Why Obama Can't Win!


Mar 8, 2008
'Reliable red states: There’s nothing like having friends that like you through thick and thin, and for Republicans in 21 states, that’s exactly what they have. Unfortunately for Obama, he’s strong in all the wrong places; of the primaries that Obama has won over Clinton, almost half are very reliably Republican and off the general election board—states like Kansas, Idaho, North Dakota, Alaska, etc.; in contrast, the states that Clinton is carrying in the primaries are states that Clinton could, in fact, carry in a general election, with less than a third solidly red.'
Obama will lose the Election.

Any dirt on Hillary would be nothing new, we are used to it.

However Obama is clean and shiny on the surface, there will be plenty of dirt to come out on him.

To get to where he is today he had to step on a few toes, those people will come out with their stories and bury Obama

Most of the dirt on Obama is being held until sept-nov the onslaught will begin. We will find he is another money & power hungry politcian like the rest.

He is tied close to the anti American left this will all come out soon. With Hillary we have heard it all before and its nothing new.

Heres one: A black businessman from Chicago calls a radio show to share his view of Barack Hussien Obama.

this is really insane. one unidentified person calls some unidentified radio show and says something that's totally contrary to everything anyone has said to date about obama? do you seriously believe that?

and a list of rehashed talking points from, oh, like 3 months ago? do you honestly think that obama won't win california or new york or massachusetts if he's the nominee?

there's nothing to:
the red state issue,
the rezko issue,
the liberal issue,
the earmark issue (he released a list of all of them. they're not objectionable. only hardcore ron-paul-style conservatives will bite on that one),
the michelle obama issue,
the inactivity issue (i can think of at least two bills by name that obama passed, and i know there are more that he co-sponsored as well),
and number 6 is just silly... and floridians don't believe that hillary is looking out for us...
the wright issue might stick among people who are looking for something against him, even though it is beyond irrelevant, and that's too bad, but overall obama has just as good a chance of winning as the other two.
well, expect that hillary has 0 chance of winning the dem nomination, and therefore no chance of winning the presidency!
this is really insane. one unidentified person calls some unidentified radio show and says something that's totally contrary to everything anyone has said to date about obama? do you seriously believe that?

and a list of rehashed talking points from, oh, like 3 months ago? do you honestly think that obama won't win california or new york or massachusetts if he's the nominee?

there's nothing to:
the red state issue,
the rezko issue,
the liberal issue,
the earmark issue (he released a list of all of them. they're not objectionable. only hardcore ron-paul-style conservatives will bite on that one),
the michelle obama issue,
the inactivity issue (i can think of at least two bills by name that obama passed, and i know there are more that he co-sponsored as well),
and number 6 is just silly... and floridians don't believe that hillary is looking out for us...
the wright issue might stick among people who are looking for something against him, even though it is beyond irrelevant, and that's too bad, but overall obama has just as good a chance of winning as the other two.
well, expect that hillary has 0 chance of winning the dem nomination, and therefore no chance of winning the presidency!

Thats just the start of the fall of Obama more to come.