When LOSER Liberals attack!

No, they did NOT agree with her decision, they simply disagreed with the reason the other 5 Justices used for over-ruling her decision. HUGE difference.

Umm last I checked if you don't agree with the legal ruling, you dont rule with the ruling just becuse others disagree with it in some other way....4 sided that she ruled correctly vs 5, deal with it.
Umm last I checked if you don't agree with the legal ruling, you dont rule with the ruling just becuse others disagree with it in some other way....4 sided that she ruled correctly vs 5, deal with it.

Ummm, NO! For instance, if the majority members of the court rule that a law is unconstitutional on 4th Amendment grounds, and the remaining members dissent, saying that the law is unconstitutional on 5th Amendment grounds, the ruling is still 5-4, even though it's really 9-0.

None of this however has anything to do with the fact that Sotomayors supporters have now decided to attack Frank Ricci and the other firefighters because of the court ruling, and it is THIS that is demonstrative of the intellectually dishonest, vindictive, low-brow, dispicable nature of modern liberalism.

Jack Kennedy would be ashamed to call himself a Democrat today!
Which is why they deserve to lose every election until they begin standing up for Individual Rights.

Hey I'm fine with Republicants losing. If you want to tank the moderates of your own Party by all means do.

But I think as this clip clearly shows you have far worse problems... America finally figured you out.

No, they did NOT agree with her decision, they simply disagreed with the reason the other 5 Justices used for over-ruling her decision. HUGE difference.

Pocket said it right. There are many reasons and ways to come to the same remedy. Clearly 4 of the Justices would have sided with the City... which is what Judge Sotomayor did.

And if she is such a Latina racist then why didn't she just look at the Hispanic and go his way? Because your smears hold no weight of reality my friend.

Might as well accept it. The next Supreme Court Justice is Sonya Sotomayor.

Might as well accept it. The next Supreme Court Justice is Sonya Sotomayor.

There was never any question about her being confirmed, the problem though still exists that Obliviot has nominated, and the Demoncraps in Congress are about to appoint, a RACIST BIGOTED individual the the Supreme Court of the United States, and if you and the rest of the libtards can't see what's wrong with that, then you deserve what you're about to get!

There was never any question about her being confirmed, the problem though still exists that Obliviot has nominated, and the Demoncraps in Congress are about to appoint, a RACIST BIGOTED individual the the Supreme Court of the United States, and if you and the rest of the libtards can't see what's wrong with that, then you deserve what you're about to get!


bla bla bla racist bla bla bla....got anything new, maybe something with anything real to back it up? your cries grow tired and weak, and no one cares anymore...
bla bla bla racist bla bla bla....got anything new, maybe something with anything real to back it up? your cries grow tired and weak, and no one cares anymore...

Oh it's obvious that none of you libtards care about AMERICA anymore, you just want your bread and circuses ya racist supporting commie.
Oh it's obvious that none of you libtards care about AMERICA anymore, you just want your bread and circuses ya racist supporting commie.

I see so I hate america, am a Commie, and a racist right?'
Odd yet expected from a troll like you, with no real thinking.
I love America, and care more about America being better then any party.
I am a communist? well that's odd, because I am a member of the independence party, a party views as more Conservitive then the Dems.
and I always forget what Race do I hate? because it must be slipping my mind.

then again maybe the more likey issue is that you dont know what you are talking about...
I see so I hate america, am a Commie, and a racist right?'
Odd yet expected from a troll like you, with no real thinking.
I love America, and care more about America being better then any party.
I am a communist? well that's odd, because I am a member of the independence party, a party views as more Conservitive then the Dems.
and I always forget what Race do I hate? because it must be slipping my mind.

then again maybe the more likey issue is that you dont know what you are talking about...

No, it's more likely that you don't understand the first thing about Liberty, Independence, or any of the other things that the FF's built this country for, because if you did you wouldn't have anything to do with liberals or libtard ideals.
Oh it's obvious that none of you libtards care about AMERICA anymore, you just want your bread and circuses ya racist supporting commie.

Boy we care more about this country and it's people than you ever will. And we don't need to seek some childish sense of superiority like some snot nosed little kid.

We aren't threatened by a Black persons success or a Hispanic persons success. Because we can take care of our own business. That's the difference between a man and a boy.

You better make yourself comfortable down there, real comfortable!

Boy we care more about this country and it's people than you ever will. And we don't need to seek some childish sense of superiority like some snot nosed little kid.

We aren't threatened by a Black persons success or a Hispanic persons success. Because we can take care of our own business. That's the difference between a man and a boy.

You better make yourself comfortable down there, real comfortable!

Your lie, you tell it! If you really did care about this country you silly little Crackhead, you'd learn the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and actually know something about them, BEFORE trying to tell anyone about them, but until then, talking to you is like talking to a skunk, only not quite as pleasent as the skunk smells better and is FAR more intelligent.
Boy we care more about this country and it's people than you ever will. And we don't need to seek some childish sense of superiority like some snot nosed little kid.

We aren't threatened by a Black persons success or a Hispanic persons success. Because we can take care of our own business. That's the difference between a man and a boy.

You better make yourself comfortable down there, real comfortable!

dont question his caring about this nation, I dont care for it from any side....you can call him a idiot and a mindless nutcase or anything like that, I am cool with that....I realy hate it when people question my love of this nation, and I dont expect it of others as well.
No, it's more likely that you don't understand the first thing about Liberty, Independence, or any of the other things that the FF's built this country for, because if you did you wouldn't have anything to do with liberals or libtard ideals.

your such a troll its hardly worth talking to you. such just pure crap you spew. next time you think a thought enters your head...keep it there.
Your lie, you tell it! If you really did care about this country you silly little Crackhead, you'd learn the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and actually know something about them, BEFORE trying to tell anyone about them, but until then, talking to you is like talking to a skunk, only not quite as pleasent as the skunk smells better and is FAR more intelligent.

And I admitted it I said Constitution when I should have said Declaration of Independence. Over three thousand posts and I cited one document for another, I'm a screw up!:) But at least I didn't have to personally insult anyone, and it was an honest mistake of just saying it came from the wrong document... but it still said what it said which was my entire point.

Now maybe you tell us all that ridiculous fairy tale about you being a "cop" again and we can all smell what a real skunk that's so embarrassed of himself he has to be a poser smells like.

Let's try that...;)