RINO Romney enters prez race

and a good thing it is for all of us.

Romney was for a state (Mass) reforming health care in that state, he is for the states having the right to opt out of "Obamacare."

That's stupid beyond belief, as if the opting out states won't be affected by some of the worst effects of obozocare anyway, eg an end to innovation in treatments, meds, and medical instruments, doctors leaving the profession, the looting of medicare.

He is not in favor of abortion himself, but is against the federal government deciding when a woman may or may not abort.

Anoither "beyond stupid" position. Like my saying I'm against murder myself, but it should be legal for those who want to do it.
You are too dull to grasp the point. Pro-abortion in one office, anti in the next? Why can't he just be replaced by a computer?
Maybe not you, but most people want candidates of PRINCIPLE. If the polls change and more people become pro-abortion, he'll flip again and that's fine with you??

Why is it that Reagan can change his mind, but no one else can? In my opinion Romney represented the interests of his constituency from a conservative perspective. I have no issue with that.

I don't feel you can pick someone to run a government based on their views (which are more or less in line with conservatives) on one issue anyway.

This is the standard lame-ass claim, it isn't worth the airwaves it floats on and pollutes. Anyone who isn't pro-life is pro-abortion - they maintain if only through inaction the status quo of the Holocaust.

Romney is pro-life, but does not want the Federal government mandating it, and feels the states can decide.


Abortion, gays - read up, I'm out of the tutoring business.

Uhm, we have already discussed those two...what else are you talking about?
That's stupid beyond belief, as if the opting out states won't be affected by some of the worst effects of obozocare anyway, eg an end to innovation in treatments, meds, and medical instruments, doctors leaving the profession, the looting of medicare.

It is a practical method that can allow states to take the first step...repeal won't pass Congress, and putting all your hope in the court is going to be a let down I think.

Anoither "beyond stupid" position. Like my saying I'm against murder myself, but it should be legal for those who want to do it.

As much as a loathe abortion..the law says it is not murder, so the comparison really cannot stand.
Why is it that Reagan can change his mind, but no one else can? In my opinion Romney represented the interests of his constituency from a conservative perspective. I have no issue with that.

You want to go in circles? OK! :D Comparing Reagan's action, which he admitted was a grave mistake, with Romney's cynical opportunism is absurd. Want to hear it a THIRD time??

I don't feel you can pick someone to run a government based on their views (which are more or less in line with conservatives) on one issue anyway.

When you vote for someone, you're voting for the man and his principles - if he has any. For someone to say "I don't agree with any of this personally, but I'll hold my nose and go along with it to get elected" isn't most people's idea of an outstanding candidate.

Uhm, we have already discussed those two...what else are you talking about?

Those aren't enough??
Romney's plan, like the ACA is similar to a proposal from the Heritage Foundation back in the 90s. You can't really blame Romney for not expecting that the far right would seize control of the GOP.
Romney's plan, like the ACA is similar to a proposal from the Heritage Foundation back in the 90s. You can't really blame Romney for not expecting that the far right would seize control of the GOP.

He's a troll... put him on the ignore list.
No, that's fiction. :D The 20 year old paper centers around re-jiggering the tax code re healthcare, and was light years from obozocare.

For a more up to date Heritage position (like THIS MONTH :rolleyes:)

see http://www.heritage.org/research/projects/the-case-against-obamacare

The Heritage Foundation plan had an individual mandate. That's the part that gets the right's panties in a wad these days.

Look at paragraph #21:

The second central element-in the Heritage proposal is a two-way commit ment between government and citizen. Under this social contract, the fed eral government would agree to make it financially possible, through refund able tax benefits or in some cases by providing access to public-sector health programs, for every American family to purchase at least a basic package of 3 Butler and Haislmaier, op. cit 6 medic a l care, including catastrophic insurance. In return, government would require, by law every head of household to acquire at least a basic health plan for his or her family.Thus there would be mandated coverage under the Heritage proposal, but the mandate w ould apply to the family head, who is the appropriate person to shoulder the primary responsibility for the familys health needs, rather than employers, who are not EFFECTS OF THE HERlTAGE.PROPOSAL By no longer restricting tax relief for medical care to e m ployer-provided plans, and by restructuring tax assistance to help those Americans most in need, the Heritage proposal significantly would improve the American health system. Among the most important effects 1)Good health care not dependent on employers. E mployees would be able to acquire health coverage for their families, and obtain government tax help to pay for it, wherever they happen to work. Casual or part-time workers, em ployees of small firms, or dependents of workers those who comprise a major s h are of the uninsured -would receive a refundable tax credit based on health costs compared with income exactly the same form of govern ment assistance to buy health services as Americans working in large firms Thus the Heritage proposal would solve much o f the current uninsurance problem.

Yes, the Heritage Foundation has NOW changed directions. But that's the entire point. The rank hypocrisy, dishontesty, and disinformation that the right is putting out.
I am sick s**tless of people blaming the deficit in Obama. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus was President, the deficit was factored in the second we declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan without funding it. The recession resulting from the financial institutions' malfeasance created a snowball effect of unemployment and loss of state and federal revenue, cause and effect. If anything, the stimulus should have been twice as large. Unemployment has been steadily going down, slower than wanted, and growth has increased since 3 months into Obama's presidency. What mystery plan did the GOP have that I am unaware of to keep this from happening? Unless you mean just standing on the sidelines whining about the mess they created and lobbing grenades at the people trying to do something. Just how long do you think it should take to turn around 8 years of destructive administration?
I am sick s**tless of people blaming the deficit in Obama. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus was President, the deficit was factored in the second we declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan without funding it. The recession resulting from the financial institutions' malfeasance created a snowball effect of unemployment and loss of state and federal revenue, cause and effect. If anything, the stimulus should have been twice as large. Unemployment has been steadily going down, slower than wanted, and growth has increased since 3 months into Obama's presidency. What mystery plan did the GOP have that I am unaware of to keep this from happening? Unless you mean just standing on the sidelines whining about the mess they created and lobbing grenades at the people trying to do something. Just how long do you think it should take to turn around 8 years of destructive administration?

Great post.
I am sick s**tless of people blaming the deficit in Obama.

Like saying you're sick and tired of people blaming 9-11 on osama bin laden. :D

It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus was President, the deficit was factored in the second we declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan without funding it.

You could just as well say the deficit was factored in when social security wasn't funded, or medicaid or medicare wasn't funded, or the liberal importation of 20 million illegal aliens to loot social services wasn't funded, or obozo's trillion dollar porkulus wasn't funded.

The recession resulting from the financial institutions' malfeasance created a snowball effect of unemployment and loss of state and federal revenue, cause and effect.

No, it happened because of lefwting meddling in the housing market - you're clueless.
I am sick s**tless of people blaming the deficit in Obama. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus was President, the deficit was factored in the second we declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan without funding it. The recession resulting from the financial institutions' malfeasance created a snowball effect of unemployment and loss of state and federal revenue, cause and effect. If anything, the stimulus should have been twice as large. Unemployment has been steadily going down, slower than wanted, and growth has increased since 3 months into Obama's presidency. What mystery plan did the GOP have that I am unaware of to keep this from happening? Unless you mean just standing on the sidelines whining about the mess they created and lobbing grenades at the people trying to do something. Just how long do you think it should take to turn around 8 years of destructive administration?

Let's break down this work of fiction. Here is what clark believes to be the truth, with no links or "citations", of course:

1. The 2011 "deficit" is due to the wars that were declared against Iraq and Afghanistan in 2002-2003. (Really?)

2. The "recession" was caused by financial institutions, which caused unemployment and loss of state and federal revenue. (Really?)

3. Unemployment has been "steadily going down". (Really?)

4. "Growth" has increased since April of 2009. (Really?)

5. Obama is "turning things around". (Really?)

And pepper called Clark's nonsense a "great post"? LMAO! :D:rolleyes:
I would guess Clark thought that even you would realize that Bush kept war funding out of the budget for years, and that Obama put it back into the budget. And that the US has previously raised taxes in wartime, not cut them. And that the recession was caused by the collapse of the housing bubble.

But I think he gave you too much credit. :D