Well-Known Member
Ladies & Gentlemen,
We have been hearing a lot about "race" being a major factor in the opposition to the policies of President Obama lately. How stupid and ludicrous can this discussion get, of course that “great” statesman’s (yeah right) Jimmy Carter with his wisdom (not) must throw his 2 cents into the mix. First of all, Jimmy Carter is the LAST person to be making any comments about anything. This is the President that, in my opinion, has more blood on his hands than any President in the last 100 years of the United States. His Administration is directly responsible for many of the issues this Country is facing in the Middle East, since he allowed the Shah of Iran to be deposed. Had the USA supported the Shah hundreds of thousands of Iranians would not have been killed after Khomeini came into power, there would not have been an Iran-Iraq war and most probably no invasion of Kuwait by Iraq and the subsequent loss of American lives. Iran, under the Shah, was the most stabilizing factor in the entire region. True the Shah was no Saint, but since when have we ever supported Saints worldwide, our history is quite clear on this point.
But I digress from the main point regarding the racial aspect of opposition to Obama and his Administration. As many have said, like it or not, Barrack Obama is the President of the entire United States of America and not some portion of the Country or demographic section. Opposition to his policies is a right of every Citizen of this Great Country and should not be ridiculed or disparaged. It is not, except for some very minor sections, racially motivated. It is time to STOP utilizing the “race” excuse for those supporting the President and his policies against those that oppose them!
I am neither Conservative, nor Liberal, nor Republican nor a Democrat. I believe in obtaining as much information, from both side of the discussion, and then making up my mind. However, I am as far “right wing” and a “hawk” in regards to the Armed Forces of the United States. I am fiscally conservative and “liberal” regarding certain social questions. So, for the most part I am a Moderate/Middle of the political spectrum individual.
We have been hearing a lot about "race" being a major factor in the opposition to the policies of President Obama lately. How stupid and ludicrous can this discussion get, of course that “great” statesman’s (yeah right) Jimmy Carter with his wisdom (not) must throw his 2 cents into the mix. First of all, Jimmy Carter is the LAST person to be making any comments about anything. This is the President that, in my opinion, has more blood on his hands than any President in the last 100 years of the United States. His Administration is directly responsible for many of the issues this Country is facing in the Middle East, since he allowed the Shah of Iran to be deposed. Had the USA supported the Shah hundreds of thousands of Iranians would not have been killed after Khomeini came into power, there would not have been an Iran-Iraq war and most probably no invasion of Kuwait by Iraq and the subsequent loss of American lives. Iran, under the Shah, was the most stabilizing factor in the entire region. True the Shah was no Saint, but since when have we ever supported Saints worldwide, our history is quite clear on this point.
But I digress from the main point regarding the racial aspect of opposition to Obama and his Administration. As many have said, like it or not, Barrack Obama is the President of the entire United States of America and not some portion of the Country or demographic section. Opposition to his policies is a right of every Citizen of this Great Country and should not be ridiculed or disparaged. It is not, except for some very minor sections, racially motivated. It is time to STOP utilizing the “race” excuse for those supporting the President and his policies against those that oppose them!
I am neither Conservative, nor Liberal, nor Republican nor a Democrat. I believe in obtaining as much information, from both side of the discussion, and then making up my mind. However, I am as far “right wing” and a “hawk” in regards to the Armed Forces of the United States. I am fiscally conservative and “liberal” regarding certain social questions. So, for the most part I am a Moderate/Middle of the political spectrum individual.