Another defeat for the RINOs

They had to. Its not what he did that cost him.Its what he didnt do what cost him re-election. Remember Steele broke his promise to get Harry Reid voted out after he made a racist comment? When all this time the RNC refused to run negitive political ads on Harry Reids racist remark on Obama by calling him a Light Skinned Negro. Steele vowed to promise he will work on getting Harry Reid voted out of office. If the RNC ran racist negitive ads on Harry Reid voters would been reminded what a racist guy he is and Reid would have lost the election and gave the GOP a tie in the Senate instead of 51-49 in favor of Liberals. That one vote would have gave Democrats only 50 seats. So Steele wasnt agressive enough to run the party. Its like a coach of the NFL like former coach of the Cowboys Wade Phillps wasnt running his team agressive enough. Jerry Jones had to fire him and when Jason Garrett took over the Cowboys they started winning again because of his agressive style coaching. The RNC wants a winner to lead the party not a fair guy loser.
It's more than that. The RNC saw obozo elected, and said "Hmmmm - OK - let's get our own black guy" - and they were widely ridiculed for the obvious connection. Now many in the RNC see the handwriting on the wall - conservatives have at long last risen up, and they better take account of it or all their candidates will be swept away.
Lets see... presided over a historic off year election. Was he the beneficiary of a new and amazing grassroots movement ? you bet. but he strill had sense enough to eventually embrace it while many GOP leaders still have not.

did he spend wisely ? probably not. did this hurt the ground game ? probably so, and for this he has to go.

but contrast Tim Kaine, no contest, Kaine proved to the world what we i Virginia knew, he's a hack and it's telling that Obama STILL believes in him.
Lets see... presided over a historic off year election. Was he the beneficiary of a new and amazing grassroots movement ? you bet. but he strill had sense enough to eventually embrace it while many GOP leaders still have not.

did he spend wisely ? probably not. did this hurt the ground game ? probably so, and for this he has to go.

but contrast Tim Kaine, no contest, Kaine proved to the world what we i Virginia knew, he's a hack and it's telling that Obama STILL believes in him.

He reacted to the movement - he should have CREATED it. He was behind the curve. Time to move out the dead wood.