White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Sez some namblacrat fag who skipped over the part where you were caught red handed running a pederast heroin cartel dope epidemic warcrime coverup a s who went on to subvert democracy and rig an election for kickbacks you got for mandating a dangerous expiremental vax for a 1% mortality rate mild cold that cant survive 37°c. Is Josef Mengele one of your personal hero's or something?
Is that best you've got? You cannot prove one word of it and you know it. You're not different to all the other godbothering ignorant fools.
Sez some namblacrat fag who skipped over the part where you were caught red handed running a pederast heroin cartel dope epidemic warcrime coverup and who went on to subvert democracy and rig an election for kickbacks you got for mandating a dangerous expiremental vax for a 1% mortality rate mild cold that cant survive 37°c. Is Josef Mengele one of your personal hero's or something?

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You button has developed a stutter.
Sez some namblacrat fag who skipped over the part where you were caught red handed running a pederast heroin cartel dope epidemic warcrime coverup and who went on to subvert democracy and rig an election for kickbacks you got for mandating a dangerous expiremental vax for a 1% mortality rate mild cold that cant survive 37°c. Is Josef Mengele one of your personal hero's or something?

View attachment 6080
You button has developed a stutter.
Now we're getting a better view of what you really are.
You burst in here thinking you would brow beat me.
Welcome to the real world you ring reaming shirtlifter.
C'mon...c'mon....the Trump years were always more, about, incest.
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Why do you think that's a counterpoint? Im not in the least proposing to elect el tRumpo again. Yes technically he did "defund" some of your buddies with heroin honey trapped castrated bacha bazi rape slaves chained to their beds, but then again, no he fking didn't. Instead he farmed the most heroin in human history and paid off your boy raping faggot buddies, off the books. Secondly, your counterpoint necessitates that I'm damned fool enough to be mentally trapped by false equivalency fallacies. Ivana had a pussy. Your bacha bazis didn't. Ivana wasn't meant to grow up to be a killer. Your bacha bazis are. Ivana wanted it. Your bacha bazis just wanted heroin. Ivana loves her daddy. Your bacha bazis will fking kill you and no one can blame them for it. They might even get a thankyou when they do.

mushroom-cloud.gifHeroin honey trapping foreign and domestic policy.png
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still obsessed with gays lol

Still hoping for someone to obsesses about you....?

I'd just rather you were all killed along with your pederast afghan buddies before we left but at least someone is getting half of it done now. Now, where were we....

if i successfully have every single one of your disgusting friends killed in the middle east, im sure i would envy the resulting society that came there after.

Still hoping for someone to obsesses about you....?

I'd just rather you were all killed along with your pederast afghan buddies before we left but at least someone is getting half of it done now. Now, where were we....

if i successfully have every single one of your disgusting friends killed in the middle east, im sure i would envy the resulting society that came there after.

View attachment 6098
oh i already have someone who obsesses about me lol. they start threads about me all the time.
I dont think i need to prove anything. Not to you or anyone else. Reality proves itself. All anyone has to do is look for themselves.
That's typically what we get, from "conservatives" (still in-search of "alternative-facts"), around here.
If you can't post any references to support your allusions, you've gotta be lying.