An unpopular (in this forum) view of the GOP that needs to be faced

failure to seriously address our spending problem will result in depression. so do we waste more money we have to print to achieve the same end ? drunks always want one more for the road too.

Failure to understand that austerity programs at a time when the economy is just recovering WILL push us in a depression is the biggest danger we face right now.

Why did you never thought about "austerity programs" and "spending cuts" when Bush was spending money on a worthless war and on tax cuts for the wealthy?

Austerity programs would probably have been helpful at the end of Clinton's presidency (because it was one of the few period of SURPLUS we have had throughout our history), and at the beginning of the Bush Presidency. Instead, Bush played "the big spender," and has burdened us with the bulk of the debt we face today. . .and still you insist in blaming President Obama who has been REDUCING the amount of deficit EVERY YEAR since 2010.
And we all saw the consequences of the political games played by the GOP 2 years ago with the death limit: a credit down grade!

So. . .you would be fine with keeping the USA from meeting its debts, and joining the third world countries.

Yep! A very patriotic (and stupid) thing to do

I gather you didnt read the papers regarding the debt inspired downgrade.

Nothing preventing us from meeting the debt load so long as cost of credit doesnt go up (like from the sure downgrade they have told us will result from lack of spending control) or we add even more debt as BO wants to do (even the Senate "deal" raises spending 330B).

stupid is as stupid does. DC DOES IT A LOT.
I gather you didnt read the papers regarding the debt inspired downgrade.

Nothing preventing us from meeting the debt load so long as cost of credit doesnt go up (like from the sure downgrade they have told us will result from lack of spending control) or we add even more debt as BO wants to do (even the Senate "deal" raises spending 330B).

stupid is as stupid does. DC DOES IT A LOT.

I gather you didn't read the papers regarding the POLITICAL climate inspired downgrade.

But in the case of the downgrade of America's credit rating by Standard and Poor's, there is plenty of blame to go around. The blame is not fully about who racked up the charges on the nation's credit card, but more about the inability of our elected officials to deal with paying it off.

"The downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges," said S&P in their analysis. "We have changed our view of the difficulties in bridging the gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any time soon."

And. . .if we do got off the cliff, and if we do not raise the debt ceiling and we do not meet our obligations to our debtors, the FIRST thing that will happen is another credit downgrade and a BIG rise in interest rate.

Is that what you think is "smart economics?" Where did you get your economics education?
Failure to understand that austerity programs at a time when the economy is just recovering WILL push us in a depression is the biggest danger we face right now.

Why did you never thought about "austerity programs" and "spending cuts" when Bush was spending money on a worthless war and on tax cuts for the wealthy?

Austerity programs would probably have been helpful at the end of Clinton's presidency (because it was one of the few period of SURPLUS we have had throughout our history), and at the beginning of the Bush Presidency. Instead, Bush played "the big spender," and has burdened us with the bulk of the debt we face today. . .and still you insist in blaming President Obama who has been REDUCING the amount of deficit EVERY YEAR since 2010.

what makes you think I didnt ?

actual budget deficit information shows the deficit (in billions)

2008 -458,553
2009 -1,412,668
2010 -1.293,489
2011 -1,299,595
2012 -1,326,498

It did drop the year after the 800 billion Porkulous but only by roughly 120 billon of the 800 billion.
I gather you didn't read the papers regarding the POLITICAL climate inspired downgrade.

And. . .if we do got off the cliff, and if we do not raise the debt ceiling and we do not meet our obligations to our debtors, the FIRST thing that will happen is another credit downgrade and a BIG rise in interest rate.

Is that what you think is "smart economics?" Where did you get your economics education?

are you suggesting we cant cover 400b debt service with 2.5 trillion in income ?

smart economics is not continuing what everyone including even obama has said is unsustainable spending. you think you have a better handle than that ?
And what elements in the budget affects these deficits?

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Bush tax cuts are the two BIGGEST cause of the on-going deficit. Another element is the terrible downturn in our economy that was created by Bush's policies and the measure that were needed to keep the economy to fall in full depression. Without those three elements, our deficit would be VERY Different!


  • Natl_Debt_Chart big.webp
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And what elements in the budget affects these deficits?

The war in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Bush tax cuts are the two BIGGEST cause of the on-going deficit. Another element is the terrible downturn in our economy that was created by Bush's policies and the measure that were needed to keep the economy to fall in full depression. Without those three elements, our deficit would be VERY Different!

Federal spending. Still want to blame it on defense ?

How about this chart that shows WHERE the bulk of the Federal spending comes from . . .and that a large part of it comes from "commitments" made by GW BUSH. . .put that still needs to be met by President Obama.


prefer objective over subjective but I understand you prefer the other.
prefer objective over subjective but I understand you prefer the other.

I love objective. . .but I also like to know what is BEHIND numbers!

So. . why don't you tell us where in YOUR graph the Bush tax cuts fall in? And the consequences of the war in Iraq, and how much of the interest should be attributed to the the money borrowed specifically for the war in Iraq.

And why don't you tell us under which category the effects of the deep recession (economic downturn) we experienced and the recovery measures that had to be taken to get the economy going again are included?
And your rant is nothing more than Right wing sour grapes.

But I was expecting this from many in this forum. . . .I'm surprise that you are one of the only one spewing venom and stupid rethoric about it.

I guess you feel that YOUR opinion is more "informed" and that your credential are better than this Princeton Professor? I guess you believe that Princeton is a nest of viper for "Leftist" theory? So funny!

Could you point out where my post is wrong rather than posting a silly personal attack?
Could you point out where my post is wrong rather than posting a silly personal attack?

A personal attack? Where do you see that?

Just because I do not agree with your comments and I dare say that I don't think they bring anything to the discussion?

Well, in that case, every one of your answers to my comments are personal attacks!

Get over it!
failure to seriously address our spending problem will result in depression. so do we waste more money we have to print to achieve the same end ? drunks always want one more for the road too.

Obama is addressing the spending problem, and will do a lot more in the next two months, if the GOP lets him come up with FAIR reductions, that affects the areas that can be cut without creating a bigger problem for the poor and middle class and doesn't slow down the economy.
A personal attack? Where do you see that?

Just because I do not agree with your comments and I dare say that I don't think they bring anything to the discussion?

Well, in that case, every one of your answers to my comments are personal attacks!

Get over it!

Like many things, you apparently do not know what a personal attack is.