Does the U.S. want Trump’s Muslim solution or the vigilantism the E. U. is moving to?

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Does the U.S. want Trump’s Muslim solution or the vigilantism the E. U. is moving to?

Will the U.S. and Western coalitions need some new Liberty Valance killers as our police forces get handcuffed by our political leaders and political correctness to a religion that is nothing short of barbaric?

Regardless of the Western country, if the left does not protect the population, the right will have to.


Europe has unleashed hell on Earth to the world throughout history--especially the recent 20th century.
Don't do anything they do.

Muslims can stay in muslim lands.
And we should never have any relations with them whatsoever.
Let them sink into the ash-heap of history.
When oil is gone or obsolete--mohammedanism will fade from the scene.
It was only foreign exploration of oil for them that gave their vile regimes any legitimacy.
Europe has unleashed hell on Earth to the world throughout history--especially the recent 20th century.
Don't do anything they do.

Muslims can stay in muslim lands.
And we should never have any relations with them whatsoever.
Let them sink into the ash-heap of history.
When oil is gone or obsolete--mohammedanism will fade from the scene.
It was only foreign exploration of oil for them that gave their vile regimes any legitimacy.

You forget your responsibility to humanity.

You are a free man.

What is your first responsibility to all others, if not to insure that all share in the freedom you have?

IOW. I too would like to just pretend the Islam does not exist, but duty to society forces us all to fight Islam.

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is as you suggest.

You forget your responsibility to humanity.

You are a free man.

What is your first responsibility to all others, if not to insure that all share in the freedom you have?

IOW. I too would like to just pretend the Islam does not exist, but duty to society forces us all to fight Islam.

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is as you suggest.


They live far away from us--we should send their ambassadors back to them--accept only those who renounce their former country and their cult--that is NOT a religion.

We have a big wide ocean to protect us. Do not let them or their aircraft come into our country--and airspace. Declare them persona non grata and they should remain so as long as they preach killing everyone who is not islamic. It is their decision. Sever all ties--every single one--and have nothing to do with them whatsoever. Compliance to their wishes is complicity in atrocities by proxy. If they choose to develop long range missiles and nuclear weapons--destroy that ability before it manifests itself.

If they strike us from long range--promise them 10 megatons on their largest ten cities as an automatic response. Patrol closely islamic countries with nuclear submarines--like we already do. It is their decision. No more hiding their state actions under the disguise of "terrorists" or others they "claim not to control". They must wipe out from within--that which puts their existence in peril. It is their decision.

Anything else is surrender and capitulation.

It's just the way the world is--and has been for a very long time.

Europe is lost--the sooner that is accepted--the sooner reality sets in.
Europe surrendered and chose to lay prostate before the moors.
They are completely dedicated to destroying anyone who is not them.

By the way--it's a staggering speculation to try to decide what any other man's "first responsibility" is.
My first responsibility is to my country--and it's people.
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They live far away from us--we should send their ambassadors back to them--accept only those who renounce their former country and their cult--that is NOT a religion.

We have a big wide ocean to protect us. Do not let them or their aircraft come into our country--and airspace. Declare them persona non grata and they should remain so as long as they preach killing everyone who is not islamic. It is their decision. Sever all ties--every single one--and have nothing to do with them whatsoever. Compliance to their wishes is complicity in atrocities by proxy. If they choose to develop long range missiles and nuclear weapons--destroy that ability before it manifests itself.

If they strike us from long range--promise them 10 megatons on their largest ten cities as an automatic response. Patrol closely islamic countries with nuclear submarines--like we already do. It is their decision. No more hiding their state actions under the disguise of "terrorists" or others they "claim not to control". They must wipe out from within--that which puts their existence in peril. It is their decision.

Anything else is surrender and capitulation.

It's just the way the world is--and has been for a very long time.

Europe is lost--the sooner that is accepted--the sooner reality sets in.
Europe surrendered and chose to lay prostate before the moors.
They are completely dedicated to destroying anyone who is not them.

By the way--it's a staggering speculation to try to decide what any other man's "first responsibility" is.
My first responsibility is to my country--and it's people.

And that responsibility begins with you sharing the freedom you enjoy is it not?

You did not like my suggestion of how to express your responsibility yet you offer nothing to put against it except a vague meaningless use of the word responsibility.

I believe that as terrorists continue to kill people all over the world, "doing it in the name of Islam" Islamophobia and what will follow will force Muslims to leave the West seeking safer havens in Muslim majority countries where they won't be assaulted or discriminated against because of their religion. Trump's solution barring Muslims from getting into the U.S, ID'ing Muslims and tracking all their movements wouldn't achieve much because Muslims could opt to blend in and treated like that they'll want vengeance. Imagine thousands of lone wolf terror attacks. No one wants that.
I believe that as terrorists continue to kill people all over the world, "doing it in the name of Islam" Islamophobia and what will follow will force Muslims to leave the West seeking safer havens in Muslim majority countries where they won't be assaulted or discriminated against because of their religion. Trump's solution barring Muslims from getting into the U.S, ID'ing Muslims and tracking all their movements wouldn't achieve much because Muslims could opt to blend in and treated like that they'll want vengeance. Imagine thousands of lone wolf terror attacks. No one wants that.

Correct. Tracking is a losers game. Islam and Sharia is what must change and only a tightening of borders will give Islam the message that they must change if they want the rest of the world to accept them at all.

Neither Islam or Christianity deserve any respect as they are both immoral creeds by todays more civilized secular standards.

And that responsibility begins with you sharing the freedom you enjoy is it not?

You did not like my suggestion of how to express your responsibility yet you offer nothing to put against it except a vague meaningless use of the word responsibility.


Throughout the whole of history--freedom from tyranny is only gained by people who fight it from within and free themselves from it.

Aid can be given--but recent history is replete with how often that backfires. We assisted Europe to free itself from tyranny and got back in return revulsion and disdain from the Royal families that still rule that topsy-turvy Tower of Babel that will never be united and will always fight it's petty battles and drag down the rest of the world with it. It is on the verge of doing it again. All we need is the ability to always and eternally have the capacity and if need be--the will--to obliterate any aggressors to our way of life. And accept ONLY those who wish to join us--be with us--and embrace our values. Others--keep on going.

Let all countries improve and defend themselves.

Modern islam is a creation of the petroleum industry of the 20th century. When that scenario changes--as it is right now--that cult of personality will fade from the scene. It is mired in primordial times and is the quintessence of ignorance. Let's see how Dubai and the fiefdoms do when the cash-flow spigot is turned off. All those giant towers--adrift in a sea of sand without any ability to maintain or to keep it going. A testimonial to lunacy.
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Throughout the whole of history--freedom from tyranny is only gained by people who fight it from within and free themselves from it.

Aid can be given--but recent history is replete with how often that backfires. We assisted Europe to free itself from tyranny and got back in return revulsion and disdain from the Royal families that still rule that topsy-turvy Tower of Babel that will never be united and will always fight it's petty battles and drag down the rest of the world with it. It is on the verge of doing it again. All we need is the ability to always and eternally have the capacity and if need be--the will--to obliterate any aggressors to our way of life. And accept ONLY those who wish to join us--be with us--and embrace our values. Others--keep on going.

Let all countries improve and defend themselves.

Modern islam is a creation of the petroleum industry of the 20th century. When that scenario changes--as it is right now--that cult of personality will fade from the scene. It is mired in primordial times and is the quintessence of ignorance. Let's see how Dubai and the fiefdoms do when the cash-flow spigot is turned off. All those giant towers--adrift in a sea of sand without any ability to maintain or to keep it going. A testimonial to lunacy.

No argument on Islam but the French Revolution and the US's own civil war shows that change can be implemented from without as well as within.

After WWII the US recognized that it was to try to insure that all nations and people shared in the freedoms it had gained for itself and the world.

Seems the US has forgotten it's duty to the world.

No argument on Islam but the French Revolution and the US's own civil war shows that change can be implemented from without as well as within.

After WWII the US recognized that it was to try to insure that all nations and people shared in the freedoms it had gained for itself and the world.

Seems the US has forgotten it's duty to the world.


The United States has NO DUTY to the world or any other nation. Period--drop dead.
If other countries want to know how we do things--come by invitation and ask us and we will show you.
If you don't like it--finish your drink at the airport and fly back home.

People who do not wish or deserve to be free should be left to the fate they have chosen.
That has been proven time and time and time and time again.

Just maintain defenses that will literally terrify any possible enemies and aggressors--and if they choose to strike at you--wipe them out. Not surgical hits--total and complete annihilation. THAT--is unfortunately all the world understands. Ask the Samurai and Bushido of Showa Japan.
The term social conscience is always one that causes issues, as while I'm sure that in an ideal world, we do all want the best for the world and everyone around us, but as we know, the world is far from ideal.

In these times, having a social conscience is just an afterthought, and my main concern is protecting me, along with my friends and family, and if that means protecting our freedom by driving back Muslims back into Muslim countries and leaving them there, then so be it.
The term social conscience is always one that causes issues, as while I'm sure that in an ideal world, we do all want the best for the world and everyone around us, but as we know, the world is far from ideal.

In these times, having a social conscience is just an afterthought, and my main concern is protecting me, along with my friends and family, and if that means protecting our freedom by driving back Muslims back into Muslim countries and leaving them there, then so be it.

+ 1 As family children and grandchildren are all a part of society.
