Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.
Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?

What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?

Well, I don't give too much creadence to the bible on a whole. For me this is a book that was designed to put the fear of God into people. That's not exactly the God that I believe in. Also, as far as the story of Adam and Eve is concern you are missing a vital part. It was Eve who was tempted by the serpent she was the first one to eat from the tree, not Adam. She allowed herself to be tempted first, so in a way she was the one to commit the original sin, and then tempted Adam to do the same. So, with this in mind I think her sin was a bit bigger, and Adam wasn't the most guilty here.
Well, I don't give too much creadence to the bible on a whole. For me this is a book that was designed to put the fear of God into people. That's not exactly the God that I believe in. Also, as far as the story of Adam and Eve is concern you are missing a vital part. It was Eve who was tempted by the serpent she was the first one to eat from the tree, not Adam. She allowed herself to be tempted first, so in a way she was the one to commit the original sin, and then tempted Adam to do the same. So, with this in mind I think her sin was a bit bigger, and Adam wasn't the most guilty here.

Dogma says that God gave Satan the power to deceive the whole world.

Scriptures also say that Eve was deceives so it appears that none can resist God's power flowing through Satan. As one would expect.

Why would God punish Eve for not being able to resist his own power flowing through Satan, whom God had put, or allowed to be, right there in Eden beside Eve?

If Eve could not resist as shown, and Adam never had to be tempted and just disobeyed without even a word to Eve when she gave to him to eat, then how do you come to the conclusion that Adam was not the most guilty?
