RINO Romney enters prez race

That's exactly correct - libs are always trying to give us advice on whom to nominate/. :D

At this point, I'd go with Pawlenty.

The "libs" i.e. Obama supporters, would advise you to nominate Palin or perhaps Bachmann. Why would they want the Republicans to run a candidate who is electable?

Is Pawlenti the arch conservative that you're looking for?

Since Pawlenty has never served in Congress, he does not have a rating by the Club for Growth. However, the Cato Institute, a free market think tank, produces a biennial scorecard on the nation’s governors based on their tax and spending policies and actions. Over his two terms, Pawlenty’s scores were:

2010 – “A”
2008 – “B”
2006 – “C”
2004 – “B”

Before that, he was rated by the non-partisan Taxpayers League of Minnesota during his time in the Minnesota Legislature. In 2002, the last year that Pawlenty was in office as a state legislator, he received a 75%. Over the years 1997-2002, his average score was 80% while the average House Republican score over that time period was just over 75%.

Every one of the actual and potential candidates talk too much. They don't seem to have a strategy, or talking points that they have rehearsed in advance. "The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance"

They get in front of the camera and can't shut their mouth. On Fox News or impromptu speeches, they all will talk all over the issue and talk way too long on one question.

Palin is the worst offender with her "off-the-cuff" impromptu remarks. But Herman Cain just will not give a short answer to any question.

And did anybody else recognize Romney's closing sentence of his Presidential announcement, "I'm Mitt Romney. I believe in America. And I'm running for president of the United States." It is very similar to a line out or the movie, "The American President". Little movie trivia.

In short, I don't like any of the Republicans running for President. Somebody must make a lot of improvement to win my support in 2012.
The "libs" i.e. Obama supporters, would advise you to nominate Palin or perhaps Bachmann. Why would they want the Republicans to run a candidate who is electable?

Your premise is SILLY. :D With obozo running against Romney, who will democrats vote for? OBOZO. What would conservatives do? Probably stay home in disgust. Yaaaaaa, you've given us the road to victory.

Is Pawlenti the arch conservative that you're looking for?

(Why is it that only conservatives are "arch"? :D) Any republican who can get elected in the historically liberal upper midwest and compile any kind of decent record is to be admired. After four years of devastation of this country by our first amateur "affirmative action" president, people will be ready for a conservative change, giving Pawlenty room to be conservative, very analogous to Reagan after the four disastrous years of jimmy carter.
Your premise is SILLY. :D With obozo running against Romney, who will democrats vote for? OBOZO. What would conservatives do? Probably stay home in disgust. Yaaaaaa, you've given us the road to victory.

That isn't the question. Democrats will vote for Democrats, Republicans will vote Republican. It is the independent voter who will determine the election.

(Why is it that only conservatives are "arch"? :D) Any republican who can get elected in the historically liberal upper midwest and compile any kind of decent record is to be admired. .

So, you think Romney is worthy of being admired?
That isn't the question. Democrats will vote for Democrats, Republicans will vote Republican. It is the independent voter who will determine the election.

Uh, noooo ... many, probably most republicans won't vote for Romney.

So, you think Romney is worthy of being admired?

Noooo....... he didn't do decently as governor. He created the first statist health system in the US and is therefore dead wrong on a very key issue. He's been pro-"gay marriage" and pro-abortion. Absolutely no comparison with Pawlenty.
One problem with Cain is he has that ghetto-speak, eg dropping the to-be verb ("she is saying" becomes "she saying") and the "th" sound - "the" becomes "duh".

Geez, Rick. And all northeasterners don't know how to pronounce the letter "r". "Pock my cah so I can go eat some chowdah and lobstah".

Who cares that Cain doesn't speak "the queen's english"? I like the way he speaks. He sounds like a preacher, and he has a very dynamic personality.
Geez, Rick. And all northeasterners don't know how to pronounce the letter "r". "Pock my cah so I can go eat some chowdah and lobstah".

Who cares that Cain doesn't speak "the queen's english"? I like the way he speaks. He sounds like a preacher, and he has a very dynamic personality.

Cain's heart is in the right place, and he has relevent executive experience, but I need to know more about him. The next president needs to have what we have done without for four years: real intellect to solve the many problems left him.
Someone looks at Pawlenty and sees Ronald Reagan? LOL

The media adores conservatives. Being rational people, they don't care for idiots and nutballs-thus they end up laughing at Palin and Bachmann.
Cain's heart is in the right place, and he has relevent executive experience, but I need to know more about him. The next president needs to have what we have done without for four years: real intellect to solve the many problems left him.

I happened to see Cain's announcement that he was running for the Republican nomination, and I was VERY impressed with what he had to say, and the way he carried himself.

He would stomp Obama in the ground in a head-to-head debate. He already destroyed the RINOS in the first formal "Republican" debate a few weeks ago.
Another bizarre comment. Cain is well spoken. But he completely flubbed a recent question on Israel. Obama would roll over him in a debate.

I read a comment on a blog about Cain that sums up his appeal to the right-the crowd thought he was the "most conservative"-by which they meant that he said a lot of hostile things about Obama.
Another bizarre comment. Cain is well spoken. But he completely flubbed a recent question on Israel. Obama would roll over him in a debate.

I read a comment on a blog about Cain that sums up his appeal to the right-the crowd thought he was the "most conservative"-by which they meant that he said a lot of hostile things about Obama.

More "bizarre" comments from the "new leftist". Stay in your own lane, "PFOS" or "Stalin" or whoever you are.

Take away Obama's teleprompter, and he gets that "deer in the headlights" look, and instantly transforms into a half-black version of stumbling/bumbling George Bush. :D:eek:
You must have missed every single one of the debates in the 2008 election.

There were no teleprompters allowed, and Obama was 3 for 3.
Another bizarre comment. Cain is well spoken. But he completely flubbed a recent question on Israel. Obama would roll over him in a debate.

I read a comment on a blog about Cain that sums up his appeal to the right-the crowd thought he was the "most conservative"-by which they meant that he said a lot of hostile things about Obama.

Now the leftwingers are not only telling us what candidate would be good for us, they're telling us who we like and why. :D
Conservative has come to mean something other than conservative. The people you call conservatives are John Birch society radicals.

I'm not telling you that you like Cain. You're telling me that you like Cain. I am telling you one of the reasons you like Cain. I'm sure that there are others. I can't wait to hear them, now that you've gotten your little threat out of the way.