Why are Republicans so silent about Gas Prices?


It's all political gamesmanship. The president doesn't control oil prices, but people want someone to blame when the price goes up. Pocket's point is that, if we blame the POTUS for high gas prices, then he should get the credit for low gas prices. Actually, the president responsible for neither one, and most of us understand that. Partisans on both sides of the aisle do the same thing, blame all of the ills of the world on the president if he happens to belong to the wrong party.
I am pretty sure most understand clearly that the POTUS cannot directly control fuel prices. That in itself renders PfOS trollish posting irrelevant. Indeed liberals live in a misinformed dream world and deliberately stay misinformed to maintain their ignorance and idea of some unrealistic wacko liberal utopia.

PfOS's comment is a classic example of this deliberate ignorance. Instead of making a logical point that the POTUS doesn't have any direct control over fuel prices he attempts to lead us down this wacko liberal debate of claiming that the POTUS deserves credit when fuel prices fall and then proceeds to blast anything conservative for not aligning with his deliberate ingnorance.

Again, we are all clear that the POTUS deserves neither when it comes to prices at the pump. The real discussion on this topic lies within Obama's energy policies, the global warming hype, and how the liberal policies force this Country's dependence on foreign oil and how that effects fuel cost and national security.

But, these are topics that most liberals are incapable of discussing. Both because of lack of intellect and deliberate ignorance. Again, our liberal friend, PfOS is a classic example of this.
Now this lefty is suggesting that the US cut oil consumption in half? (See how simple, little leftwing brains work?) When confronted with a problem, they come up with one little "solution" that creates an even BIGGER problem! Like they did with Obamacare, lefties never look at the BAD implications of their baby-minded policies!

The USA has been and should continue to be the most productive nation on earth. IF the US could generate the same output of goods and services with only half the oil we use now, we'd indeed be more productive. However, the lefty fails to tell us HOW we'd maintain the same output of goods and services using only 1/2 the oil needed. He'd have us cut consumption in 1/2 and thus produce 1/2 as much as we do now. Great "solution", huh? Solve our energy problem by cutting our oil consumption in 1/2..... AND cutting our GNP in 1/2 as a result. What mindboggling dummies!

First I said it as a point, not as a policy statement...

2nd everything we could do to be more Efficient...the Republicans are against. If we say increase the MPG of cars 3mpg on average...we would save more fuel then every drop of ANWAR...but Republicans scream we will kill teh auto industry.... ( something they would seem to be in favor of anyway given there policy's)
First I said it as a point, not as a policy statement...

Let's understand this correctly. You said it to make a "point", not as a "policy statement". Are you telling us that you expressed a "point" of view in which you don't believe?... or just to hear yourself talk?... or to add to your posting total? What IS the "point" of saying what you did if you didn't mean it????

2nd everything we could do to be more Efficient...the Republicans are against.

Please let us know what proposals Dems have made that will create greater "efficiency". Don't bs us again with simple-minded, leftwing cliches. We expect to see every cost and benefit analysis to support that such proposals will indeed increase efficiency. Oh, perhaps your next quote is your example? If so, you and your leftwing ilk have no clue what "Efficiency" even means! I'll discuss your leftwing ignorance following your example below.

If we say increase the MPG of cars 3mpg on average...we would save more fuel then every drop of ANWAR...but Republicans scream we will kill teh auto industry.... ( something they would seem to be in favor of anyway given there policy's)

So, if leftwingers "Say" to increase the average mpg by 3, we would save more fuel than every drop in ANWAR, huh? I'll make a small mention first that neither you nor the Dems have any clue how much oil is in ANWAR or anywhere else! I'll make another little mention that if you lefties think all you have to do to increase efficiency is to "SAY" it must happen, you are not only stupid, but incurably so! Let's get on now to the actual Lesson: A common definition of "Efficiency" is "The ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system." In order to increase efficiency, the entire universe of cars within the US must achieve at least that 3mpg increase. Unless you demand that folks only be allowed to buy the new cars, you've already lost the argument. Perhaps you'd do that using another penalty TAX like with Obamacare? Secondly, those increases in mpg (aka "OUTPUT") would have to be accomplished with a limited increase to the "INPUT". The dollars required to achieve the increased Output are now part of the Input. If the increase in mpg doesn't just happen magically when you "Say" it must, and the cost to implement the project is of sufficient size, you could actually reduce efficiency! An increase in efficiency will by definition occur when the Output increases with NO increase in Input. However, if the higher mileage cars require occasional electrical charging, special batteries, increased car prices, high R&D costs, etc., those costs are also INPUTS that must be used to determine efficiency. Is it possible that a project aimed at increasing gas mileage would increase "Efficiency"? Sure, it's possible,.... IF those responsible for doing it have brains that work! The problem is that you and every leftwing dummy in DC don't know and don't care about the costs & risks related to such a project. You just want to SAY "make it happen", and damn the details. Let's all say it together: "Lefties are simple-minded and dangerous buffoons"!
First I said it as a point, not as a policy statement...

2nd everything we could do to be more Efficient...the Republicans are against. If we say increase the MPG of cars 3mpg on average...we would save more fuel then every drop of ANWAR...but Republicans scream we will kill teh auto industry.... ( something they would seem to be in favor of anyway given there policy's)

This is a great example of what differentiates liberals from conservatives. Pockets supports use of force on business and the public in general while conservatives would say stop inhibiting innovation and entrepreneurial spirit with regulation (as well as making business slaves to the government with subsidies) . back when we did that we watched the Industrial Revolution happen.

regulation made Detroit take steps backward from fuel efficiency by the way. and I'm not even sure that was an unintended consequence. govt is not the solution, its the problem.
This is a great example of what differentiates liberals from conservatives. Pockets supports use of force on business and the public in general while conservatives would say stop inhibiting innovation and entrepreneurial spirit with regulation (as well as making business slaves to the government with subsidies) . back when we did that we watched the Industrial Revolution happen.

regulation made Detroit take steps backward from fuel efficiency by the way. and I'm not even sure that was an unintended consequence. govt is not the solution, its the problem.

Liberals are the parents who set rules for there kids
Conservatives say think Lord of the Flies is the way to a better future.

Businesses are responsible for one thing, making money for stock holders. Someone needs to be there to make sure what they are doing is not harmful to the rest of the people.

People like you would say let the fucking kids have lead paint on there toys, I am sure the parents can figure it out for themselfs. And to stop them would be hurting that poor buisness. PS feel free to put cancer causing chemicals in the water and air...I don't want to stand in the way of your profits and say you can't do that,
Let's understand this correctly. You said it to make a "point", not as a "policy statement". Are you telling us that you expressed a "point" of view in which you don't believe?... or just to hear yourself talk?... or to add to your posting total? What IS the "point" of saying what you did if you didn't mean it????

Please let us know what proposals Dems have made that will create greater "efficiency". Don't bs us again with simple-minded, leftwing cliches. We expect to see every cost and benefit analysis to support that such proposals will indeed increase efficiency. Oh, perhaps your next quote is your example? If so, you and your leftwing ilk have no clue what "Efficiency" even means! I'll discuss your leftwing ignorance following your example below.

So, if leftwingers "Say" to increase the average mpg by 3, we would save more fuel than every drop in ANWAR, huh? I'll make a small mention first that neither you nor the Dems have any clue how much oil is in ANWAR or anywhere else! I'll make another little mention that if you lefties think all you have to do to increase efficiency is to "SAY" it must happen, you are not only stupid, but incurably so! Let's get on now to the actual Lesson: A common definition of "Efficiency" is "The ratio of the effective or useful output to the total input in any system." In order to increase efficiency, the entire universe of cars within the US must achieve at least that 3mpg increase. Unless you demand that folks only be allowed to buy the new cars, you've already lost the argument. Perhaps you'd do that using another penalty TAX like with Obamacare? Secondly, those increases in mpg (aka "OUTPUT") would have to be accomplished with a limited increase to the "INPUT". The dollars required to achieve the increased Output are now part of the Input. If the increase in mpg doesn't just happen magically when you "Say" it must, and the cost to implement the project is of sufficient size, you could actually reduce efficiency! An increase in efficiency will by definition occur when the Output increases with NO increase in Input. However, if the higher mileage cars require occasional electrical charging, special batteries, increased car prices, high R&D costs, etc., those costs are also INPUTS that must be used to determine efficiency. Is it possible that a project aimed at increasing gas mileage would increase "Efficiency"? Sure, it's possible,.... IF those responsible for doing it have brains that work! The problem is that you and every leftwing dummy in DC don't know and don't care about the costs & risks related to such a project. You just want to SAY "make it happen", and damn the details. Let's all say it together: "Lefties are simple-minded and dangerous buffoons"!

I'm sorry I stopped caring about your ramblings about half way threw...When it was very clear you don't have a clue. If you can't figure out that 3mpg less for every car in America would = less fuel usage, then your pointless to talk to.
I'm sorry I stopped caring about your ramblings about half way threw...When it was very clear you don't have a clue. If you can't figure out that 3mpg less for every car in America would = less fuel usage, then your pointless to talk to.

Isn't this sad? I explain to him that "efficiency" isn't just a matter of using less fuel. I explain that the costs of obtaining and maintaining those extra 3mpg must be considered in the calculation of "efficiency". What does he call my explanation of that basic business calculation?..... "Ramblings". This is a problem with most lefties. If an explanation consists of something more than a cute little buzz-phrase, their tiny llittle brains perceive it as "rambling". "Hope and Change" they can understand, it's simple and doesn't require a brain. The minute that you demand more of an explanation, however, their little brains TILT!

As long as this baby-brained twit continues his childish, oversimplified statements about concepts he doesn't understand, I'm going to keep pointing-out his ignorance!
Only 40% of our oil usage goes into producing gasoline. There are thousands of products manufactured from oil.

here are a few items we use everyday

Ammonia, Anesthetics, Antihistamines, Artificial limbs, Artificial Turf, Antiseptics, Aspirin, Auto Parts, Awnings, Balloons, Ballpoint pens, Bandages, Beach Umbrellas, Boats, Cameras, Candles, Car Battery Cases, Carpets, Caulking, Combs, Cortisones, Cosmetics, Crayons, Credit Cards, Curtains, Deodorants, Detergents, Dice, Disposable Diapers, Dolls, Dyes, Eye Glasses, Electrical Wiring Insulation, Faucet Washers, Fishing Rods, Fishing Line, Fishing Lures, Food Preservatives, Food Packaging, Garden Hose, Glue, Hair Coloring, Hair Curlers, Hand Lotion, Hearing Aids, Heart Valves, Ink, Insect Repellant, Insecticides, Linoleum, Lip Stick, Milk Jugs, Nail Polish, Oil Filters, Panty Hose, Perfume, Petroleum Jelly, Rubber Cement, Rubbing Alcohol, Shampoo, Shaving Cream, Shoes, Toothpaste, Trash Bags, Upholstery, Vitamin Capsules, Water Pipes, Yarn, Aviation fuel, agricultural and industrial chemicals, surfectants and detergents, computers, cellphones, CDs, DVDs, automobile parts, plumbing pipes, covering for wiring, insulation for homes, plexiglass, contact lenses, Teflon, road paving materials, paint, insecticides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals.
The soles of your shoes, your shampoo and deodorant. The fabric for your clothes. The lining in your "paper" Starbucks cup, Tires
As long as this baby-brained twit continues his childish, oversimplified statements about concepts he doesn't understand, I'm going to keep pointing-out his ignorance!
Well ... you certainly have more patients with these liberal idiots than I do. As I have pointed out earlier, of course he will not read your entire comment or acknowledge the facts. He cannot and remain an ignorant liberal at the same time. Again, it is "deliberate ignorance". He has to ignore these facts in order to remain "liberal"!

This is exactly the kind of mentality you deal with when discussing anything with these hateful people. I simply choose to ignore them. Consider the voting results of the mid-term 2010 elections it is obvious that the far majority of Americans choose to ignore these idiots as well.
Isn't this sad? I explain to him that "efficiency" isn't just a matter of using less fuel. I explain that the costs of obtaining and maintaining those extra 3mpg must be considered in the calculation of "efficiency". What does he call my explanation of that basic business calculation?..... "Ramblings". This is a problem with most lefties. If an explanation consists of something more than a cute little buzz-phrase, their tiny llittle brains perceive it as "rambling". "Hope and Change" they can understand, it's simple and doesn't require a brain. The minute that you demand more of an explanation, however, their little brains TILT!

As long as this baby-brained twit continues his childish, oversimplified statements about concepts he doesn't understand, I'm going to keep pointing-out his ignorance!

I am sorry your so ignorant about the cost of increased fuel efficiency. I guess adding 100 HP is dirt cheap and 3 mpg would cost trillions..even though we could do it 20 years ago.
Well ... you certainly have more patients with these liberal idiots than I do. As I have pointed out earlier, of course he will not read your entire comment or acknowledge the facts. He cannot and remain an ignorant liberal at the same time. Again, it is "deliberate ignorance". He has to ignore these facts in order to remain "liberal"!

This is exactly the kind of mentality you deal with when discussing anything with these hateful people. I simply choose to ignore them. Consider the voting results of the mid-term 2010 elections it is obvious that the far majority of Americans choose to ignore these idiots as well.

the day you know a fact is the day pigs fly.
the day you know a fact is the day pigs fly.

Now that's what I call an "Irrelevant and Unsupported Claim"! You can CLAIM anything, but supporting the claim is more difficult. Please list every statement I've posted here that I represented as "fact" that was not a fact. For each statement on your list, provide the PROOF and logical argument that it was not factual! Once you've FAILED to do that, you should then apologize to Texas_tea! Afterall, you CLAIMED that he can't recognize facts when he sees them, and..... you were WRONG again!

You'd think these lefties would eventually get tired of looking like "Fools", but they seem to love it.
You'd think these lefties would eventually get tired of looking like "Fools", but they seem to love it.

They do love getting a response even if it's negative. Maybe they just think arguing and having the power to push buttons is fun.