An Absurd Combination

Actually Bob The Builder once again shows his ignorance. You didn't "slam me" for anything I said. Your rant was about something I didn't say, thay you claimed was in my post. That's both lying, and quite ignorant, observations that seem to be frequent responses to your remarks.

You're again wrong about time I spend with a firearm. You're wrong again about not understanding about sometimes carrying large sums of money. Been there, done that, for years. You're wrong again about not understanding high crime areas. But I just don't seem to live in fear like you do. You're also wrong about "blatantly unconstitutional laws that have been foisted upon us". If they were "unconstitutional" the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn them. I guess you must be too ignorant to understand how the system works.

Sorry you're so afraid. Must be a really sad life to be so ignorant and fearful. Hope nobody frightens you today.

Welcome the the 'world of BOOBtheBuilder' and now I'm wondering where his keeper {the brains in the box} with whom BOOB lovingly slathers drool at her feet and receives the 'atta boy' accolades for being such a nice newbie poster around here??? WHO THE HELL LET THIS FOOL OFF OF HIS LEASH AND REMOVED THAT MUZZLE???

1. he started his diatribe by calling your post a "THESIS"
2. he then went off on his self inflicted, self absorbed ranting about other issues that were NOT in your post
3. this is his style/mindset...don't have an open exchange of ideologies/view points...just blow into the room and drop insults/asinine comments around and remove all doubt that he's unable to open his mind/ listen/learn :D

Yep, that is BOOBtheBuilder, in all of his glory. You may achieve his highest reward...that IGNORE this rate he'll end up with just his 'HANDLER' to discuss things with...he'll have exhausted all of the adults around here...;)
A few weeks ago I penned an op-ed piece that addressed the transformation underway in our nation from civility to hate and rage. It was my contention then, and now, that this change is being fueled on a daily basis by the Republicans that populate the AM radio band.

At the same time as this change, Republicans are ratcheting up their desire to have America armed to the teeth, and never leave home without your weapon. They spread baloney about a great fear our President is going to take away their guns and its taken root. You can even see this language appear in the print ads run by the gun show promoters, which is a great place for the fearful knuckle-draggers to add to their arsenal, free from scrutiny. Republicans go absolutely bonkers at even the suggestion that a cursory check be made to determine if someone is a criminal or total wack job before stocking up on more fire power. Even Republican preachers have come on board, hosting “bring your guns to church” days.

Here in Oklahoma we’ve seen Republican-sponsored legislation to allow, and encourage, college kids to pack heat as they head off to the classroom. Sen. Coburn (R-Oklahoma) wants all of us to bring our guns when we go to the park. In Arizona, apparently the Republicans felt they were falling behind in the “Arm America” race, so they’ve just passed a legislative measure placed before their Republican Governor, which would allow the scared Republicans to bring their guns with them when they go out for a night of bar hopping. Alcohol and guns, that’s a swell idea, at least it is to the wingnuts.

We’re on a roll with this. The AM radio wingnuts are escalating their hate-spewing rhetoric, working tirelessly to frighten their sheeple. The very scared Republicans are arming themselves to the max, and fighting to allow total freedom to carry their weapons with them every waking hour of the day no matter where they go.

Smears, lies, fear, hateful speech, alcohol and guns… do you really need to be a rocket scientist to see where this is headed?

They are a sad bunch that's for sure.

The Lunatic Far Right is so worried that they might not be allowed to buy an AK-47 assault rifle with a 60 round banana clip and carry it into K Mart or McDonalds that they'd actually want to see armed college students.

Because you know if people can't buy every gun ever made and carry it anywhere & everywhere then that's just the first step to taking away all guns... NOT!

We all remember watching what goes on at college... those who went to college.:rolleyes:

The drinking parties... the guys who would crash parties high on drugs... the making of a major brawl because someone looked at your wannabe girlfriend a certain way... the Dumpster fires after a big football game and throwing beer bottles at the cops...

So obviously if your a Conservative to help prevent this from escalating YOU ARM ALL THE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

This is why the Republicans lost the Presidentcy... the House... and the Senate by super majority. They're simply dangerous & terrible law makers.

What do you think Greco? Should we join the Conservatives and pass out some guns at this party... nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan.

They are a sad bunch that's for sure.

The Lunatic Far Right is so worried that they might not be allowed to buy an AK-47 assault rifle with a 60 round banana clip and carry it into K Mart or McDonalds that they'd actually want to see armed college students.

Because you know if people can't buy every gun ever made and carry it anywhere & everywhere then that's just the first step to taking away all guns... NOT!

We all remember watching what goes on at college... those who went to college.:rolleyes:

The drinking parties... the guys who would crash parties high on drugs... the making of a major brawl because someone looked at your wannabe girlfriend a certain way... the Dumpster fires after a big football game and throwing beer bottles at the cops...

So obviously if your a Conservative to help prevent this from escalating YOU ARM ALL THE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

This is why the Republicans lost the Presidentcy... the House... and the Senate by super majority. They're simply dangerous & terrible law makers.

What do you think Greco? Should we join the Conservatives and pass out some guns at this party... nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan.

When the conservative right wing nut jobs are unable to 'scare the hell' {pray away the gay/wrong minded/sinners} out of the rest of the voting public...they will resort to desperate measures and just 'pull their courage from their holster' and blow your arse away!!! The screeching/gnashing of teeth/fearful right wing nut-jobs are getting all worked up and the vile contempt for our elected officials is becoming a loud roar from those limited functioning small minded group!!! Fear & desperation...the two strong forces that the GOP understands!
Bob the Builder seem so afraid of everything, he even mentioned how he hates to leave his gun in his truck when he walks in to pick up a pizza. Really, really sad to be that afraid. I'll bet he sleeps with the light on too.
Bob the Builder seem so afraid of everything, he even mentioned how he hates to leave his gun in his truck when he walks in to pick up a pizza. Really, really sad to be that afraid. I'll bet he sleeps with the light on too.

I would worry to leave my gun in my car too, but not because I am afraid of going into Pizza Hut without it. Because I would not want someone to break into my car and steal it.

Gun crimes are often done with stolen guns. I would hate to think I was so irresponsible that I let my gun be stolen then it was used to kill someone.

Could it be that is what Bob is worried about? That is what I am thinking he meant.
Bob the Builder seem so afraid of everything, he even mentioned how he hates to leave his gun in his truck when he walks in to pick up a pizza. Really, really sad to be that afraid. I'll bet he sleeps with the light on too.

And as usual, one of the resident mouth-breathing inbred libtards proves to be incapable of reading and comprehending ENGLISH! I said that I wouldn't want to leave my firearm in my vehicle while having a BUSINESS LUNCHEON (I don't even own a truck!). On those rare occasions that I do stop in to pick up a pizza on the way home from work, I keep my weapon on as the owner feels as I do, that "Designated Victims Zones" (that would be places that forbid people from carrying their legally owned weapons) are a very bad thing.

He also failed to comprehend when I very clearly stated that I haven't been afraid of anything, or anyone since 1979, and no, I don't sleep with the light on (no sense in giving a criminal the advantage), but I bet that Greco has a really nice "Spongebob Squarepants" nightlight just like my grand-daughter does.

Yup, another libtard proves to the world that he's dumber than a box of rocks.
I would worry to leave my gun in my car too, but not because I am afraid of going into Pizza Hut without it. Because I would not want someone to break into my car and steal it.

Gun crimes are often done with stolen guns. I would hate to think I was so irresponsible that I let my gun be stolen then it was used to kill someone.

Could it be that is what Bob is worried about? That is what I am thinking he meant.

Not only is that what I meant, it's what I specifically said! As I said earlier, libtards can't read or comprehend simple plain English!

Greco is a victim, and he wants everyone else in the world to be a victim too (I can only surmise so that he won't be so lonely). Libtards like him are so silly that they actually believe that guns are the problem, and that crime has nothing to do with.....CRIMINALS! They blissfully contend that if we got rid of guns that crime would go down, but they ignore the fact that we use the word 'criminal' to describe these people because they ignore the laws that are already on the books, you know, the ones against rape, armed robbery, aggravated assault, murder, things like that, but somehow they'll suddenly abide by a law that prohibits them from having a weapon. OH, WAIT A MINUTE, there's already a law on the books that says that criminals aren't allowed to have a weapon, and they ignore that one too!

Maybe if all the libtards got together and asked them "pretty please with sugar on top" the criminals will stop committing crimes. I'd pay good money to see that one, and I'd laugh like a hyena when the criminals ROLLED their stupid butts!
Poor Bob the Builder, so afraid of things that go bump in the night. He carries his little pistola to enhance his otherwise faltering sense of manhood. The only place he feels brave is when he can come on the internet anonymously and call people names. What a sad little life to be so very afraid of everyone and everything.
I would worry to leave my gun in my car too, but not because I am afraid of going into Pizza Hut without it. Because I would not want someone to break into my car and steal it.

Gun crimes are often done with stolen guns. I would hate to think I was so irresponsible that I let my gun be stolen then it was used to kill someone.

Could it be that is what Bob is worried about? That is what I am thinking he meant. we have his interpreter on board and she will translate all of his diatribe/vile/asinine/vitriol filled words down into a simple worded text that at least she's able to understand.

I can hardly that they are tag teaming their posts...this will be ever so much more entertaining...carry on.

He screeches, she ignores his vile wording and rephrases it into the 'simple text'...I'm getting a cold drink and pulling up a recliner...this will be glorious to watch!!! :rolleyes: we have his interpreter on board and she will translate all of his diatribe/vile/asinine/vitriol filled words down into a simple worded text that at least she's able to understand.

I can hardly that they are tag teaming their posts...this will be ever so much more entertaining...carry on.

He screeches, she ignores his vile wording and rephrases it into the 'simple text'...I'm getting a cold drink and pulling up a recliner...this will be glorious to watch!!! :rolleyes:

For someone who goes to my page to scream LEAVE ME ALONE! you sure do follow me around.

Dottie, get a grip!
For someone who goes to my page to scream LEAVE ME ALONE! you sure do follow me around.

Dottie, get a grip!
Aw...poor dumb was DITTO...not DOTTIE...JEEZ you are such a "TWIT" but pick up those remnants from those 'pom-poms' and go massage poor BOOB's ego...he taking an arse whipping and now here you are to protect him. GOOD WORK THERE...

And if you don't like me screaming {which I didn't and don't} why are you still 'whining around my P.M.' to "leave people alone you big bully" :confused:
Aw...poor dumb was DITTO...not DOTTIE...JEEZ you are such a "TWIT" but pick up those remnants from those 'pom-poms' and go massage poor BOOB's ego...he taking an arse whipping and now here you are to protect him. GOOD WORK THERE...

And if you don't like me screaming {which I didn't and don't} why are you still 'whining around my P.M.' to "leave people alone you big bully" :confused:

You remind me of Dottie, and so I will call you Dottie :)

What exactly is a twit? I will have to look that up. Lingo from the 50s?

You know, from your constant pom-pom jokes, I have a feeling the cheerleaders were not very nice to you in school. I am sorry for that but I was not there and had I been, I would have been nice to you!
You remind me of Dottie, and so I will call you Dottie :)

What exactly is a twit? I will have to look that up. Lingo from the 50s?

You know, from your constant pom-pom jokes, I have a feeling the cheerleaders were not very nice to you in school. I am sorry for that but I was not there and had I been, I would have been nice to you!

Oh, now you care???

But wrong again...a good grade wasn't a prerequisite for making/qualifying for our cheer squad...I was the only one on the honor roll each and every report card are the constant reminder of the 'air heads' that were all about being: popular/happy/insincere but it looks good and sounds good to be perky...made them feel fulfilled and important...superfecial/superfelous/all body and no brains ;)

So now you will be 'Brains in the BOX' :)
Poor Bob the Builder, so afraid of things that go bump in the night. He carries his little pistola to enhance his otherwise faltering sense of manhood. The only place he feels brave is when he can come on the internet anonymously and call people names. What a sad little life to be so very afraid of everyone and everything.

I wasn't surprised by his name calling... he's on the Far Right fringe.

I've seen this needless anger & insecurity play out throughout my entire life... Hell I lived it. People who've been around here from awhile remember be talking about my bike gang days back in my late 20's early 30's.

That's the mindset. You get so indoctrinated at hating and so paranoid that you over compensate. Simply put you lose perspective.

There's nothing wrong with owning guns. There's nothing wrong with having them to defend your home & family from criminal activity on your property. There's nothing wrong if you're a businessman having a firearm @ his business or when he's carrying large amounts of bank deposits because you're focused. I myself have done that when I owned my Auto Body shops.

But I can tell you this straight from the mouths of my Harley riding buddies now (mostly police officers) that the problem arises when people like Bob think they are as qualified to make life & death decisions with a firearm as trained police officers are. They are not. They make an ungodly amount of mistakes compared to well trained sober police officers.

And there's nothing wrong with the fact that the vast, vast, vast majority of businesses don't want people most of which they don't even know just strolling in off the streets with whatever emotional baggage they might have packing heat.

I've personally witnessed one of the meanest toughest bikers around get taken out by an 18 year old kid with a gun & a grudge who snuck up from behind and shot him in the back of the head while he was drinking at the bar. Three pounds of trigger pressure and anyone can be a murderer. Anyone not paying attention for a second can get ambushed. Having a gun doesn't change that.

And I've had a very close police officer friend killed and another shot in the face that lived shot by a drunk out on the streets with a legal handgun.

Anyone who tries to tell you having a gun is the be all end all solution to safety is for lack of a better word... delusional. And allowing guns in the hands of college kids on campus is simply out... moronic.