AOC linked to bridge and tunnel closing

You could move from your town hut you didn't so you are linked to all crimes in your own
You chose to live there, correct? Yes or no?
There is a difference I do not support terrorist , I hate them for what they do and Im talking all groups nazis k
Linked? Lol
You right wing morons love weasel words

You are linked to every murder by an American b3cause you are an American citizen, same ***** logic lol
She is connected to the groups and a member of it , the article explains that you argumentative narcissist ***** cant you read?
There is a difference I do not support terrorist , I hate them for what they do and Im talking all groups nazis k

She is connected to the groups and a member of it , the article explains that you argumentative narcissist ***** cant you read?

so every member of a group is somehow responsible for all actions taken by any part of the group?

that's stupid. like you.

you're "linked" to joe biden, you are both americans, so you are "linked" to everything he does, by that ***** "logic" lol
The problem is that Democrats support and encourage one random racist pervert after another to fight like hell against morality and common sense in the US.

you can't stop thinking about perverts. or at least people you think are perverts.

maybe you "christians" should obsess less about sex and work on being better people. your history of supporting slavery, persecuting gays, etc. is not pretty
The problem is that Democrats support and encourage one random racist pervert after another to fight like hell against morality and common sense in the US.

i've never heard of this person, and i don't know anyone else who has. lol. you spend far too much time obsessing about random people like this.

get a life. and get some therapy to help your obsessions.
you can't stop thinking about perverts. or at least people you think are perverts.

maybe you "christians" should obsess less about sex and work on being better people. your history of supporting slavery, persecuting gays, etc. is not pretty
I support defending the rights of little girls not to be molested by male perverts in their own bathrooms.

i've never heard of this person, and i don't know anyone else who has. lol. you spend far too much time obsessing about random people like this.

get a life. and get some therapy to help your obsessions.
You cannot possibly know all the demented leftists in the country who are doing great damage to the freedom and moral stability of America.
You cannot possibly know all the demented leftists in the country who are doing great damage to the freedom and moral stability of America.

you can't possibly prove that's a true statement, because its the usual right wing word salad nonsense. lol.
you can't possibly prove that's a true statement, because its the usual right wing word salad nonsense. lol.
You keep using the word "prove" but I don't think you fully understand the methods and conditions necessary to provide 'proof."