legal investigations
You are a legal *****
Judges have obstructed investigations into voter fraud and there is no logical reason for their obstruction than political bias.
Courts did not mandate investigations into voting fraud, they prevented investigations into voting fraud.

Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of 2020 Antrim Co. Elections Case - 9 & 10 News (

Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of 2020 Antrim Co. Elections Case

April 21, 2022

The Michigan Court of Appeals on Thursday affirmed the Antrim County Circuit Court’s dismissal in the case of William Bailey v Antrim County, which challenged the 2020 presidential elections results.
(The court dismissed voting fraud, but did not disprove voting fraud.)

In an opinion, Court of Appeals Judges Thomas C. Cameron, Mark J. Cavanagh and Michael F. Gadola, rejected Bailey’s argument that the Michigan Constitution, as amended in 2018, grants private citizens an individual right to request an audit of election results.
(The judges ruled that American citizens have no right to question the legitimacy of an election based on evidence of voting fraud.)

“This decision joins a growing number of court rulings that continue to uphold the legitimacy and accuracy of our elections,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said. “As we have remained from the very beginning, my office is committed to preserving the integrity of our democratic system. The panel’s ruling is additional reinforcement in this important fight.”
(The panel upholds the unproven Democrat claim that no significant fraud occurred, but the court never explains how they think they know that.)

“This dismissal once again affirms not only the integrity and accuracy of the 2020 election results, but that those claiming otherwise will not be able to use our legal system as a vehicle for furthering their misinformation and conspiracy theories,” added Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “The court’s ruling is a heartening reminder that despite ongoing efforts to dismantle our democracy and make it easier to overturn future elections, the data, the facts, and the truth are on our side.”
(The court scornfully brands Americans as "conspiracy theorists" and "enemies of democracy" for wanting investigations into voting fraud. That is leftist looting partisan language and has no place in genuine democracies.)
Judges have obstructed investigations into voter fraud and there is no logical reason for their obstruction than political bias.
Courts did not mandate investigations into voting fraud, they prevented investigations into voting fraud.

Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of 2020 Antrim Co. Elections Case - 9 & 10 News (

Court of Appeals Affirms Dismissal of 2020 Antrim Co. Elections Case

April 21, 2022

The Michigan Court of Appeals on Thursday affirmed the Antrim County Circuit Court’s dismissal in the case of William Bailey v Antrim County, which challenged the 2020 presidential elections results.
(The court dismissed voting fraud, but did not disprove voting fraud.)

In an opinion, Court of Appeals Judges Thomas C. Cameron, Mark J. Cavanagh and Michael F. Gadola, rejected Bailey’s argument that the Michigan Constitution, as amended in 2018, grants private citizens an individual right to request an audit of election results.
(The judges ruled that American citizens have no right to question the legitimacy of an election based on evidence of voting fraud.)

“This decision joins a growing number of court rulings that continue to uphold the legitimacy and accuracy of our elections,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said. “As we have remained from the very beginning, my office is committed to preserving the integrity of our democratic system. The panel’s ruling is additional reinforcement in this important fight.”
(The panel upholds the unproven Democrat claim that no significant fraud occurred, but the court never explains how they think they know that.)

“This dismissal once again affirms not only the integrity and accuracy of the 2020 election results, but that those claiming otherwise will not be able to use our legal system as a vehicle for furthering their misinformation and conspiracy theories,” added Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. “The court’s ruling is a heartening reminder that despite ongoing efforts to dismantle our democracy and make it easier to overturn future elections, the data, the facts, and the truth are on our side.”
(The court scornfully brands Americans as "conspiracy theorists" and "enemies of democracy" for wanting investigations into voting fraud. That is leftist looting partisan language and has no place in genuine democracies.)
Dems didn't stop a legal investigation
Instead A judge didn't allow an unauthorized one duh
You legal morons have to follow laws too lol
Dems didn't stop a legal investigation
Instead A judge didn't allow an unauthorized one duh
You legal morons have to follow laws too lol
OK. Dems did not stop the investigations, bent judges and election officials did. Furthermore, no judge in the country has ever offered even one reasonable refutation of the massive evidence of 2020 voting fraud. Avoiding voting fraud cases does not qualify as refutations of voter fraud evidence.