White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

When I read what you write I always think what a moron you are.
Does that help?
Aren't you a nice piece of shit and probably a godbotherer also.
Typical brain dead hate filled republican.

Anti-partisan: you namblacrats just happen to be particularly disgisting at the moment because you got caught butt pumping little boys for cheap slave labor on your dope fields. True, el tRumpo did it better but thats no reason not to publicly slaughter you both.

And mandating a dangerous expiremental vax for a hyper-inflated 1% mortality mild cold that cant survive 37°c, should get at least half your party convicted and executed for high treason.Aaa heroin 2.jpg
Aren't you a nice piece of shit and probably a godbotherer also.
Typical brain dead hate filled republican.

Facing reality doesn't make me a republican. But it does give me every perfectly legitimate reason to hate your soul to hell. Whatever kind of muck you are.
Facing reality doesn't make me a republican.
Yes it does because it's only republicans who refused to accept it.
But it does give me every perfectly legitimate reason to hate your soul to hell. Whatever kind of muck you are.

Here we go. Out comes the stinking hideous threats that god will deal with me.
You're the piece of shit. You hypocritical godbotherers are a disgrace to the nation and humanity. Gutless wimps hiding behind some hideous god. The people who need to go to hell are those who fabricated the bullshit and support it, that's you.
Yes it does because it's only republicans who refused to accept it.

Sez some namblacrat fag who skipped over the part where you were caught red handed running a pederast heroin cartel dope epidemic warcrime coverup and who went on to subvert democracy and rig an election for kickbacks you got for mandating a dangerous expiremental vax for a 1% mortality rate mild cold that cant survive 37°c. Is Josef Mengele one of your personal hero's or something?

Aaa heroin 2.jpg