What is your impression of Iraninan President Ahmaninegad?

What makes you say that?

From what I have read, he was a competent administrator when he was the mayor of tehran(?).

When he became president, it seems nothing came out of his mouth except anti-west rhetoric. I can understand a leader trying to build some political capital. In that regard, rhetoric will go a long way.

When a leader is hording popularity, it is usually for the purpose of reinforcing his political base for some major reform -- the economy was my best guess. However, he did nothing but subsidize domestic consumption from oil revenues, much like chavez is doing in venezuela.

He is keeping the general public content, for what purpose, I have no idea.
The guy has plans for everything. Politics, Culture, Education, Economy.
Under his administration foreign investigations increased as well as eco. growth rate. He has also done some reveloutionary reforms in economical strcutre of the country. e.g. banking system, essential modifcations in budget allocation, making the economy independet to oil revenues.
A lot of breakthroughs in scientific and technological fields were achieved in his administration period.
But western countries have always tried to portray him as a dangerous, radical character seeking nukes while he frequently denied any effort to access nuke weapons. Recently IAEA clearly annouced that iraninan nuclear program is quite peaceful and is internded for civil purposes
The guy has plans for everything. Politics, Culture, Education, Economy.
Under his administration foreign investigations increased as well as eco. growth rate. He has also done some reveloutionary reforms in economical strcutre of the country. e.g. banking system, essential modifcations in budget allocation, making the economy independet to oil revenues.
A lot of breakthroughs in scientific and technological fields were achieved in his administration period.
But western countries have always tried to portray him as a dangerous, radical character seeking nukes while he frequently denied any effort to access nuke weapons. Recently IAEA clearly annouced that iraninan nuclear program is quite peaceful and is internded for civil purposes

I doubt that very much.

He is using oil revenues to finance what you call technology, but is in fact, nothing more than displays of military capabilities.

He is shielding the population from the actual cost of oil using -- guess what?? -- oil revenues.

For a country that has only oil to export, that is fiscal suicide. Oil is finite. Machines depreciate. It would be wise for them to diversify.
I doubt that very much.

He is shielding the population from the actual cost of oil using -- guess what?? -- oil revenues.

But he has frequently warned the people of being dependent to oil.
"being dependent to oil = vulnerability"
While iranian budget allocation have always been very dependent to oil income, he is trying to under estimates the oil income and allocate less budget to affairs from oil income expectations.

I doubt that very much.
For a country that has only oil to export, that is fiscal suicide. Oil is finite. Machines depreciate. It would be wise for them to diversify.

That's why he seeks nuclear tech.
But he has frequently warned the people of being dependent to oil.
"being dependent to oil = vulnerability"
While iranian budget allocation have always been very dependent to oil income, he is trying to under estimates the oil income and allocate less budget to affairs from oil income expectations.

I do not quite follow.

Keeping the price of gasoline low does not discourage use or dependence on it.

That's why he seeks nuclear tech.

As an export?
I do not quite follow.

Keeping the price of gasoline low does not discourage use or dependence on it.

Since begining of this year, He rationed gasoline in order to decrease its consumption which made people displeased. But he did what he thought is right and asked people to adopt themselves to this change.

I do not quite follow.
As an export?

As an alternative for fusil fuels and probabely in long term as an export too.
Their president is not afraid to defend his country and for that I have a great respect. Iran should not be bombed because this country has every right to build nuclear weapons if they like. This old and beautiful country is under constant attacks from evil western media only because not surrendering to satanic new world order rulers. Well they should keep fighting for their beloved culture and identity.
You seem to support anyone who themselves supports some kind of racist ethos.

The whole serbia kosovo thing.
Iran wants to wipe israel off the map.
You support the BNP regardless of the fact they would want you dead.
I have mixed feelings on the man. I know much of his anti-west rhetoric is for domestic consumption. In general, more an annoyance than anything else.
As Coyote put it, kinda like our current leader.
I like him, the more radical he gets, and the more we stand up to him, the more a large part of the people of Iran will push to end this radical Islamic Government. The fall of Iran to moderates would be a far bigger ( and a lot easier ) goal that trying to change Iraq ever was. For all our talk, the real ones who are going to end the Iran nuke program are Iran's own people, who see that there is no good that can come from its present path, and its a wast of Resources. Iran is smart enough to know the US has almost no ability to use force to stop them, without major problem for America.