Bin Laden is heard from yet again.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Bin Laden lashes out at Arab leaders,0,5906743.story

CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden released a new message on Sunday denouncing Arab leaders for sacrificing the Palestinians and saying the head of the Shiite militant group Hezbollah did not really have the strength to take on Israel.

Bin Laden said Muslims should ignore the Islamic prohibition against raising arms against fellow Muslims, claiming it was legitimate to rise up against leaders who are not governing according to Islamic law. Those leaders, he said, came to power "either by a military coup or with backing from foreign forces."

Why is it that five plus years into the war on terror, this cockroach is still urging his fellow Muslims to be even more radical than they already are? His voice should have been silenced a long time ago, yet he is still thumbing his nose at us and urging the Muslims to wage holy war.
Bin Laden lashes out at Arab leaders,0,5906743.story

Why is it that five plus years into the war on terror, this cockroach is still urging his fellow Muslims to be even more radical than they already are? His voice should have been silenced a long time ago, yet he is still thumbing his nose at us and urging the Muslims to wage holy war.

becuse Iraq was behind 911 dah.

Its a shame the dude still lives, if Bush could have done one thing of value in his 8 years, he could have barried this guy. But nope, had better things to do.

With a tape out now, I question if we will see a large event happen in the next week or so, like the hotel bombings in Egypt before.
Perhaps Obama can sit down to tea with him and they can work it all out?

Yeah that is right on the mark. I bet OBL and Obama would love to get together and play some ball. Being OBL is 6'6 or so, I am sure he could dunk. Just imagine the pickup games that could be had in the WH basement between those two. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Come on Obamanation, I count on you to make attacks on Obama that are at least somewhat based in reality.
Obama is irrelevent. What matters is the al qaeda operatives, finances, and infrastructure, built up during the clinton era, which has been largely crushed in iraq and around the world by Bush and the allies.

Bushophobes cling desperately to their Obama fetish, in a desperate and amusing attempt to distract attention from victories against al qaeda. :)
You guys don't know that 911 was an inside job yet? You don't know that OBL is/was "the big bad terrorist" that is not going to get caught so we can stay in the middle east for fight 'the war on terror'???? We need a bad guy in order to spend billions of dollars with Haliburton and increase our 'homeland security' funds.

I thought you guys in the political forums would use your intelligence and figure out that WTC 7 did NOT fall down because of fire. And the reason why the pentagon didn't release any vids of the "plane crash" is because a plane did not hit the building.

Maybe you guys shouldn't drink too much fluoridated water, its suppose to lower IQ's.

You guys don't know that 911 was an inside job yet? You don't know that OBL is/was "the big bad terrorist" that is not going to get caught so we can stay in the middle east for fight 'the war on terror'???? We need a bad guy in order to spend billions of dollars with Haliburton and increase our 'homeland security' funds.

I thought you guys in the political forums would use your intelligence and figure out that WTC 7 did NOT fall down because of fire. And the reason why the pentagon didn't release any vids of the "plane crash" is because a plane did not hit the building.

Maybe you guys shouldn't drink too much fluoridated water, its suppose to lower IQ's.


The tinfoil hat theory that 9/11 was an "inside job" has been discussed at length on political forums, and has been shown to be just that.

The allegation that OBL is still free because "they" want him there as an excuse to continue fighting is pretty far out there. Possible, of course, but still far out there. First of all, who are "they"?
The tinfoil hat theory that 9/11 was an "inside job" has been discussed at length on political forums, and has been shown to be just that.

The allegation that OBL is still free because "they" want him there as an excuse to continue fighting is pretty far out there. Possible, of course, but still far out there. First of all, who are "they"?

"They"- The ones profiteering of the 'war on terror'.

One thing I don't understand is how much proof it takes in order for a 'tinfoil hat theory' to become legitimate? Maybe if we had some leaders with integrity they would conclude that there is more to 911 than the alleged terrorist attacks. The reason why its a 'theory' still is because the gov't is the one calling the shots. If you don't see/know all the evidence that they have withdrew from the NIST report than someone needs to seek help. I have many links if anyone wants to see, I'm not going to get into it here though...

Ok, we just have to face the facts . . . UFO's zapped the Towers down on 9/11. Bin Laden has his space ship parked in an extinct volcano and will obliterate the planet on the 4th of July. See? Any theory is as ridiculous as the next one. It's like the Kennedy assassination or the lunar landing . . . we will never know for sure about anything. I'll bet if we really knew the true facts about a lot of stuff we would be scared witless. :eek:
The allegation that OBL is still free because "they" want him there as an excuse to continue fighting is pretty far out there. Possible, of course, but still far out there.

Not if you're aware of all the details:

I don't know where such orders came from, but they had to be given. There were several alleged reasons the U.S. held back in pursuing Bin Laden, but the result was the same. You can see an interview with Seymour Hersh on Bin Laden's escape here.

Here's more:

Early November 2001: Al-Qaeda Convoy Flees Kabul
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"Many locals in Afghanistan reportedly witness a remarkable escape of al-Qaeda forces from Kabul around this time. One local businessman says, “We don’t understand how they weren’t all killed the night before because they came in a convoy of at least 1,000 cars and trucks. It was a very dark night, but it must have been easy for the American pilots to see the headlights. The main road was jammed from eight in the evening until three in the morning.” This convoy was thought to have contained al-Qaeda’s top officials [London Times, 7/22/2002]"

November 13, 2001: Al-Qaeda Convoy Flees to Tora Bora; US Fails to Attack
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"Bin Laden gave a speech in front of about 1,000 supporters on November 10, 2001 in the town of Jalalabad, Afghanistan. [Christian Science Monitor, 3/4/2002] On the night of November 13, a convoy of 1,000 or more al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters escapes from Jalalabad and reaches the fortress of Tora Bora after hours of driving and then walking. Bin Laden is believed to be with them, riding in one of “several hundred cars” in the convoy. The US bombs the nearby Jalalabad airport, but apparently does not attack the convoy. [Christian Science Monitor, 3/4/2002; Knight Ridder, 10/20/2002] The Northern Alliance captures Jalalabad the next day. [Sydney Morning Herald, 11/14/2001]"

"November 14-25, 2001: US Secretly Authorizes Airlift of Pakistani and Taliban Fighters

At the request of the Pakistani government, the US secretly allows rescue flights into the besieged Taliban stronghold of Kunduz, in Northern Afghanistan, to save Pakistanis fighting for the Taliban (and against US forces) and bring them back to Pakistan. Pakistan’s President “Musharraf won American support for the airlift by warning that the humiliation of losing hundreds—and perhaps thousands—of Pakistani Army men and intelligence operatives would jeopardize his political survival.” [New Yorker, 1/21/2002] Dozens of senior Pakistani military officers, including two generals, are flown out. [NOW with Bill Moyers, 2/21/2003] In addition, it is reported that the Pakistani government assists 50 trucks filled with foreign fighters to escape the town. [New York Times, 11/24/2001] Many news articles at the time suggest an airlift is occurring. [Independent, 11/16/2001; New York Times, 11/24/2001; BBC, 11/26/2001; Independent, 11/26/2001; Guardian, 11/27/2001; MSNBC, 11/29/2001] Significant media coverage fails to develop, however. The US and Pakistani governments deny the existence of the airlift. [US Department of State, 11/16/2001; New Yorker, 1/21/2002] On December 2, when asked to assure that the US did not allow such an airlift, Rumsfeld says, “Oh, you can be certain of that. We have not seen a single—to my knowledge, we have not seen a single airplane or helicopter go into Afghanistan in recent days or weeks and extract people and take them out of Afghanistan to any country, let alone Pakistan.” [MSNBC, 4/13/2003]"

He lied.

Mid-November 2001: Afghan Politician Says US Policy Prevented Bin Laden Capture

Ismail Khan. [Source: US Navy]Independent warlord Ismail Khan’s troops and other Northern Alliance fighters are reportedly ready to take back Pashtun areas from Taliban control at this time. Khan, former and future governor of Herat province and one of Afghanistan’s most successful militia leaders, later maintains that “we could have captured all the Taliban and the al-Qaeda groups. We could have arrested Osama bin Laden with all of his supporters.” [USA Today, 1/2/2002] However, according to Khan, his forces hold back at the request of the US, who allegedly do not want the non-Pashtun Northern Alliance to conquer Pashtun areas. (SO WE CAN KILL THOUSANDS OF CIVILIANS AND TAKE TERRITORY IN IRAQ, BUT WE CAN'T DARE DO THIS IN PASHTUN?????......YEAH RIGHT.) British newspapers at the time report bin Laden is surrounded in a 30-mile area, but the conquest of Kandahar takes weeks without the Northern Alliance (see November 25, 2001). However, more reliable reports place bin Laden near Tora Bora by mid-November (see November 13, 2001). [CNN, 11/18/2001]

Lots of information here. It goes on and on and points to either criminal negligence or purposeful deception.
The tinfoil hat theory that 9/11 was an "inside job" has been discussed at length on political forums, and has been shown to be just that.

I don't believe the government planned the operation. However, there is a lot of evidence to suggest they knew it was going to happen and did nothing to prevent it. I've been asking people on several different forums to shoot down any of the facts and evidence contained in "9/11: Press for Truth" - so far there have been no takers.
If it weren't for the first Bush President, we wouldn't know the name of Bin Laden. When we set foot on Arab sand for Desert Storm it was "Tally-HoTaliban"! They're kinda' funny about who touches their camel trails. Since "Daddy Bush" did not finish the job, "Bubba Bush" had to think up something in order to keep our troops in the neighborhood, so he could go after Saddam. Unfortunately, Saddam played into his hands by bluffing us on WMDs. All the mayhem Bush raised over there....Bin is alledgedly still around. We should have forgot Saddam and smushed Bin and his cronies in Afghanistan. Nothing has been accomplished and nothing good will ever come of it. Now that's what we get for getting people with "so-called experience" in office. Obviously, any presidential candidate should be examined by a psychiatrist to see if he/she is a psycho before entering the race. WHAT A MESS! "Now, pardon me while I step down from my soapbox."
Perhaps Obama can sit down to tea with him and they can work it all out?

I am sorry, I guess I missed where he ever said anything about dealing with Bin Ladin. Sorry, but Dealing with Leaders of nations who have a huge security impact on Iraq, and the middle east as a whole. With a huge trained Army, and the ability to hit US interest around the globe....vs talking to the Terrorist who has no nation, attacked and killed more then 3000, in many attacks on the US, as well as the countless dead around the world......yea its the same thing

I'm sorry your hate of Obama makes it so you can't think rationally on issues anymore.