"Anti semitism" is an inappropriate term.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021
Can educated people come together on this? The word Semite does not mean Jewish. It means the people of that part of the world. Christian, Jew or Arab. They are of the same race unless they came from some other place like Europe, Africa or the USA.

Arabs and Jews are both Semitic peoples. Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic languages. So the generic antiquated term "anti Semite" should not be used for people who are viewed as anti Jewish or anti Israel.

From the Oxford dictionary:
  1. A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
So why is this important? Important enough to start a thread?

1. Inaccurate. see post above.
2. Misses the basic point.

For people in the west those who are called anti Semitic hate Jews not because of religious tradition or dietary habits. They hate Jews and hate Israel as part of a wider anti west anti white attitude. Most Jews in Israel and the west are white. They are Ashkenazi. Israel as a country has embraced democracy and a market economy. That is why they are successful.

So hatred of Jews and Israel is part of a wider anti white attitude. This is important because this is the germination of much of what the left believes today. Climate change is an anti west for example. So being anti Israel is not anti Jewish specifically it is much more than that.
Can educated people come together on this? The word Semite does not mean Jewish. It means the people of that part of the world. Christian, Jew or Arab. They are of the same race unless they came from some other place like Europe, Africa or the USA.

Arabs and Jews are both Semitic peoples. Arabic and Hebrew are Semitic languages. So the generic antiquated term "anti Semite" should not be used for people who are viewed as anti Jewish or anti Israel.

From the Oxford dictionary:
  1. A member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.
Opponents of God's chosen people are opponents of God.

Genesis 12:3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
climate change is anti-west? lol

and you can be against the actions of the country of isreal and not hate jews, how does that fit into your scheme?

and of course, words mean what words say, so "anti semite" is only applied to jews/isreal, not arabs for example, because that's how people use the word. Just like homophobic didn't technically mean "afraid of gays" even though if you parse the two parts of the word that's what it means with individual parts, but it came to be mean "hatred of gays" because that's how people used the word.
Pleased to see that this topic, which I have covered relentlessly over the years, to virulent opposition from zionistas and their lickspittles
is now going mainstream.

Comrade Stalin
Propaganda Chief
And who says they weren't chosen by God?

Hitler, Nazis, Osama bin Laden and anti Semites who worship Osama, Hitler and Nazis.

Anybody who is not a believer.

So you cannot think analytically? It was the Jews who had the idea they were the chosen people. People have the right to disagree.

In what way is this thread anti Jewish? Have you read the thread?
Anybody who is not a believer.

So you cannot think analytically? It was the Jews who had the idea they were the chosen people. People have the right to disagree.

In what way is this thread anti Jewish? Have you read the thread?
People can disagree with God but that is a stupid thing to do.
climate change is anti-west? lol

and you can be against the actions of the country of isreal and not hate jews, how does that fit into your scheme?

and of course, words mean what words say, so "anti semite" is only applied to jews/isreal, not arabs for example, because that's how people use the word. Just like homophobic didn't technically mean "afraid of gays" even though if you parse the two parts of the word that's what it means with individual parts, but it came to be mean "hatred of gays" because that's how people used the word.

Climate change is a white western obsession. You libtards do not give a shit how much carbon China, Indonesia Nigeria or Saudi Arabia shit out.

There is something to be said about common usage prevailing but I'm saying it is inaccurate.