Implementation of Obamacare

Pointing out the political ignorance of other members on the board is far from an accurate definition of "hate" , Lag ....
Of course. How can you miss the fact I was referring to your continual name calling devoid of any intelligent content. It is not a reflection on the poster, it's a reflection on you and how much you dispise anyone that doesn't agree with you and how much you rant about it.
In fact, your comment about "hate" is more in line with today's wacko liberal definition which really just means anyone who disagrees with you. But, you are right about one thing .... I do not pretend to know you and I can only go by the non-sense you post. If you don't like being treated like an uninformed "Obama stooge", then stop posting like one!
Your posts are a tedious repetition of whining or troll-like nihilism. In fact you are very much like the Gnostic Bishop who has tedious anti-theism theme. You simply have a tedious anti-liberal theme.
And, BTW .... the TEA Party no longer supports Rick Scott because he does not represent the values of the party and the TEA Party is actively pursing a candidate to defeat him in 2014.
Scott is no longer overtly acting as stupid as the tea party. He knows he would loose. Any TP candidate will loose. Scott is now aiming toward the center so he can get votes. He still has a closet TP mentality.
Obamacare Supporter: ‘Of Course I Want People to Have Health Care, I Just Didn’t Realize I Would Be the One Who Was Going to Pay for It Personally’

Supporters of President Barack Obama and his health care law were shocked to learn that their health care plans are being replaced with more expensive ones to comply with all the requirements of Obamacare.

Cindy Vinson, of San Jose, Calif., will reportedly pay $1,800 more each year for an individual policy. Additionally, Tom Waschura, of Portola Valley, Calif., will pay nearly $10,000 more for insurance to cover his family of four.

“Of course, I want people to have health care, I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally,” Vinson said."
Supporters of President Barack Obama and his health care law were shocked to learn that their health care plans are being replaced with more expensive ones to comply with all the requirements of Obamacare.

Cindy Vinson, of San Jose, Calif., will reportedly pay $1,800 more each year for an individual policy. Additionally, Tom Waschura, of Portola Valley, Calif., will pay nearly $10,000 more for insurance to cover his family of four.
Those kinds of anecdotal stories are completely meaningless without further information. The article didn't say if they were getting exactly the same coverage with the same deductibles, etc. But of course you already know this because the source you cite also says that sometimes,

“… premiums will rise as a result of people getting better insurance under the new law …”

You should broaden your reading material rather than just continually quoting The Blaze.
You know that one guy who successfully signed up for ObamaCare? He didn’t

The 21-year-old student from Georgia was cited in multiple articles as being one of the few, the proud, the successful to signed up for insurance through a federal exchange.

On his Facebook page, Chad Henderson bragged about being interviewed by "The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Chattanooga Times Free Press, The Huffington Post, Enroll America, and Politico," along with several local TV affiliates.

His story supposedly was proof that for all their glitches and problems - and the ambivalence of young people - the new health insurance exchanges were working after all.

Except it seems like it was all a lie.

Peter Suderman, writing at Reason, claims to have uncovered the truth.
Insurance Rate Spikes Due to Obamacare Crushing N.C. Consumers

Thousands of North Carolina residents are facing huge increases in their health care premiums due to new coverage rules imposed by Obamacare.

Because the Affordable Care Act mandates certain types of coverage each health care plan must contain, some insurers like Blue Cross are canceling existing plans and requiring customers to purchase new plans.

How large are the increases? For some families, the changes will mean tens of thousands of dollars a year, the Charlotte Observer reports:
I read one earlier (forgot where) and the person's family plan went up from $500 deductible to $3000 and the co pay went from 20% to 30%. The monthly premium was about the same.
I gave your post a “like” because it's one of the rare times I agree with almost everything you say.

There are many things the administration can do but won't do to decrease heath care and other government costs. Obama is not my savior nor anything close. For four years I served on the board of directors of a foundation to inform the public of the fiscal problems that will come crashing down including an unbalanced budget and debt. So you and your like on this board don't need to lecture me about that.

I totally agree with the tea party in reducing the deficit, but I disagree with their slash and burn methodology. I have a bad taste for our tea party governor Rick Scott. When he was chief executive at Columbia/HCA he committed one of the largest Medicare and Medicaid frauds in history and paid $1.7 billion in fines. Yet he won the election because he used $70 million of his own ill gotten gains to buy it.

The one area I disagree with you is that you think I am an Obama stooge. You and Tex have no understanding on who I am but continually lump all liberals into one convenient box so you can have an easier time knowing who to hate.

I am glad you liked my post...I am sorry to say I can't reciprocate.

You claim the TP is about slash and burn methodology. Could you please explain? I have yet to hear anyone in the TP assert that the federal budget should be slashed and burned. But, I have heard from D pols who say there is nothing to cut in the budget...

Nothing left to cut pretty much sums up the D party position on the federal budget. And you dislike the TP. Rather convoluted thinking.

I hate no man unlike those on the Left. I do hate leftism though. Does that make me a hatemonger?
Sebelius: Individuals Can Get A One Year Obamacare Delay -- By Paying The Penalty

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius defended Obamacare in a very contentious interview with Daily Show host Jon Stewart on Monday night.

Stewart pressed Sebelius on why businesses get a one-year delay on Obamacare but individuals do not. After several attempts for an answer, Sebelius eventually said individuals could delay Obamacare for a year -- by paying the penalty.

Isn't this interesting considering only 1% of American who try to sign up for Obamacare are able to do so!
I am glad you liked my post...I am sorry to say I can't reciprocate.

You claim the TP is about slash and burn methodology. Could you please explain? I have yet to hear anyone in the TP assert that the federal budget should be slashed and burned. But, I have heard from D pols who say there is nothing to cut in the budget...

I thought it would have been obvious. I was NOT referring to the TP slashing the budget, I was referring to their attaching Obamacare to the budget and steering it to a shutdown. Maybe “slash and burn” is a misleading metaphor. “Scorched earth” would have been better.

In short, I agree with the goal of cutting the budget, but disagree with attaching Obamacare to the budget.

As far as Pelosi , I disagree with her. Whether she is being truthful or not, she is playing politics like everyone else.
I thought it would have been obvious. I was NOT referring to the TP slashing the budget, I was referring to their attaching Obamacare to the budget and steering it to a shutdown. Maybe “slash and burn” is a misleading metaphor. “Scorched earth” would have been better.

In short, I agree with the goal of cutting the budget, but disagree with attaching Obamacare to the budget.

As far as Pelosi , I disagree with her. Whether she is being truthful or not, she is playing politics like everyone else.

So...defunding Obamacare means scorched earth tactics by the TP. Hardly.

You fail to recognize the dangers we face...sadly, you are not alone. We are rapidly heading for disaster due to unconstrained deficit spending by an uncontrolled unlimited powerful statist government. This while the huge baby boom generation is aging rapidly and what does BO and Ds do? They legislate a new entitlement in Obamacare (without one vote from the opposing party), while failing to pass a budget for years, while adding one trillion to the deficit annually, while enriching Wall Street and the Too Big To Fail Banks, tax breaks to the worlds largest corps, wasting huge sums on green energy projects, involving America in foreign wars, destroying the value of the dollar, piling on regulations, spying on Americans, expanding the police state, etc..........................

And you're concerned about the TP!!! Your concern is grotesquely misplaced. The TP wants to put an end to this insanity and that is why the establishment has targeted them...sadly you have been duped by the establishment.

Pat Buchanan has it right in his recent column...I hope you will agree.

The Obamacare battle is part of a larger struggle between a party of government and a conservative party that fears America is heading down a road traveled by Greece, Italy and Spain.

Now the party of government can surely claim credit for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare. Yet, that same party is also responsible for driving New York City to the brink of bankruptcy in the 1970s and for the disaster that is Detroit today.

That party is also responsible for an unsustainable welfare state where half the U.S. population pays zero income taxes but consumes hundreds of billions yearly in social welfare benefits.

Big government and the Fat City are one in Barack Obama's America.

And how does the Tea Party imperil the country?

First, they risk taking America over the cliff into default. But that raises a question: Since the Tea Party folks are newcomers to town, who brought America to the edge of this cliff?

What radical added $6 trillion to our national debt in five years? Or did the Tea Party do that?

Almost all now agree that the entitlement programs—Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid—threaten to consume the budget.

Is the Tea Party responsible for this gathering disaster?

Was the Tea Party beating the drums for those trillion-dollar wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is the Tea Party responsible for our being committed to fighting other countries' wars and paying other countries' bills, in perpetuity, through foreign aid?

When the Tea Party says the Fed's QE3amounts to printing money and inflating the currency, that it is creating stock market and real estate bubbles certain to burst, and that the dollar's future as the world's reserve currency is imperiled, do they not have a point?

These same views are today being echoed by economists and writers, few of whom are ever likely to show up wearing side arms at God and Country Rallies.

And just where did our community-organizer president learn his economics. From Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"? From hissenate days in Springfield, capital of the state that is the odds-on favorite to be first in the nation to default on its debts?

The Tea Party is feared and detested in Washington because these folks threaten the ideology, the vested interests, and most critical of all, the rice bowls in this city that voted 15-1 for Obama.
Maryland Obamacare Exchange: 'No Doctors Are Found'

"If you've got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor," President Obama assured the public as he worked to sell Obamacare in 2010. However, in July 2013, visitors to received a less confident "you may be able to" in answer to the question, "Can I keep my own doctor?" Beginning October 1, users of the Maryland Health Connection, that state's Obamacare insurance exchange, might have an even more basic question: Are there any doctors?
Maryland Obamacare Exchange: 'No Doctors Are Found'

"If you've got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor," President Obama assured the public as he worked to sell Obamacare in 2010. However, in July 2013, visitors to received a less confident "you may be able to" in answer to the question, "Can I keep my own doctor?" Beginning October 1, users of the Maryland Health Connection, that state's Obamacare insurance exchange, might have an even more basic question: Are there any doctors?
Read they had around 350 signups in MD wont need TOO many docs. One doc can field 1200+
So...defunding Obamacare means scorched earth tactics by the TP. Hardly.

You fail to recognize the dangers we face...sadly, you are not alone. We are rapidly heading for disaster due to unconstrained deficit spending by an uncontrolled unlimited powerful statist government. This while the huge baby boom generation is aging rapidly and what does BO and Ds do? They legislate a new entitlement in Obamacare (without one vote from the opposing party), while failing to pass a budget for years, while adding one trillion to the deficit annually, while enriching Wall Street and the Too Big To Fail Banks, tax breaks to the worlds largest corps, wasting huge sums on green energy projects, involving America in foreign wars, destroying the value of the dollar, piling on regulations, spying on Americans, expanding the police state, etc..........................

And you're concerned about the TP!!! Your concern is grotesquely misplaced. The TP wants to put an end to this insanity and that is why the establishment has targeted them...sadly you have been duped by the establishment.
You still failed to understand my point. Let me try again.

Scorched earth = government shut down.
Scorched earth does not equal defunding Obama care.

The TP forces a scorched earth (government shutdown) by attaching Obamacare to the budget bill knowing that is nonnegotiable by POTUS. Maybe you think the government shutdown (scorched earth) is fine, but I don't.

I already told you I disagree with Obama on many things, including Wall Street, bank failures, tax breaks on corps, foreign wars, spying, subsidies, etc. You are still preaching unnecessarily. Why do you keep belaboring that?

Yes, I along with the TP want to put an end to the insanity in the above paragraph, but not by bringing about a government shutdown. That piles more insanity on insanity. That may destroy the international integrity of the US dollar. Is that what the TP wants? Is that what you want? If you think shutting down the government is worth it in trying to get rid of Obamacare, then we have a strong disagreement. Let the TP try some other way. If the shutdown insanity is what you think being duped is, than I think you are the one being duped.