Why are Republicans so silent about Gas Prices?

Wow ..... talk about "flat earth" mentality. It is only the wacko liberals that choose to deliberately stay misinformed about the reservoirs in this country and how oil is a renewable source of energy.

There is not any scientific proof that oil is NOT renewable. This is simply false global warming hype spouted by ignorant liberals. There is however increasing theories and studies that suggest otherwise and these theories are being accepted by scientist all over the world.


Russians Debunk Peak Oil Theory - as Bogus as Greenhouse Gas Scam
I have been on this site for years, I know enough its pointless to debate most on here. I am sure its not going to take long for you to be added to the list of pointless republicans who can only think so far as what Rush and Fox tell them.

Unlike you, I've only been on this site for a short time. In that short time, however, I've seen you "debate" nothing but irrelevant points. You "debate" whether Republicans are hypocrites??? You accuse those of us who post on the actual issues as being "pointless"???? Those aren't national "issues", and resolvng them serves no real purpose. Such discussions address NO real issues, and they certainly don't lead to solving problems!

When you do state a fact such that oil production has increased in the past few years, you ignore the FACT that the Dems played NO role in achieving that increase. The Dems have opposed EVERY attempt at maximizing fossil-fuel exploitation! Production has increased because leases to drill were increased under GW Bush! Your beloved President and his party opposed those additional leases. As with everything else that goes well in this country, Obama and his cohorts take credit for it even when they were against it! Try using that example if you enjoy debating "hypocrisy"! You're caught up in that old leftist lie that Conservatives are ignorant bumpkins, and lefties are brilliant. The only brilliant lefties are the ones who are using you as one of their "useful idiots". I challenge you and every other leftist in this country to debate me or any intelligent Conservative on any REAL issue. You'll lose!
And again, we are producing more then we ever have...And the point of my thread is the Hypocracy of the Flat Earth Republican Party...If you want a thread on why we should drill for even more oil go for it..( one day you guys will figure out that Oil is not a bottomless pit)

I used to think it was wiser and more polite to just let posts like the one above go without response. I may have been correct that a non-response was more polite. I was wrong, however, to think it's wise to allow a lefty to spout misreprentations and lies, even when he's been confronted with the truth. The left has never been polite nor honest in debates with Conservatives. The incurably stupid in this country have seen Conservatives as being weak because we've allowed such falsehoods, mispresentations, and accusations to go unchallenged. Those dummies assume the left is correct in what they say. This lefty's been told numerous times WHY we're producing more oil now. He's been told that he and his leftist buddies in DC had NOTHING to do with it. Nonetheless, he continues to give credit to the lefties who opposed the increases. For someone who apparently thinks more oil production is bad, he seems to think it's good when claiming that the Dems did it.

His request that a thread be started about WHY we should drill for even more oil is pathetic beyond belief. We've clearly stated in THIS thread WHY additional drilling and exploitation is neccessary. Is he just ignoring those posts, or perhaps he hasn't read them yet? Conservatives, never allow a lefty to post this kind of garbage without challenging him!
At least the opposition party could at least pretend to care about the facts and not yell to have it both ways so Blatantly. Then Again from a party that thinks its ideas from 10 years ago now are communism. I can't be shocked.

Surely you are not attempting to state this is somehow confined to Republicans.
I used to think it was wiser and more polite to just let posts like the one above go without response. I may have been correct that a non-response was more polite. I was wrong, however, to think it's wise to allow a lefty to spout misreprentations and lies, even when he's been confronted with the truth. The left has never been polite nor honest in debates with Conservatives. The incurably stupid in this country have seen Conservatives as being weak because we've allowed such falsehoods, mispresentations, and accusations to go unchallenged. Those dummies assume the left is correct in what they say. This lefty's been told numerous times WHY we're producing more oil now. He's been told that he and his leftist buddies in DC had NOTHING to do with it. Nonetheless, he continues to give credit to the lefties who opposed the increases. For someone who apparently thinks more oil production is bad, he seems to think it's good when claiming that the Dems did it.

His request that a thread be started about WHY we should drill for even more oil is pathetic beyond belief. We've clearly stated in THIS thread WHY additional drilling and exploitation is neccessary. Is he just ignoring those posts, or perhaps he hasn't read them yet? Conservatives, never allow a lefty to post this kind of garbage without challenging him!

I agree that conservatives and libertarians need to be much more outspoken. If this comes to pass, liberalism and all its horrendous consequences will be exposed to in uninformed. I suspect they know this and this is why they quickly resort to personal attacks and ultimately threaten violence. They must silence those who oppose them or be exposed for the frauds they are.

For example, look at what Brad Pitt's mommy is going through just for merely stating her opinion....an opinion that is held by millions of Americans. They want to KILL her. (is it any wonder why many well known and wealthy people are lefties...they are afraid of the radical left that demands conformity or else!!!)

Another example is this forum was populated with lots of lefties when I joined. But, many conservatives/liberatarians like me continued to dispute their silly beliefs resulting in most of the lefties leaving the forum. They are like little children....they take their ball and cry all the way home because their unable to back their beliefs with facts and reality.
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. AKA ... liberals who attempt to participate in logical political dialogue.
And again, we are producing more then we ever have...And the point of my thread is the Hypocracy of the Flat Earth Republican Party...If you want a thread on why we should drill for even more oil go for it..( one day you guys will figure out that Oil is not a bottomless pit)

it aids the goal of energy independence which all politicians agree is a good thing.
it aids exports which all politicians (Obama especially) seek.
it puts the US in a stronger position in the world energy marketplace.

as pointed out elsewhere we are in no danger of running out anytime soon which gives us time to find viable new sources of energy that do not involve the fruitless ones we've spent lavishly on.
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument. AKA ... liberals who attempt to participate in logical political dialogue.

P's reluctance to discuss anything is edging him toward trollness.
Surely you are not attempting to state this is somehow confined to Republicans.
Have dems bitched before when the shoe was on the other foot? sure...But blaming a president for something doing one thing...and then blaming him for having it go the way they said it should go a month later? Its takes Big balls and Small Brains to think no one is going to notice.
it aids the goal of energy independence which all politicians agree is a good thing.
it aids exports which all politicians (Obama especially) seek.
it puts the US in a stronger position in the world energy marketplace.

as pointed out elsewhere we are in no danger of running out anytime soon which gives us time to find viable new sources of energy that do not involve the fruitless ones we've spent lavishly on.

So thus we should bitch at Prices of Gas going up,,,, and then bitch when they go down...and blame the same person?

You know what would double how long our oil would last? cut our Consumption in half...but you guys never think of that silly idea. YOu would stick Oil Wells in Yellowstone before you would think about actually doing anything like conserving.
I once fed a feral cat. Big mistake. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong after the 19th cat.
You know what would double how long our oil would last? cut our Consumption in half...but you guys never think of that silly idea. YOu would stick Oil Wells in Yellowstone before you would think about actually doing anything like conserving.

Now this lefty is suggesting that the US cut oil consumption in half? (See how simple, little leftwing brains work?) When confronted with a problem, they come up with one little "solution" that creates an even BIGGER problem! Like they did with Obamacare, lefties never look at the BAD implications of their baby-minded policies!

The USA has been and should continue to be the most productive nation on earth. IF the US could generate the same output of goods and services with only half the oil we use now, we'd indeed be more productive. However, the lefty fails to tell us HOW we'd maintain the same output of goods and services using only 1/2 the oil needed. He'd have us cut consumption in 1/2 and thus produce 1/2 as much as we do now. Great "solution", huh? Solve our energy problem by cutting our oil consumption in 1/2..... AND cutting our GNP in 1/2 as a result. What mindboggling dummies!
It is simply the nature of the game. The opposition party always blames the other party for anything that goes wrong, and always tries to take credit when anything goes right.

Often neither of them had anything to do with it.

It's all political gamesmanship. The president doesn't control oil prices, but people want someone to blame when the price goes up. Pocket's point is that, if we blame the POTUS for high gas prices, then he should get the credit for low gas prices. Actually, the president responsible for neither one, and most of us understand that. Partisans on both sides of the aisle do the same thing, blame all of the ills of the world on the president if he happens to belong to the wrong party.