Obama is Hitler

BODY LANGUAGE??? Are you kidding me? Watch McCain's body language is like asking someone to listen to a mute talk!

McCain has had every bone in his body broken several times. He walks, stands, and sits oddly. It's hardly anything to gauge him on! What a moronic statement. Do you tell people to watch the shaking of those with parkinson's too?

If they are a republican or a conservative democrat, I bet YES
BODY LANGUAGE??? Are you kidding me? Watch McCain's body language is like asking someone to listen to a mute talk!~Unite
Good communication skills can help you in both your personal and professional life. While verbal and written communication skills are important, research has shown that nonverbal behaviors make up a large percentage of our daily interpersonal communication. How can you improve your nonverbal communication skills? The following top ten tips for nonverbal communication can help you learn to read the nonverbal signals of other people and enhance your own ability to communicate effectively.

1. Pay Attention to Nonverbal Signals
People can communicate information in numerous ways; so pay attention to things like eye contact, gestures, posture, body movements, and tone of voice. All of these signals can convey important information that isn't put into words. By paying closer attention to other people's nonverbal behaviors, you will improve your own ability to communicate nonverbally.

Source: http://psychology.about.com/od/nonverbalcommunication/tp/nonverbaltips.htm

Any psychologist will tell you that body language is probably THE most depictive form of communication, followed second by language.

Our ancestors communicated soley by body language. Animals do the same. It is the world's first language, and the most accurate. It is nearly impossible to lie when you communicate with the body. And hence the reason republicans might find reason to denigrate it to a non-existant phenomenon...lol...

McCain's body language screams : "latent anger" "rigidity" "insecurity" "residual fear", "lack of confidence" and most substantive.."insincere". Don't believe me? Watch him and count the number of times he blinks vs Obama. It's like 40 to 1, or close to it. Oh, wait, let me guess...he has "an eye condition" right?...lol...

Just the qualities we're looking for in our next leader. On body language alone, Barack Obama would be 40- 50 points ahead of McCain in any poll.

In fact, if a psychologist were to do a report on the two candidates using soley body language to describe likely personality issues or strong points, the McCain campaign wouldn't even hold a breath of hope at winning.